ARE YOU READY? My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Are you ‘Ready’? If so, how do you know you are ready? Has someone told you, you are ready? Are you waiting for someone to tell you, you are ready? Do you doubt yourself? Will you be ready when you get a degree, or certificate, or when you are ordained? When you are older—more mature? When will you be ready? Is there a person or group of people who can prove or give assurance that you are ready? Is there a certain criteria that must be met—a course of study, an internship? When does one become—READY?! Alright, enough with the suspense and questions, you say? --Ready for what? --Ready to follow Jesus. Are you ready to follow Jesus? How much time should be spent getting ready? Do we know where we’re going? Will it be a long journey? What should we take? Certainly, this is not a ...