
Showing posts from January, 2015


NIGHT CONVERSATIONS I awake in the night, finding it hard to return to slumber. It is time to talk with my Father again, who teaches me and comforts me, heals and delivers me. Then I will not fall upon sleep; for sleep will rest upon me, until daylight tears us asunder. Like a doctor with a stethoscope, listening to my pounding heart, God uncovers my unsettled being. He speaks Truth and Peace. His words pierce the heaviness I feel within; for His love is ever seeing. He knows the weight that presses upon me and furls my weary brow. His loving hand upon my chest,  vanquishes sorrows, doubts and fears, as He whispers, "Trust Me now." My child, He says, fret not over those who seek to do you wrong; for within your fear they will find their fear; they will trip upon their weakness and fall until they see, that I am your God and you are my child. It is I Am who makes all strong. It is I who sends you to prepare the way of the Lord and shine My Light on the narrow


DIFFERENT BOLDNESS FOR CHRIST  Boldness for Christ.  Would you know it if you saw it? Consider it. How often do we see it? Would you mistake it for something else? Christ spoke boldly to those who did not know Him. They doubted His integrity and His motives. They quickly judged Him and felt He was being arrogant and blasphemous, trying to make a name for Himself.  Their pride would not allow them to accept Him because He was not one of them. He was a carpenter. They were astounded that He could even read. They did not know how much He loved them and would soon give His life for them. They could not get past their own judgment and pride to hear His voice.  They only saw flesh and an outsider they knew nothing of. Yet, before them was the Word and the Word was God. How often do we as Believers treat newcomers as interlopers.  We want them to be low-key because we were there first. Maybe we don't trust them or we find them intimidating, uno
Happy New Year my brothers and sisters! Let us be worthy of our Father's blessings and be Fruitful! Let us rise up to new heights and glorify our Lord! Let us stay on the straight and narrow path, not forgetting who we are in Christ. Let us shine the Light to lead others into the Kingdom! God bless you all! We are One!