I awake in the night, finding it hard to return to slumber.
It is time to talk with my Father again, who teaches me and comforts me, heals and delivers me. Then I will not fall upon sleep; for sleep will rest upon me, until daylight tears us asunder.

Like a doctor with a stethoscope, listening to my pounding heart, God uncovers my unsettled being.
He speaks Truth and Peace. His words pierce the heaviness I feel within; for His love is ever seeing.

He knows the weight that presses upon me and furls my weary brow.
His loving hand upon my chest,  vanquishes sorrows, doubts and fears, as He whispers, "Trust Me now."

My child, He says, fret not over those who seek to do you wrong;
for within your fear they will find their fear; they will trip upon their weakness and fall until they see, that I am your God and you are my child. It is I Am who makes all strong.

It is I who sends you to prepare the way of the Lord and shine My Light on the narrow path.
Lifting up the Truth, the Way and the Life with love for all to see. There is a way to live in peace, turning from anger and wrath.

They seek to kindle your pride, having not doused the fire fueling their own.
Be still, my child, and I will use you as a vessel to bring glory to the Kingdom and equip the Body which knows not its weaknesses, neither can it heal itself from the ill fruit it has sown.

With a sigh of surrender, I nestle my head within His strong and loving arm.
Peace comes to wash my armor stained in battle,  having protected me from harm.

I know that Kingdom victories will arise from the troubles of the day and the pride that would have arisen to enslave me is victoriously held at bay.

My heart filled with compassion for my fellow man, I pray for God to forgive us and to help us to understand that love conquers all. Teach us your love, Father,  I pray.
Then,  with God's love encamped around me, I rest and abide in Him,  another blessed day.

Tomorrow, again, freely I die-to-self, desiring His perfect will.
Though I stumble and fall, in spite of it all, I remain His, still.



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