(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



Pride can be a chameleon. Pride can morph, or, transform itself into whatever shape or form it deems necessary. It must disguise itself, in order to lead us blindly into an abyss and keep us from growing, maturing, and worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

Pride can be a hurricane with waters so deep that they flood our soul to drown us in darkness. Pride can be a tornado that flattens and levels our lives spiritually, mentally, and physically. Pride can be a tsunami with waves so high that we could never see over it, nor, have forewarning of when it will hit. The waves of pride can wash over us, taking with it everything that we have, leaving us to the devices of the enemy and imminent death. Pride can be an earthquake that shakes and shatters our lives, tearing down whatever good that has been built and burying fertile ground within the hollows of the earth. Yet, we fight to hold on to this destructive entity that invades our mind and holds us captive. It fills us with a since of euphoria, making us believe that we are in control.

Father, I thank you for allowing me to see the unseen and to touch the intangible, to hear the unheard, and still be alive to breathe the Breath of Life through which you sustain me. You have allowed me to see the pride in men and women that so dangerously creeps into our lives, menacing us as we try to make our way throughout life. Pride that keeps us from knowing and living out our purpose, because, we are steeped in self-love and self-gratification.

I could say that it is age, experience, or, familiarity that has opened my eyes, but, I know that there are those who are much older than I who still cannot see. No. It is by your Grace and Mercy that my eyes have been opened to unburden my heart of the things that you have neither placed there, nor, intend for them to remain, reign, or, enslave me.

Have you done this just for me? No. It is for the sake of the Kingdom that men come to know their weaknesses and the iniquity that lurks within their heart keeping them from holiness and righteousness. Men and women who like Adam and Eve believed that they must have something of their own making. They believed they must have something of their own knowledge and power. Men and women who have bought into the lies of the enemy and his entrapment to steal, kill, and destroy.

I have often wondered why people fail to love and relationships fall apart. What is it that they cannot see? What is it that they do not want to see? We often discover that we are in a one-sided relationship and the other person sees the relationship as being all about them. -But, why? Why does a person come to have the need for everything to be about them? -And then, they find themselves in a quandary, unable to understand the other person, when there is no real desire to do so. They cannot see beyond the walls of the box they have been caged within. -But, why? Was there some trauma they endured as a child? Were they themselves unloved, or, did they lack a role model to teach them love? Can you teach a person love? What is missing within them for them not to be able to see that their interpretation of love is self-serving?

Father, it seems that love is a mystery to so many people. They see love as what they, themselves, are able to do and accomplish. Their gestures and acts of kindness are hollow and in vain, for, they are done for self, even when they intentionally try to help others. Within their heart there is still something missing, a deficiency, and the absence of a presence that purifies and cleanses our actions and thoughts. 

Father, you never fail and you have never failed me. I have no need to worry about the present or the future. I have no need to doubt that you want only good things for me and your children. I have no need to question who gives me wisdom, matures me, keeps me, and molds me into an image liken unto Christ, the Perfect Man.

As I have agonized with unwanted pride within myself, it is with sorrow and pity that I see my brothers and sisters unknowingly enslaved to pride. Many of us know the pain and heartache of only being an added accessory to wear in someone's life. To be like a garment that someone puts on and takes off at their convenience is to know and understand so many feelings suffered by those who are lonely, abused, neglected, disenfranchised, used, exploited, and thrown away. Yet, today, today, I no longer have had to wrestle with those feelings, because, I have come to understand the heart of the enslaved. I have come to understood the beginnings, the end, and the need thereof.

We could say that there are many things that drive man's pride, but, they are mere symptoms of a greater void within. Removing oppression, stressors, and negative circumstances can neither alleviate the symptoms, nor, arrest or heal the disease. The void within the heart of the proud will just be replaced with another treasure or distraction to be a stumbling block, or, a wall to keep them from having a true relationship with God, holiness and righteousness.

It's not as complicated as it sounds. It's really quite simple. That's why the adversary is capable of using pride as a tool to manipulate man. The structure of man's society makes it a perfect environment to nurture and foster the embryos of self and self-righteousness that come to attach themselves to an egocentric world at enmity with God. We have created a society where men and women must make a way for themselves and find their identity within the world. In other words, they fail to walk by Faith and not by sight. Ying must find yang, so, if your ying or faith is placed within the world, there, you will look for your yang.

So, can a man love a woman, as Christ loves the church, if his faith is placed within the world and himself? Can we love our brothers and sisters as we love ourselves if our faith is placed within ourselves and the world?

Today, failing to immediately identify pride within myself, I almost mistakenly felt that I had been replaced once again within the heart of another, but, this time not by another woman, or, career, but, by a child. Pride made me forget that in order to be replaced, one has to first be present

Then, I thought it was a good thing that the person was helping the child and perhaps it would help them to mature and grow closer to God. I don't believe that I am completely wrong about that, but, I did not pinpoint the work of the enemy, until I realized why that person still wanted me in their life and felt that I belonged to them. They were still lacking one thing and trying to make up for it through deeds of their own, by the only means of love that they knew. They were still afraid of affection and intimacy. They still were afraid to communicate on a level that involved truth and seeing into oneself and caring enough to see into the other people. Pride keeps them from seeing that they are still leaving God out of their good intentions. Pride keeps them from becoming humble and vulnerable. Thus, they are trapped and stagnant, unable to truly grow and have a healthy relationship with others.

So, what next? I must be truthful that I was relieved to find that this person had a full plate now, so to speak, and would not have as much time to pursue a relationship with me. Awful, right? Definitely not the Mind of Christ. I was playing into the enemy's hand, also, until, God's Holy Spirit reminded me of  who I am in Christ. Why play games with the enemy? Why let him have his way? We must know our own truth before we can see into another's.

When we know the beginnings and the ultimate end, God doesn't want us to just slink away, grab a box of popcorn and watch the show. We are our brother's keeper. Perhaps, God is testing us and we too need to grow and mature. 

So, what can we do? We can dispel the lies of the enemy within our own lives and the lives of others. We can help others to prepare before the storm comes and perhaps, even curtail or disperse the awaiting storm. When, where, and how? 

Where there is a will there is a way. God is and can make a way out of no way. The question is, can God count on you to be His vessel when He chooses the when, where and how and begins to make a way? Can God count on you to be humble and die daily to speak truth to life within the lives of others? 

Results? You want results? Reward? You want reward? You want to keep what you believe is your peace of mind? Then, your work can already be counted as in vain. Only what you do for Christ will last. Wanting to see results places you into the same sinking boat as the person you are trying to save.

Holiness and Righteousness is the result of obeying God. We must remember that only God can finish the work that He began. God uses us to throw out a lifeline to those sinking and in despair. Lest the work of God be manifested through us, we can do nothing. Lest our heart be filled with love for our brothers and sisters, wanting them to be blessed, even more than we have been; lest we do everything in love, the unconditional love of God and Christ, our living is in vain.

God sees us as an extension of Himself, because, we are an extension of Him. He is our Father and Creator. Thus, He relates to us and provides for us accordingly. If you cannot see a person as an extension of yourself and treat them as so, then, they are an accessory in your life, someone you can live without, and someone whose well-being is not of great importance to you. This is how I looked into the eyes of the person whom I was with and saw myself. I continued to be an accessory, a trophy, and a discardable item to be thrown away at their discretion.

When we know that our brother, sister, friend, husband, wife, boss, acquaintance, does not love us as we love them, and does not see us as an extension of themselves, what is God asking of us? Is God asking us to suffer in vain? Is God asking us to live the life of a martyr? Is God asking us to be a fool? No. God is asking and expecting us to be His Child, showing His Character. God is asking us to have unconditional love.

God wants to recognize who you belong to and serve. He wants to welcome you with open arms because you look like Jesus. To be called God's children, we must see others as an extension of ourselves, loving them as we love ourselves. There can be no question as to how we must treat our brother and even our enemies. If we are to be a functional and fruitful member of the Body of Christ, then, we must see the other members as an extension of ourselves.

There are no ifs, ands, or, buts. Either someone wants a godly relationship with you or they don't. A godly relationship entails sacrifice and selflessness. A person will offer you excuses to see if you will compromise and how much you are willing to compromise. This is how the enemy operates. Know that you cannot serve two masters. 

So, my friends, brothers and sisters, it is we, who have been given sight, who must make a decision when presented with the evidence of pride before us. Will we compromise because of the way we feel? Will we yield to temptation? Will we allow pain to weaken us when we become subjected to manipulation, exploitation, insensitivity, and humiliation? Will we allow past feelings of hurt and pain to rule over what is often called our better judgment? This in itself should alert us that we are not following the Mind of Christ.

We must speak truth into the lives of others, even when they don't understand or respond positively. We must speak truth and not think that we must follow-up after it. Truth can defend itself! We must allow it to do its work and leave it alone! I must reiterate that only God can complete the work that He has begun. Speak Truth and let it go!


As Derek concluded his speech, he began to nervously look to the side of the stage. The ominous black figure was still there lurking behind the curtains. Christopher Holland stood in front of him, stiff and frozen, as if being held up by strings. The chairman of the campaign committee came and took over the microphone, leading the crowd in chants and cheering. Derek whispered to him that he had to leave immediately for urgent business matters. Waving to the crowd, as he left the stage, his legs were shaking and there was a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. Once again, he felt his chest, feeling the butt of the gun, hiding there to protect him, should the need arise. Derek was certain that that time had come.


Hal had resolved within himself that this may be his last day alive. Still, he was willing to die for those whom he loved. Taking out his phone, he dialed Rachel's number. He told himself that the least he could do was to say goodbye and tell her how sorry he was for ruining her life. Rachel answered the phone gleefully, wanting to share news about their son.

"Hal! Hi! David is nursing much better and he's even cooing. Can you believe that? Where are you? I thought you would come back after seeing Zenobia. How is she doing?" There was a long pause, causing Rachel to become anxious and concerned. "Hal? Are you there? What's the matter? Is Zenobia alright?...Hal, is everything okay?"

"I...I'm okay, Rachel. I don't know how Zenobia is. They...she...something went wrong. I just called to...say...to check on you and David. I have to go now. I'm sorry, Rachel. I...I'm sorry for everything, Rachel. I love you and David, very much. Take good care of him."

Hal hung up before Rachel could say anything else. He buried his head in his arms and tried to focus on what to do next. Then, he heard the crowd cheering and another man's voice bellowing out over the speakers. The rally was nearing the end. Derek had finished speaking. It was time to get ready. If he was going to do this, it had to be now. Standing up, he pulled out his gun and chambered a bullet. Returning it to his coat pocket, he headed out of the storage closet, into the halls of the arena. As he neared the arena stage, he stopped to pick up a campaign sign.


Nigel had been trying to reach Wendell for the last hour to tell him the good news. He had been found to be a good match for Zenobia and the doctor was very optimistic about the hospital allowing the surgery to take place. However, Wendell wasn't picking up his calls. They were going straight to voicemail.

Wendell was still thinking about his objective. It didn't matter why he was going to do it. He had been trained to concentrate on completing the mission. Engage the target, eliminate it, and then, exit. Three steps that's all he needed to do. He couldn't let anything else cloud his thoughts or interfere with his timing, therefore, his cellphone was turned off. He too, had heard the end of Derek Graves' speech and prepared his gun for its deadly purpose. He knew that he could handle the secret service and security around Derek, but, he wasn't sure if he wanted to do so. Could he forgive himself for what he was about to do? He quickly put those thoughts out of his mind and exited the coat room into the halls of the arena filled with the sound of the roaring crowd.


As Derek exited the stage, secret service agents quickly moved in to flank him on both sides. Derek headed for Christopher Holland and Borgya. Borgya gave Holland a slight jab with his gun and told him to start walking toward the exit door. As Derek saw them move, he headed in their direction. 

On the other side of the room, Wendell was moving in closer, blending into the reporters and cameras trying to get closer to Derek. Hal moved in from the opposite side, carrying a campaign sign he had found lying around. Eyes focused keenly upon Derek Graves, neither man saw the other.

As Borgya was about to turn around and fire his gun into Derek Graves, a shot rang out, ringing throughout the room. A hand to hand scuffle began to take place with the secret service agents. Security and crowds of people were running towards the area and away from the area. Chaos continued to reign as Borgya, Wendell, and Hal, stunned, tried to figure out what was happening.

One of the agents broke away from the fight and lurched toward Borgya, landing at his feet, shouting in Russian.

"твой дядя священник нуждается в том, чтобы ты пошел!"



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