I am hoping that your journey through these chapters has led you to find The Face of Love within you. We live in a world where most of the people around us are unaware that they have accepted the lies and deceit of the world disguised as prosperity, status, and love. As Believers, we should share a common thought process led by the Mind of Christ. We should recognize false light through God's gift of discernment from His Holy Spirit. Moreover, we should have empathy and compassion for those who live under a deceptive veil, unable to see Truth.


We should bear the Fruit of the Spirit and have patience for others, as we abide in Christ, who keeps us from sin. Praying for God to keep us humble in mind, body, and spirit, we should understand the pride and ignorance of others. Our humility should teach us that we can do nothing and we are nothing without God. Therefore, the perceived problem of keeping one's peace is a worldly problem derived from vanity and the love of self; for Jesus is our Peace and He will keep us in peace if we keep our eyes upon Him and abide in Him. 

When we feel that our peace is being threatened, we have forsaken a relationship with God and unconditional love to focus upon ourselves. Our mental state is in disarray because we choose not to follow the Mind of Christ, choosing instead to carry our heavy burden for ourselves. 

When we forsake the needs of our Brothers and Sisters, we have chosen to put down the Cross of Jesus and instead deny Him and seek self-preservation, embracing fear, the flesh, and the world.

Being a Believer is standing in Peace to shake up the world! If you find you can't talk to people because you're afraid of losing your peace, then, you don't have peace to begin with. You don't really know what peace and love are. Perhaps, now, you have a glimpse of what true peace is and how to pursue Him and the power of love instead of the insecurity of the flesh.

Communication within the world today has become muddled, disconnected, and corrupted because it is driven by pride and vanity. Conflicting ideology and disagreements can be traced back to man's own interpretation of love filled with self-gratification. No one wants to bear the Cross of Jesus. Few understand what it actually entails to live in a world that is not your home and be counted as a citizen of the Kingdom of God.

Luke 6:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

If people disagree with us, we are prone to blame them, shame them, and name them, lacking the understanding that having patience and understanding of others is what helps to bring us peace. It is during the times of discourse, disagreement, and confusion that we need the Mind of Christ to stay focused upon Heavenly things. It is then that we need to exhibit the Character of God to loose God's Power on Earth as it is in Heaven. It is then that we are faced with the line drawn in the sand and time has no meaning. Then, we must be careful of what we say and do for it will be captured and held for all eternity, if it is done in love for Christ.


Those who desire to please God must be willing to humble themselves as Christ did and bear the cross for the sake of man. Let us not mistake the kindness of humility, love, and sacrifice for weakness, believing our strength lies in our ability to ignore or walk away from conflict and confrontation, lest we miss our opportunity to speak Truth into others. The enemy is quick to try and convince us that we have failed or made mistakes. Trusting and believing God, we must come to see our trials and tribulations as teachable moments to allow God to correct us. 

Instead of labeling and condemning those who disagree with us, we must look beyond their faults to see their needs, then, allow God to use us to bring Light and Glory to the situation. In doing so, we must remember that there doesn't have to be a winner as man judges winning and victory. If you have stood for God's Truth, Grace, and Mercy, then, you have glorified God and brought victory to His Kingdom.

We must be willing to carry the cross and follow in the footsteps of those Peacemakers who have come before us, striving to reach the mountaintop like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., to see the Glory of the Lord. If we reach that pinnacle, we will discover that Peace looks like the Glory of the Lord, for it too is The Face of Love.

By being a Peacemaker for God, we retain our salt and shine our Light, given to us by Christ Jesus. We prove that we know God if and when we are obeying His commandments. It is then that we walk circumspect to manifest the wisdom and knowledge of His Holy Spirit, bearing His Armor. It is then that we become Peacemakers within the Kingdom of God, free from self-righteousness, but, instead, covered in the holiness and righteousness of God.

As Peacemakers, our Faith must be great to conquer the world. Our Faith must not be misplaced within the laws of man, expecting man's laws to change people and the world around us. Walking and living in peace is a result of our Faith in action. Those who claim peace as their own and try to protect what they see as their peace are of little faith and are not abiding in God's Peace. They have placed their faith in self and man instead of God. Therefore, their peace is fragile and fleeting, as well as self-serving, for it defies God's desire for us to bring Peace to others.

We have been born for these times, yet, we do not have to accept the time that we live in. God does not expect us to settle or compromise. We were not brought into this world to become a part of the world, but, instead to make those within the world a part of God's Kingdom. As more and more people become blinded and unable to distinguish Light from Darkness, Truth from Lies, we need to be a beacon and voice crying out loud in the wilderness of untruth. Even to those who have become enamored with the darkness around them, we must be a constant reminder of what should be according to God's Word. Instead of blending in to the darkness, we must present a stark contrast that makes others pay attention and begin to question the legitimacy of that which has been fed to them as truth, life, liberty, prosperity, love, leadership, and religion.

False prophets and false leaders will continue to rise up from the ranks of those enslaved to darkness. Many will continue to claim that they alone can save a nation and the world. Many will use religion as a shield, weapon, and tool to aid them in rising to power and maintaining their hold over the people. They will come offering a savior tailored to their individual or specific needs, instead of a savior for all of mankind. These agents of darkness will lead people to betray one another and to betray God.

We are called to be watchmen and soldiers of the cross. As watchmen and soldiers, we not only sound the alarm, we point the way to the intruder, or, that which jeopardizes holiness and righteousness. We remind the people of God's faithfulness. We remind the people of who God is and who Christ is. We remind the people of battles won, what God has already done for us, and what God will continue to do. We expose the lies from the enemy and dispel them with Truth.

Terrorism comes in many forms to different people. Terrorists also take different forms to different people. These terrorists are unable to see The Face of Love because they do not truly love or believe God. Loving and believing God allows us to seek His face and have a relationship with Him. God counts our belief and obedience as righteousness, then, extends His hand for us to be His friend. 

It is easy to become dismayed by all of the lies that surround us and those believing the lies and conspiracies. We may want to throw up our hands and disconnect from society and our duty as citizens and Children of God. We may want to give up on those who have been brainwashed and blinded by the adversary. We may even be tempted to name, blame, and shame them. However, God is looking for TRUE WORSHIPPERS. You must show that you believe and trust in God, but, even more, that you LOVE Him. Our Father said that:

1 John 4:20 King James Version (KJV)

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
In our dismay of the corruption and hatred within the world, we can forget that God never fails. If we turn our back and close our eyes to what is happening around us, we are believing that God can and will do nothing. We are believing that God has failed and has no power or authority. It is as if we are handing over everything, even our own life, to the enemy to have his way and do as he pleases. 

Many have done just that in allowing corrupt leaders to have their way, turning a blind eye to their lies and corruption. Many think that anyone in authority is called by God and leads by Divine Right. Therefore, they mustn't interfere and must believe everything that the leader says and does. This is the blind leading the blind, for God did not call us or command us to follow after unholiness and unrighteousness. 

Allowing the corrupt and agents of darkness to lead us is not the definition of the separation of church and state. It is not that which is implied in rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's. God does not intend for us to allow the wolf to steal the sheep and slaughter them. We are our brothers' keeper at all times and in all places. God and the Kingdom are to come first in our lives so that we are not swept away by the false doctrine and ideology of men of the world. Hence, we must take an active part within the workings of society and in all walks of life to be our brothers' keeper, remembering that we are to be holy as we belong to God.

God never told us to shape the world in our image or any other image. We change the world around us by changing the hearts of people. Wisdom, God's wisdom keeps us from believing that we can make laws to change the world and change people. Man's laws create a vicious cycle of repeated history, because, laws can only bring temporary changes and temporarily deter man's behaviors. A man's heart must be changed to love, obey, and fear God, in order to bring lasting change into his life. However, God tells us that not everyone will find their way to Him, because, many will not accept His Son who is the The Gateway and The Way, The Truth, and The Life. 

Those who love the world more than God and His Kingdom will fight to make this world into the image they want it to become. Many do not believe in Heaven or God. We must choose to believe God and not man, understanding that God has brought us into the world to mature us and refine us, giving us the Perfect Man, Christ Jesus, to help us to become like Him. 

God does not fail and God does not lie. We must accept our role as Ambassadors for Christ and Children of God. We must accept our role as members of the Body of Christ and as our brothers' keeper. Believing and living the Word of God are paramount in following Christ and doing what He commissioned us to do. We must be the Light in the darkness, knowing that Light changes everything around it. It is through Christ's Commission that we feed the hungry and those that thirst, restore sight to the blind, and heal the wounded hearts of man. Empowered and equipped, wearing the Armor of God, and doing everything in love, we continue the work of Christ.

Can God call you friend? Are you connected to God? Are you living under the illusion of life in the world? Are you walking by faith and not by sight?

Matthew 5:20 

20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

God says that we are His friends if we keep His Commandments. Those who love the world more than God are not trying to be God's friend. They are trying to use God. It is of no concern to them if God considers them to be His friend, because, they feel entitled. They feel entitled to His gifts and blessings because they are lovers of themselves. This is where we find most of the religious world today, setting aside the Commandments of God to pursue things of the world and using the name of God to justify their desires, laws, and demands. 

How and why can they do this? -Because, those claiming to worship God put their trust in man first. By idolizing themselves and man, people revel in self-righteousness. Laws made to increase and support discrimination, hatred, and all manner of sin are being created from the premise of self-righteousness borne of pride, vanity, and self-love. Yet, there is an overwhelming silence coming from the religious community, in order to preserve the manmade structures of religion which help to move and uphold the world, although, it is at enmity with God. This brings us back to question those who truly love God, for those who love the world have no desire to obey all of His Commandments, lacking trust in God.

When considering putting our complete trust in man, we must set apart a man's behavior from his ability to be used by God. Many believe that they can't and shouldn't trust anyone. However, their statement of distrust becomes a contradiction when considering how God uses us to bring blessings to one another. We indirectly put our trust in God and His ability to use His Creation to keep His Promises. God never lies and God never fails. It is this we must consider, when having Faith to trust man's behaviors. We can do nothing without the help of God. We must never forget that God, not man, is in control. 




My Brothers and Sisters, there are different ways of catching fish. Some fishermen throw out a net to dredge the sea. Other fisherman cast a rod baited with food. If one becomes skillful with a spear, a spear can be used to quickly pierce the fish. Then, there are those who are even skillful enough to use their hands to scoop the fish out of the water.

Jesus promised to make us a fisher of men. However, he instructed His Disciples to drop their fishing nets and follow Him. No specific tools would be required to fish for men, just the willingness to follow Him, leave the world behind, and become part of His Kingdom. Surely, His Disciples did not know what Jesus had in store for them, but, they trusted Him and followed. Jesus showed them that by lifting up The Truth, The Way, and The Life, they could draw all men unto Him. 

We live in a different type of world today, where the majority of people continue to go to work without feeling that they must quit their job to follow Jesus and worship God. Although, He lives today and reigns on High, He told us that the harvest is plenty, but, the laborers are few. He is still calling to us to drop our nets and follow Him. What does this mean for us today? For many, the lack of Jesus's physical presence has changed the meaning of Discipleship and saying that you follow Jesus is sometimes no more than a cliché. When did this happen and why did this happen? 

Today, many Believers gather together from time to time for worship and fellowship. -But, are they drawn by Jesus and to Jesus? Are they seeking The Face of Love? Is The Face of Love being used to draw men together unto Jesus, or, are people being drawn by a face other than that of The Face of Love? Can we identify Jesus's Love amongst Believers? Can Jesus's Love be felt from Believer to Believer?

Jesus gave us clear instructions for how He wanted His Disciples to continue with His ministry. 
  • Love one another as I have loved you
  • They will know you by your love for one another
  • Go out and make Disciples
  • Spread The Good News that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
  • Heal the sick, drive out demons, pray unceasingly
  • Stand until the end


The key to what happened to Discipleship can be found in the question Jesus asked upon His return, "Do you love me more than these?" One must know what more is as well as who are these. Jesus followed Peter's affirmation of his love for Him, with, "Then, feed my sheep." Was this only directed at Peter, or, was Jesus saying that those who love Him will feed His sheep? If the harvest is plenty, but, the laborers are few, surely Jesus knew that Peter could not accomplish this task alone. Peter was to set an example because of his love for Jesus. Jesus looked for Peter to have love that was greater than that love found in the world, and greater than brotherly love, for it was to be God's Unconditional Love.

John 21:15-16  King James Version

15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.

Acts 1:1-8 King James Version

1 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,

2 Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:

3 To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

4 And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

5 For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.

6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?

7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Until His final departure into Heaven, Jesus's Disciples were blessed to walk and talk with The Face of Love day-to-day. They experienced God's Unconditional Love, through Jesus, and little did they know that they were also seeing God, The Father, until Jesus told Phillip. Does this mean that we can never see The Face of Love? Can we see Jesus and if so how and why? Is it necessary to see Jesus's Face to follow Him? Is it really a quest? How long and how far must we search? Do we give up if we cannot find it? 

The Face of Love is the Image of God. As Believers, it is important that we know and see The Face of Love in order to be like Jesus and live like Jesus, pleasing our Father, everyday. Searching for The Face of Love involves an examination of our eyesight, but, not our physical eyesight, our spiritual eyesight and what is felt in our hearts. Can we see the Face of Love if our hearts are not cleansed or if our faith and trust are not in God? What do we focus upon...the world or Heaven? How does God show us The Face of Love?

Most assuredly, after Jesus's crucifixion, there were many times when His Disciples felt grief or fear and said, "If only Jesus were here." Jesus was their peace and calm assurance. His presence brought them together and gave them direction. 

We are told to have the Mind of Christ and not to take our eyes off of Jesus, but, can we achieve this without knowing what He looks like and having the desire to become like Him? Do we want Jesus with us? If we saw Him, would we recognize the Face of Love, or, would we be blinded because of what is in our heart?

If we do not accept The Truth, The Way, and The Life, we are blinded to The Face of Love, Christ Jesus. Accepting Christ is shown in the way that we live and by the way we love one another. Jesus told us many parables in hope that we would examine our heart and repent of our sins. He knew that we needed a visual picture of what love looked like, in order to truly love one another. -And yet, our minds are quick to forget what we have seen and heard, or, it is stolen from us by the enemy.

However, nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus, which is why we must know His Love, which comes from His Father, The Face of Love. We must accept and mimic God's Character to love like He has loved us.

For many of us, searching for The Face of Love becomes a journey into finding out who we are and who God wants us to become. It make take a long, hard look into the mirror to see our true image to compare it to the Image of God. We may have to accept the fact that we are projecting an image that is unpleasing to God. We may have to take time to evaluate and weigh what is most important to us in life. We must decide if we truly want abundant and everlasting life in God's Kingdom.  Then, we must decide whether or not we will surrender all to God.


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