(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)




It is August of 2021 and Americans and their allies are trying to pull out of Afghanistan. The Taliban has taken over most of the country and extended an August 31st deadline for the final evacuation of United States Troops. The evacuation has been difficult and deadly. ISIS-K, the enemies of the Taliban have  exploded suicide bombs at the airport killing U.S. military and civilians. The pressure is on to evacuate quickly, or, risk being killed by the Taliban. Lives have been taken and now leaders say they must be avenged. Has the war really ended? Will it ever end?

The Taliban proclaim to be the purest form of the Islamic religion. They vow to rule Afghanistan under their form of Sharia Law, using their interpretation of the Quran as a reference. The law and the punishment is strict, harsh, and viewed by Western Civilization as often being inhumane and unjust. The Taliban claims to have changed in their view of civil rights. However, that is yet to be seen. Already, there are protest, even before the new government has officially been installed. The Taliban's treatment of women has been one of exclusion, disrespect, and injustice, yet, now, they state that women will be allowed education and careers. However, the question is, under what conditions and to what extent?

For twenty years the United States has been warring against the flesh of their brothers in the name of democracy and civil rights. It has been a war that has proven to be unwinnable. Why? Were there not enough weapons or military personnel? Was the battlefield strategy of the generals poorly thought out or poorly executed? Were there not enough funds or resources invested to equip the military and ensure victory? Was there just not enough help from the Afghan Government, or, incentive to end the war? Was the enemy so evasive or inaccessible that the war could not be fought on equal ground? Why did Americans have to abandon their allies and head for home?

It may sound harsh, but, there are times when body counts do not matter, because, one is fighting more than flesh. This is the case in fighting wars with military entities such as the Afghan Taliban. Exactly, what is the Taliban? The Taliban is simply put, an organization of PRIDE and HYPOCRISY. What drives this organization? Pride and Hypocrisy. As men, they pride themselves in being better and more worthy than women. This is their interpretation of the Quran, which they have made their God. As Muslims, they pride themselves as being better than other Muslims, who do not strictly follow the legalism of the Quran. As a result of their arrogance and pride, they are UNFRUITFUL. They do not produce GOOD FRUIT, because, they are not connected to The Vine, Christ Jesus. 

The Taliban's rebellion and revolution was fueled by their fear and hatred of Western Civilization and Globalization. They did not want their religion and culture, polluted and corrupted by the West. Blinded, they are blissfully ignorant of being hypocrites. Some wear the garments of their culture and are dressed for the part of their proclaimed piety, yet, within their minds and within their hearts is the corrupt ideology and hatred that is shared by every man disconnected from God, no matter what religion, or hemisphere and  part of the globe they reside in. 

Within the hands of the Taliban are weapons created and manufactured by Western Civilization. They give no thought to the modernization and globalization that helped to create these weapons, helped to kill their enemies, and move them toward victory. Yet, the Taliban has no problem using this technology and ideology of the West to their advantage. They have been quick to claim the military vehicles and supplies left behind by their Western enemies...all created and manufactured as a result of modernization and globalization.

Can and will the Taliban bear the Fruit of God's Holy Spirit, as they rule Afghanistan? Will they bear bitter fruit? Will they allow God to change their hearts?

When your enemy is blinded as to what and who they are fighting, they have no holiness or righteousness. When your enemy is blinded to who they really are, it doesn't matter what name of God they shout out to claim their rights and authority. They live, fight, and die to please themselves. Holiness has no place with unholiness. Grace and Mercy have no place in the eyes of the unmerciful filled with condemnation for their Brothers and Sisters.

When you are fighting a war against ideology and religion, often, there is no winner, only those who can endure the battle and have the desire to do so. However, when the religion of the enemy is only poorly disguised pride and hypocrisy, you are fighting a blinded enemy who can never see the end to war. You are fighting an enemy who believes in death to all infidels. An infidel is anyone who does not worship and believe as they do. Hence, they make enemies and kill even among those within their own religion. You are fighting an enemy who has little or no regard for the lives of others. You are fighting an enemy that is being used by darkness.

So, how do you fight a war against pride and hypocrisy? Especially, if it is seen as unwinnable? With man fighting flesh with flesh, it is unwinnable, but, joined with God, all things are possible

Can the Taliban ever rule without force? Can the Taliban ever rule in peace? Can the Taliban ever have respect within the international community? Does it matter? Certainly, in their minds the Taliban sees themselves as an island and a fortress. It has not hit them yet, that they are part of the global community, whether they like it or not. It has not hit them yet, that they must have friends and allies to be welcome at the table where the resources of the world are discussed and dispersed according to alliances, reputation, status, wealth, and civil liberties. No doubt, they will face heavy sanctions, if they will not comply with international standards of conduct, civil rights, and freedom. -But, will sanctions alone change the behavior and ideology of the Taliban? Can a religion based upon pride and hypocrisy be changed if the believers in the religion are blinded to the lies they have accepted? Can you shake the entire foundation of a people and culture and expect them not to vehemently reject your actions and refute your accusations? No, you cannot try to totally remove part or all of their foundation from the outside. If the Taliban is to change, it must be from the inside.

What would have to occur for the Taliban to change from within? There must be a change to their pride and hypocrisy. God must either harden their hearts more, or, cleanse them and remove the pride and hypocrisy that is blocking their vision. Should we try to put new wine into old wineskins? Can the current leaders and supporters of the Taliban be changed? Again, with God, all things are possible. Use us O Thou Great Jehovah!

Let us begin with pride and remember what Satan did to Eve to tempt her. He whispered lies to her. The Taliban may be content to remain isolated for the moment, but, that will not last. The Taliban may celebrate victory and plan to install leadership, but, that will not last. Discontent is a companion of pride and all it takes is a whisper. All it takes is a whisper to someone seeking power, riches, love, lust, position, conditions, relocation, and the desires of their heart. Then, the manmade religion, which rules in fear and violence, without unconditional love, will fall because it cannot stand upon its own. Does God need to snuff out the whole gang? No, it only takes the faint heart of a few and sometimes only one to cause an entire regime or empire to fall.

Pride is a disease and when disease enters the body it is an indication that the body is lacking something to protect it. This is where the enemy steps in to tempt us. Our strong will, strong desire, and rebellious spirit, which is fueled by our pride can be used against us. Our lack of God's unconditional love will invite the companions of pride to enter within us and rule over us. We will play right into the hands of the enemy, sometimes, without suspecting a thing, or, not carrying what the consequences might be, as long as we believe we will attain our goal. Brother will betray brother, wife will betray husband, husband will betray wife, friend will betray friend, and a man will betray his country. 

During the time of exploration of new lands, European explorers brought jewels, trinkets, exotic food, gold, and silver amongst other things, to entice the inhabitants of these new lands and convince them to either spare them, trade with them for food or goods, give them slaves, or, land. They also brought with them diseases unintentionally and intentionally to wipe out unwanted populations and steal their land. 

There is much speculation as to the origin of the Corona Virus, which has been labeled Covid-19, as it began to take effect in 2019. Conspiracy theorists have contrived many stories and accusations blaming China for intentionally allowing the virus to escape one of their experimental laboratories. Now, if this proves to be true and if any of these theories are accurate, of course, this would not be the first time that a nation has devised such a devious plan. When we look back in history, in 1837, the United States Army distributed blankets to Native Americans that were covered in Smallpox, then, withheld from them the Smallpox vaccine, resulting in over 100,000 deaths, which clearly amounted to genocide. Decisions to withhold aid from people and nations of color continues to be a practice that has helped to define systemic racism and White Supremacy. 

Will we ever know the extent of treachery, debauchery, and sin inflicted upon the United States by Donald Trump and the Republican Regime? Will we ever know the avenues of corruption they took to try and gain financial advantages nationally and internationally? This is something to take into consideration when fighting an enemy whose ideology is fixed upon pride, lies, and hypocrisy. Led by pride and hypocrisy, we must consider to what extent the enemy will go. Is there a limit or a line they will not cross?

In considering the future of a nation, a nation must look at its history and what it can and must make  amends for, along with those things which it can only ask God for forgiveness, mercy, and grace. That which it must reap cannot be escaped. Therefore, preparations must be made in one's future for good seasons and bad seasons, drought and famine. 

In making plans for the future, we must be very careful what desires and wishes we expose and make known to the adversary and to our enemies. A prideful man is a foolish man who lacks wisdom. As in the case of Adam and Eve, they allowed Satan to know their heart's desire and believed him when he told them that what they were lacking was knowledge, in order to become like God. Thus, they disobeyed God's command and accepted Satan's lie that the Tree of Knowledge could fulfill their desires and make them like God.

It is through the introduction of new knowledge that cultures begin to change. This is why the Taliban fights so hard for control and to fight CHANGE. However, change cannot be bound and held suspended in time. As we look at other religions who have embraced a simpler life, the changing Earth and environment around them has and will continue to cause them to adapt, compromise, or, assimilate. We need not worry about when or how. God has a plan. God has servants. God has ALL POWER. He will use whom He desires to use. Those who have forsaken His favorable hand and do not wish to please Him, will most certainly find themselves under the control of the evil one.

The Taliban is no different than other men when it comes to pride. However, they are operating on pride and expect their type or brand of pride to unite a country. They expect their threatening pride to be respected and obeyed, as they cast an ominous cloud over the country. They expect their selfish, egocentric desires and wishes to unite a country. Yet, each man, has their own wishes and desires which they harbor within their heart. Oppression and exclusion breed discontent and rebellion.

One day, someone will seek knowledge from the enemy, believing it can make them as strong and united, if not stronger than those in the West. What will they find? Whom will they go to? Who will whisper in the ear of those whom they trust? What knowledge will be given to them and by whom? To what end will they risk obtaining this knowledge? What price will they pay? Whom will they sacrifice? Will the enemy of my enemy conveniently become my friend? What role will China play in this tragedy playing out on the world stage? Will the Taliban discover that Brotherly Love is not greater than Agape Love (Unconditional Love)? Will they find out that all glory must go to God?

What have Adam and Eve and our stories revealed to us about those wanting what they are not ready for and who want to be like God without going through the only gate God has provided to transform us, which is, Rebirth and the Blood of Christ? Will the Taliban write their own epitaph in seeking to become like the God they have created within their own minds and not The One and Only Jehovah God?

Sometimes, it is not necessary for your enemy to win the battle. It is only necessary for them to make you believe that you have won, leaving behind Trojan Horses to infiltrate and track you down at their leisure. Be careful going up against a Goliath, if you are not a David. Some cooks think that in order to thicken a stew, you need to turn up the heat and make it boil hotter, yet, the wise cook knows to turn down the fire and let it simmer. We could go on and on with more analogies, but, let us stop there to say, be careful what you wish for.


Borgya's heart had become even colder and hardened with pride. He wanted revenge and he didn't care how he got it. Those responsible for his father's death were going to pay with their lives. He had left his Uncle Priest and the others to prevent being sent back to Russia. His uncle, having lost his closet brother, still overcome with grief, was furious about Borgya's killing spree after the fight with Derek's men. Unable to accept his brother's death, he looked in poor health and was by no means capable of dealing with his nephew, himself. He had instructed Grisha to put him on the first plane back to Russia. 

Now, Borgya, hid deep within the bowels of the city where no one could find him. He vowed that nothing and no one would stand in the way of him avenging his father's death. He too, awaited Derek's next campaign rally and he was ready to act, not caring what the consequences were. All that mattered was that Derek Graves would not live and breathe another day on Earth.


The doctors and nurses continued to work on Zenobia. Not knowing what was happening to Zenobia and unable to contain his feelings, Hal felt like he was suffocating. He needed air. Instead of taking the elevator, he ran down five flights of stairs and ran out of the door, to suck in the cool night air. Filling his chest to capacity, he heaved a big sigh, then, began to walk down the street. He didn't know where he was headed to, but, anywhere seemed better than where he was at.

His thoughts went back and forth from Zenobia to Rachel. Stricken with pain and fear, he began to fill his heart with anger, remembering how the pain and fear all started because of Derek Graves. The anger turned to hatred and with his hatred came the need for revenge. Hal Siegfried Graves began to plot and scheme, devising a plan to kill the man who had killed his father and tried to kill others whom he loved. His mind followed the hatred within his heart and Hal convinced himself that he must be the one to pull the trigger to satisfy his need for blood and revenge. However, we must never forget that God is in control. There our times when the fight is not ours to fight, because, the enemy has declared war on God. Neither Hal or Borgya know each others plans. Neither man has placed their trust in God and completely surrendered their will to submit to God's Will to please God. Both men are seeking to satisfy their own heart and mind filled with hatred. They have forsaken the needs of their spirit man to walk alone in darkness.


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