(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



Parents often do themselves and their children a disservice when they try to keep them from going through trials and tribulations. Often, we don't want to see those we love suffer the heartache and pain we once felt due to tragic experiences and hardships. On the other hand, there are times when we view those we love as being too good or precious to suffer any type of harm or adversity. These are the times that we idolize our loved ones and forsake God's commandment to have no other god. 

Our overindulgence and idolization prevents our loved one from growing and maturing. In our effort to satisfy ourselves, we attempt to stand in the way of God's plan to mold them into what He would have them become. Our interference becomes the vehicle by which the enemy is able to have the upper hand and gain an advantage to steer our loved ones in the wrong direction, whereby, they in turn begin to believe that they are entitled and superior, thus, they begin to idolize themselves. They become filled with arrogance and pride, lacking compassion and empathy for others. Being self-absorbed, they struggle and fail at having healthy relationships and often see no harm in hurting others in retaliation for their having hurt or disappointed them.

As Believers, we must trust and obey God to do in the lives of others what He has done in our lives. We must not forget that only God can complete the work that He began. Still, He may use us to help guide others to The Way, The Truth, and The Life. He may use us to speak Truth into the lives of others. He may use us to pray and intercede on behalf of others. Meanwhile, as parents, friends, relatives, companions, and Children of God, we must trust God's Plan for the lives of others, as well as our own. 

As things change in 2021, we must ask ourselves what is God's Plan for our lives, our nation, and the nations of the world. Approaching 9/11, the day that changed the lives of many around the world, we wait in anticipation of what will come next. America says that it has ended the war in Afghanistan, but, can it simply state that a war is over if it continues to have enemies and seek revenge? Will death creep across the ocean to claim more victims upon American soil because its enemies cannot see the end to war and hatred? 

Many Afghan refugees had to leave family and loved ones behind, dividing their loyalties and making them vulnerable to the ruthlessness of the Taliban. The Taliban will not miss the opportunity to use coercion and bribery against these former Afghan citizens or to entrap their relatives. As they do not value the lives of their brothers and sisters, they will seek opportunity to use them as leverage if need be. 

ISIS-K is just warming up and will continue to be a thorn in the side of the Taliban, as well as the United States and its allies. Can we avoid another 9/11? Will discontented and traitorous Republicans somehow aid other foreign entities and terrorists to disrupt democracy and weaken our government? Will American funding along with that of treacherous allies somehow make it into the hands of terrorists such as Al Qaeda, ISIL, ISIS-K and the Taliban? How much aid can we or should we give to the Taliban to help the Afghan people? Will the money be distributed to its intended designation or will it be diverted into the hands of terrorists? How many Avengers are out there plotting and scheming to take revenge upon America and its allies? Are the trails of revenge too hard to spot or are we just turning a blind eye to them in order to be politically correct and not to infringe upon the rights of citizens? 

The internet allows terrorists to recruit, groom, and train new members so that homegrown terrorists are more of a threat than those trying to get into the country. So-called sleepers just await their instructions from terrorist leaders. Can we shut down these portals to death and destruction? If not, what are our options and alternatives? Should new laws be written that give lawmakers and law enforcers more control over how they can handle and interact with those exposed to radical ideology and terrorism? Will these types of laws make it easier for people to be profiled and discriminated against? Yet, is it worth taking the risks, if it will save thousands of lives and perhaps the lives of government officials? Will Republicans ever sign-off on such laws? If not, how do we change their minds? Do we pull out the wild card with all of their names written on it and threaten to expose them?

Can we afford to postpone our actions when ISIS-K Avengers are most certainly planning retaliation for drone strikes in Afghanistan that have killed their people? We worry about terrorists choosing a specific day such as 9/11 to reenact their mayhem that took thousands of lives in 2001, yet, everyday is filled with potential threat. 

Republicans had a reason to weaken the democrat institutions of our country and found a means to do it. They did not care whose lives would be lost because our national security had been compromised. They believe they can take over the United States, if it is in a weakened state. They will make it hard to enforce laws if necessary. They will turn a blind eye to terrorism, while they put fear into the hearts of Americans and blame Democrats for not doing something about terrorism. Is it so hard to believe that they would not aid terrorists, such as those who stormed the capital on January 6, 2021? The rally of the insurrectionist was funded by Republicans. They were brought to Washington D.C. by Republicans. 

An enemy will reach out to those who share in their hatred of an enemy. They will open the gates as their ally floods in to kill their common enemy. We need only to look where walls have been torn down and doors and windows opened to allow thieves and murders to enter and have their way. This was the case on January 6, 2021. Trump used a rally to take down the gates and open the doors of the Capitol to try and kill his enemies one by one. We must think abstractly as to how walls can be taken down and windows and doors opened to aide the enemy, then, what and whose money can be used to do it.

There is no shame to a president taking needed precautions when there is impending, clear, and present danger that lurks in the shadows and is seated all around him within Congress. It is no shame to Democracy to enact stringent security to protect the leaders and people of its country. It is not a blemish upon the Constitution of the United States to proclaim a time of urgency and dire need to protect its future and uphold its integrity. Operations to heal the body are necessary and sometimes cannot be postponed or the patient will die. 

Sometimes, God brings people to power, not so that they can be admired and popular, but, so, that they can preserve a nation by whatever means is necessary. Such was the plight of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. Now, it is time for another Joseph to save the future of Democracy by whatever means necessary. This will be his legacy if he accepts the call of duty and does not give in to the DISTRACTIONS that the enemy is placing within his path.

The scientists will figure out how to slow the Covid-19 virus and its variants. Unemployment will decrease and the infrastructure program will soon take off to change the atmosphere across America, despite the entrapments and impediments placed in the way by opposing Republicans. However, Democracy will still be in jeopardy endangering the progress that is taking place. Republicans know that a successful democrat presidency is a threat to them. They must place stumbling blocks in the way to slow things down despite the cost to American citizens, the economy, and despite the deaths that it will incur. 

Why are Republicans so hungry for power? Why will they never give up? They are blinded men and women whose hearts live in darkness. Much like the Taliban, they have bought into a sick and dying culture, trying in vain to keep it alive. They may say that they believe in God, but, they don't BELIEVE God. To believe God is to obey His two most important commandments...
The Greatest Commandment
Matthew 22:34-40

34 When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together,
35 and one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him.
36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
37 He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
38 This is the greatest and first commandment.
39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

How will the Republican Party change? Will it change by shouts of criticism and hurled accusations from without? No, it will only take a whisper from within to change the culture of the party. A whisper and a promise that will either harden their hearts even more than before, causing them to destroy themselves, or, a whisper so devastating that it will shake their foundation of pride and hypocrisy. 

We, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc. must trust God's Plan for the lives of others, as well as our own. Instead of seeking to control others, depriving them of what they need, thinking ourselves more worthy, or, believing we can just leave the plight of others to chance and to what they themselves can manage to do for themselves, we must love our neighbor as ourselves. This commandment from God cancels out any doctrine or ideology the Republican party bases its foundation upon. 

We are our brothers' keeper, therefore, self-government is hypocrisy and against the commandments of God. God is a God of order and within His order stands a Will and a Way to provide for ALL of His Children! To think that God allows people to come into the world just to suffer alone is not to know who God is. God is Good and only wants good things for His children. He wishes that NONE should perish and gave us His only begotten son to ensure our salvation. How, then, can one leave another's life up to his own abilities when God was willing to sacrifice His Son for our lives and survival? 

If we say we Believe in God, we must know what we believe in or live a life of blindness, pride, lies, and hypocrisy. The downfall of the Republican party is its failure to see that it is founded upon JUDGMENT AND CONDEMNATION of their brother, disguised under the lie that they are striving to empower the people and maintain their civil liberties. THE PEOPLE, as they see it, is not and cannot be INCLUSIVE, for every man is not equal in his ability to provide for himself due to excluding factors placed upon him by society and birth. Therefore, we must obey God's commandments to love our neighbor as ourselves and be our brothers' keeper.

Jesus said...
John 15:13,14
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 
14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Now, the Republican party, as parents to past, present, and future generations, has spawned spoiled children who idolize themselves and put themselves above God. They proved who they were on January 6, 2021 by behaving like vicious piranha, hungry to devour and destroy all that was in their path to satisfy their entitlement and selfishness. No one's life was important. No property was of value. Only their need to satiate their insatiable hunger for power, control, violence and blood. Gallows were constructed to hang the vice president. They went searching room by room to find Nancy Pelosi and kill her in some gruesome way. This was a crazed lynch mob filled with hatred and darkness. These were insurrectionists and traitors to their country, because, a man, a former president, had fueled their pride, fed them lies, and sent them down a road filled with hypocrisy. 

Is this what we want America to look like in the future? Is this how we want future presidents to behave? Will our future government rely upon the deceitful practices of dictators and autocrats? What will become of the Avengers of today?

To the Taliban and the Republican Party I submit this word of Truth. Cultures are built upon IDEAS. Ideas that are made of the thoughts of men and women. Man was created with the ability to think in order survive. If you try to cut off a man's thoughts, then, you have condemned him to death. You have cut off his breath and suffocated him. In doing so, you have not only failed to kill his ideas, which most assuredly will be given to another, you have cut off your future and your own life. Your culture has died by your own hand and another will take its place. Your brothers and sisters, whom you are accountable for ARE YOUR CULTURE. Your culture cannot exist without the common blood you share together. Yet, you think nothing of spilling it upon the ground to appease your fears. 

Your actions prove that you are ignorant of the fact that man, although, capable of forming ideas, is incapable of forming an ideal society and country. An ideal world was never God's intention for us for this is not our home. An ideal world is void of violence, coercion, oppression, discrimination, condemnation, judgment, and all of the idealistic, unrealistic, and utopian ideas that has spurred the Republican Party and Taliban into action against their brothers and sisters.

Your blindness cannot see that you starve yourself from growing because of fear. God did not intend for us to stay the same. We are here to become what He would have us to be, by the ways and means He provides to make the necessary changes and transformations within our mind, body, and spirt.  So, you see, you only starve yourself from the food and fruit of God's Word and Way to mold you into a likeness of Him. In your mind, the infidel is condemned to Hell. In your mind, God is finished with him. -But, God continues to provide, bless, and change what you refer to as the infidel. Remember, remember, God wishes that no one should perish. He has told us not to judge and condemn another. You claim to be the chosen of God, yet, in your state of self-inflicted and blissful blindness and ignorance, you go against God's Word.

Your pride keeps you from digesting and discerning the Truth and discerning Good passed down not only through Sharia Law, but, through other servants of God, in other manmade religions, and in all walks of life. The darkness within makes you vomit out the seeds of holiness and righteousness. Fear that is not of God sets within your bowels; fear that proves that you do not trust God; fear that is the mind-killer and most assuredly will kill the mind of your religion and ideology that goes against the Will and Commandments of God. 

So now, you believe you must warn others not to try and change your culture. Hypocritically, you accept the aid of Pakistan, a nation turned inside out, that cannot seem to stand for anything in Truth. Its Western ways don't seem to bother you when you need something from it, or, when you need a place to hide. You have once again re-contaminated yourself by rubbing elbows with the contradiction of the Pakistani State. You have further corrupted yourself, by continuing to turn a blind eye to the corruption that is already embedded within your regime and newly constructed government. There will be chaos and changes in the very near future, as you find that some have a very different idea of what government and the new Afghanistan should look like.

Those in communication with Pakistan will make concessions to appease the wishes of the Pakistani Government which will not go well with the more orthodox Muslim leaders. It's too late. You have already accepted their help to defeat the opposition. You are indebted to their generosity as well as to their treachery and corruptness. You must face the fact that you cannot accept presents from those controlled by darkness without accepting the evil that comes along with it.

That which has no roots will be uprooted. That which is unfruitful, will rot away and be cast into the fire. There is no need for outsiders to interfere in what is already contaminated, corrupt, dead, and in vain.


Derek Graves hadn't slept very long before his alarm went off to wake him up. He knew it was going to be a rough day, because, of his lack of sleep. Nevertheless, he got up and headed for the shower. His mind on refreshing himself, he ignored the notification on his phone telling him that he had an urgent message. It wasn't until security came and knocked on his door, that he picked up his phone and noticed a message from Christopher Holland, his personal attorney. The news wasn't good and Derek had to shake it off, in order to finish getting dressed and head down to the limousine.

Christopher Holland had been up all night pacing the floor. He feared for his life and that of his family. Derek Graves wasn't answering his phone or text messages. Now, that the Russians were involved, there would be severe consequences for all of them. Holland wanted protection. He wanted Derek to make arrangements for him and his family to leave the country right away. He knew how the Russians operated. They left no stone unturned and no loose ends behind that could tie them to any crime or incriminate them. He knew everything about Derek Graves' operations and they would be paying him a visit, very soon. Time was running out for him and Derek Graves, if they didn't move fast.


After, receiving the test results from Zenobia's lab work, Wendell sunk into deep depression. The tests showed that Zenobia's kidneys were failing. It would be hard to find a kidney donor right away, let alone get permission to do a kidney transplant on a patient with such a poor health condition and mortality rate. The possibility of her survival was very low. Wendell, did not know how to break the news to Nigel. Of course, they would begin looking for a kidney right away and test Nigel and Zenobia's siblings, but, the problem remained with the hospital's policies and bureaucracy.

Wendell's depression led him to  think about the path that had led Zenobia to the brink of death. From what Pastor Fitzgerald had told him about the Graves Family, they were ruthless and unstoppable. Everything in their path was either corrupted or destroyed. Why did Zenobia have to get in their path, he thought? Why did she care so much about Tanya Graves Yanovich and move thousands of miles away, leaving those she loved behind? 

Wendell clenched his hands tightly because of the pain within wrenching his heart. Tensing up in agony, he thought of losing Zenobia after all of these years and after finally telling her how much he loved her. Anguish drove him insanely wild with violent thoughts, against the oath he had taken as a doctor and against the uncontrollable dark emotions he had tried to constrain since childhood. -But, he could not hold them back. Someone had to stop this Graves Family from continuing to disrupt and destroy millions of lives. They were a constant plague upon society, he thought. Now, they were taking away the only woman he ever loved. Wendell, walked to the nurse's station to ask the nurse to page Dr. Everett.

"Nurse, I'm going to have to leave for a while. Would you please page Dr. Everett and have him take over for me immediately. My phone number is on file in case I am needed."

"Certainly, Dr. Baptiste. Would you like to leave him a message or further instructions?

"No, I've recorded everything in my notes."

After telling Nigel about Zenobia's test results and the problem with her kidney, Wendell set about making contacts with friends he knew from his days volunteering as a surgeon in Venezuela. He gave no thought to telling Nigel where he was going. Nigel, also had sunk into deep depression. He called his wife back in Trinidad and cried telling her the news about Zenobia's condition. Feeling helpless, he sat beside Zenobia's bedside, holding her hand. Darkness seemed to loom all about him, overshadowing the brightness of the morning. Death seemed to be waiting to claim a new victim. Holding Zenobia's hand tightly, Nigel wasn't ready to let death snatch her away from him.


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