
Showing posts from October, 2016

Followers, Soldiers, Spiritual Walkers: SELFISH GAIN

Followers, Soldiers, Spiritual Walkers: SELFISH GAIN : SELFISH GAIN My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I greet you with love and all hope that having heard my testimony, you will search your he...


Father, thank you for awakening me to pray for Your children and quickening my heart to trust and obey. Lord, "LET THY HOLY WILL BE DONE!!!" Uphold Thy Truth, Holiness and Righteousness! PROTECT YOUR SOLDIERS ON THE BATTLEFIELD AND WITHIN THE AIR! Father, we are not overlooking Your Grace and Mercy, we are PRAISING YOU for it, knowing that it will PREVAIL! We are not overlooking Your Worthiness of Praise and Divine Majesty, it is because of it we fight to uphold YOUR TRUTH! Most MERCIFUL Father, COMFORT the families of the soldiers fighting. Father, we pray for the souls lost as the battle wages onward. We weep for the blood spilled upon the ground. We RECOGNIZE THE TRUE ENEMY AND ADVERSARY and shout SATAN GET THEE FROM US, YOU NO LONGER HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THIS TERRITORY AND THESE PEOPLE! ! LORD, PLEASE SAVE AND PROTECT! USE US TO TURN THE HEARTS OF YOUR PEOPLE! LET NO LONGER LISTEN TO THE VOICE AND COMMAND OF EVIL AND DARKNESS! OH FATHER, PROTECT the C...


Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.


EMPATHY: THOSE WHO KNOW GOD'S GRACE, SHOW GOD'S GRACE FORGIVENESS  FORGIVENESS is a FRUIT of God's Holy Spirit as is HUMILTY. As Believers or as those who claim to be CHRISTIANS, we know this, not only by reading but by doing it as an ACT OF A CHANGED HEART. OUR act of TRUE CONTRITION is evident just as our TRANSFORMATION from having been BORN AGAIN, by a NEW MIND because our HEART has been CHANGED. MIKE PENCE is unable to identify TRUE CONTRITION because he is blinded by SELF and SELF-INTEREST! He lives to please his flesh under the guise of a pious Christian. He deceives himself, but not God.  Even a non-believer can attest to Donald Trump not having a changed heart and mind. He is filled with PRIDE AND HATE! Trump has never had empathy for President Obama who has to live with Trump supporters believing he is not a legitimate citizen or president or Secretary Hillary Clinton being the VICTIM of infidelity. He doesn't know how a VICTIM FEELS or REACTS ...
ARE YOU ON THE LORD'S SIDE ? My Brothers and Sisters, As I follow the 2016 United States Presidential Campaigns, watching the news broadcasts, rallies, talk shows, debates, polling, commentaries, news paper editorials, radio broadcasts, and endless surrogate arguing to defend, support and supposedly elevate their candidate, I am reminded that what is IN the world is FOR the world. Like many Americans and people around the world, I remain interested, even interactive, offering my own opinions and discourse. I find the overall schematics and concept of democracy-at-work engaging and representative of man's effort to better himself and work towards common goals. One of the greatest examples of this is exemplified in our coming together to form a government chosen by the people, whom it represents, to make laws and assume responsibility for the welfare of its citizens. Having said all that, in order to paint an ideal picture of how the system was cr...

Followers, Soldiers, Spiritual Walkers: PRAYER AND PROCLAMATION

Followers, Soldiers, Spiritual Walkers: PRAYER AND PROCLAMATION : FATHER , We thank you for upholding us, but, moreover for hearing our prayers and confessions. Your love for us is truly a...