My Brothers and Sisters,

There are many ways to write a book. Most writers try to keep within literary boundaries to create a story or informative work that is structured to be cohesive, somewhat chronological, or, increasingly complex, as well as, explanatory.

The book may try to convey a particular theme or a set of ideas or values. It can offer one or more points of view. There may be detailed events that lead up to a climax and resolve with a finite ending. At this point, I cannot say that this is such a book. God only knows.

Yet, I do know that this is not a book written hoping to find its way onto the Best Sellers List. God was not concerned with it being published or earning profit for supporting ministry, or how many copies would be sold, or if it would find its way onto the bookshelves of libraries or homes. He was not concerned whether or not it would be accepted by well-known authorities on the Bible, celebrated authors, renown ministers, or discriminating book critics.

God did not fear being copied or plagiarized. God wanted these words to find their way into your heart and into the hearts of others; to be shared without obligation or debt; giving credit to no one, but glory to God. God teaches humbleness at the same time that He teaches us the power of words! Glory to God!

As I embarked upon this journey, into unraveling lies that prevent change within us, I must confess that I had not outlined any ideas or determined a structure or destination. I knew that I had a message to deliver and I must be obedient to God. I was completely dependent upon His guiding me through this journey where I had not ventured before.

A great amount of patience was required, which I must admit, at times, was difficult to produce. I had to wait on God for the next step, because, I had not gone through the trials and experiences necessary for me to know, understand, and articulate what He would have me write about.

Writing You Can't Change Me: Unraveling the Lie has been a learning experience for me. It was a milestone of completion in my ongoing training and maturing as God's prophet. Some may think that all a prophet does is listen and repeat what God tells them to say, but it is not that simple.

At some points, this book was my journal with God. At other times, it was like taking dictation. Sometimes I was being tested and sometimes, I was a patient upon a therapy couch, talking to the Master of Therapy, Himself—God. God prepares us for each task and endeavor that is required of us. He never asks us to do something that He hasn't prepared and equipped us to do.

It was clear to me that God was guiding me in writing a book to: equip the Saints; mature His prophetess and other prophets; deliver prophetic words; unravel lies; and show others how He empowers us to bring change and Transformation through Spiritual Rebirth into our lives and the lives of others. Now, I know that our Father had another purpose for this book.

God is once again going about a new thing. He does not want you to simply read this book. He wants it to bring you into a relationship with Him, as you read it. Using me as an example of the intimacy He wants to have with His Children, along with the questions at the end of most of the chapters, God is striking up a conversation with you, to become a part of you.

When I began to write, I was very serious. I was focused on getting things just right and sometimes too wrapped up in sentence structure. As chapter topics began to change, I could tell that God was giving me wiggle room. He wanted me in on the conversation and to express myself in ways that were unique to me. In other words, He wanted us to do what we usually do--have a relationship.

God wants to be invited in to hear your thoughts and feelings and help guide you. He wants to take you on a journey, also, for you to get to know Him and His Son, Jesus, the Messiah. Why? Our Father desires good things for His Children and wants you to have abundant and eternal life, through Christ Jesus.

God tells us that there is a time and a purpose--a season for everything. This book, as well as its contents, has a purpose and a season. This book comes at a pivotal time in man's history; for once again, the People of God have turned their backs on Him. We have failed to separate ourselves from darkness and invited it in to dwell with us. We have compromised with the world and allowed it to change us instead of changing those within the world. We have not obeyed Christ's commandment to love our brother as God loves us.

The Great Commission, which is to go out and spread the Good News that the Kingdom is at hand and to help Jesus make more Disciples, has turned into private enterprises with competing doctrine and philosophical views, which have served more in keeping people from the Kingdom and making discipleship an unnecessary part of being a Believer.

As in the days of Jeremiah, many of the pastors, priests and prophets were corrupt, as are most in the revived and randomly implemented Five-Fold Ministry, today. Once again, God is proclaiming that His people have not been healed and taken care of--not one little bit. Our nations need to be healed and God does not hear because we lack Fear of God, Trust in God and Love of God. God not only wants our worship, He wants our worship to be in Spirit and in Truth. He doesn't just want us to say we love Him, He wants to see it through our obedience. It is the same message that Jeremiah cried out to the Kings, princes, clerics and people of His time, before they were carried away into bondage.

Listen now, my children. You also, lack accountability.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

God has not given up on us. He still cries out to our children's children. You will see the scripture above more than once, within this book; for it applies to individuals, as well as nations.

God needs new wine skin in which to pour His Word. He needs leaders who will belong to Him. He needs those who walk according to the Spirit and by Faith. He needs Followers, Soldiers and Spiritual Walkers.

In closing, I know that many will say and want to know, “Who is this unknown woman, who calls herself a prophetess of God?” I am finally who our Creator created me to be—a Child of God.

Come, walk with me my Brothers and Sisters and let us dispel lies, that we may bring others into The Marvelous Light.


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