(IHEAM:CH8PT1) I HAVE AN ETERNITY AHEAD OF ME Chapter 8 Part 1 DRIVEN: Who and What Drives You?


Chapter 8 Part 1 

DRIVEN: Who and What Drives You?

We know that GOD'S LOVE  is the foremost force in our lives that drives us. It enables us to live and love others as He loves us. Our love for Jesus, God, our Brothers and Sisters and the Kingdom and their love for us, strengthens us and gives us hope for tomorrow.

There are times when God has to allow things to happen in our life, which He knows will get our attention and spur us into action. Sometimes, the events will be painful and at other times, they will be encouraging and give affirmation to our beliefs, questions, prayers, doubts, known or unknown fears, and confirmation to His Will and plan for our life. Still, the drive that I am referring to is PURPOSE DRIVEN. It is something that God has planted within you specifically not only to achieve goals, but to live a full, purposeful, and abundant life on earth. It is found within your spirit, which is derived from God, breathed into you to give you life and His Will for you to live.

Jesus was driven by His purpose to fulfill prophecy and scripture. God planted within Him, His Word. He was the Word of God, God Incarnate. Our gifts and talents are purpose driven, each having their own anointing. Jesus had His own anointing. He was baptized to die for our sins and conquer death.

We may see what drives us as a need to EXPRESS OURSELVES in various ways, in order to fulfill our innate need to display a gift or talent to edify the Body of Christ or invigorate the mind to set things in motion and people into action; such is the affect of the hearing of God's Word upon hearing ears and open eyes, which belong to a changed and transformed heart, which loves God.

Throughout your rebirth, you and Jesus have been walking and talking together. He has been with you, helping you through this new journey and life. Already, you have a new story to share and to tell others to encourage them and help them along their journey, also. No doubt, Jesus has opened your eyes to new and wondrous things you had never seen or thought of before in your life. He has been helping as God's Holy Spirit opens up your gifts and talents to teach you how to use them along the way. Both have helped to LEAD, GROW and HELP you to find God's PURPOSE for you that will DRIVE you as you do God's Will and live out His plan for your abundant life.

Some may say that we cannot know or might not know our purpose until we die. However, if God calls you, friend, He shares with you. God keeps His promises and if God has promised you abundant life, it is a full life, which is a purposeful life. Our Father, who loves us, would neither have us wanting, lacking, or being unfruitful. It is within our FRUITFULNESS that we find PURPOSE, which is why our Father gave us Jesus, The Vine and The Helper, His Holy Spirit. We have been PURPOSED to be fruitful and replenish the Earth. How we do that is manifested through who and what God has created us to be.

Connected to The Vine, you may see things in the world differently, such as unrighteousness, injustice, money, children, family, a spouse or significant other, friend(s), your job, fame or popularity, to name a few. Although, they have importance in your life, they may take on NEW MEANING. Things may stand out as you look at them and although, you don't want to be judgmental, you continue to EVALUATE them and how they relate to you and how they look through God's eyes.

The most significant new fact to pay attention to is the conflict within you that may arise, because you have CHANGED. Perhaps, other things or people which are important to you have NOT changed. This means that ADJUSTMENTS will have to be made in your life. The question is, what adjustment(s) and how will you go about making changes to bring balance and resolve conflict? Or, even more questioning is, is it POSSIBLE to bring balance and resolve the conflict you now face within your new life?

Decisions will have to be made, but you have God's assurance that you will not be facing the decisions ALONE.  Some decisions, will possibly bring about heartbreak or pain and no doubt cause you and others to question your new life. How will you hold fast, stand, and resist and persist as each new conflict or situation arises? Will there be possible regrets? Will you lose faith? Will you look back?


As you meet each new challenge or conflict, keep God's promises close to you, because Satan will try to confound your mind and remove your eyes from Jesus. When this happens, the first thing you will notice is your FEELINGS CHANGING. You may be offended or hurt by what someone says. The imposed injury to your pride may cause anger, irritation, impatience and a desire to flee or attack. Fear, panic or anxiety may set in, causing the same or similar reactions. Temptation, doubt, or insecurity may set in and the enemy has begun his process of DISTRACTING AND SEPARATING you from Jesus and God to divide and conquer, placing you in bondage.

All is not lost as long as you realize that, as a Child of God, each new experience and path to growth will be surrounded by relationships, God's Promises, God's Purpose for allowing it and the Fruit of His Holy Spirit that was or was not produced. Here are some things to remember:

  • ANY DISTRACTION is a call to FOCUS on your RELATIONSHIP and CONNECTION with Jesus, God and others. Put your eyes back on JESUS!
  • Acknowledge the presence of God within you in everything you say, do and feel.
  • Humble yourself and ask yourself if you are being prideful and acting in the flesh.
  • Surrender your will and allow God to USE you and EMPOWER you to do HIS Will.
  • GOD has not given you the spirit of FEAR.
  • We do not fight FLESH with flesh, PRIDE with pride, DARKNESS with darkness.
  • Remember God has not forsaken you.
  • God is always watching us.
  • You have an Angel watching over you.
  • What keeps God driven to take care of us is His Unconditional Love- -Perfect Love
  • Jesus loves us with the same love of His Father.
  • Following Jesus and abiding in Him, keeps us on the right path and strengthens us to bear our cross.
  • Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith and He will INCREASE your faith, if you allow Him to help you to endure your trials and tribulations.
  • Jesus also had to pray for strength to endure.
  • Jesus also had to pray and ask His Father, so that God's Will and Way would be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
  • Jesus is your peace throughout the storm.
  • God promised to make you like Him and sent Jesus as an example to follow and also a Helper and Comfort, in the form of His Holy Spirit, to ensure His plan.
  • Jesus also sent others to help you grow and mature.
  • You must resist and persist ALWAYS in perfect love; loving others as Jesus loved us; loving others as you love yourself.
  • The power of God's Holy Spirit is within you and works through you.


With the aforementioned facts in mind, you have a METHOD OF REACTION and mode or procedure of comparison to help you through your experience(s) and help you break through the barrier(s) that may be preventing growth, drive, purpose, relationships, and fruitfulness.

Our reaction to Satan's distractions and attempts to start a destructive fire, should be likened to the method of dousing a fire. We know that the purity of water is an effective agent sometimes, depending upon the nature of the fire. At other times, a compound agent may be required to extinguish the fire. An effective method has been advised whenever someone's body is on fire, coined as "stop, drop and roll"   your body to extinguish the fire. With this thought and intent in mind, if you are inflamed and engulfed within one of Satan's fiery storms, intended to distract and destroy  you, then, you must STOP to put your eyes back on Jesus (die to the flesh), DROP your pride (humble yourself), submit to God's Will (seek His Face); and then, ROLL all your cares in mind, body and spirit, back to God (pray, trust, believe), who will guide you, deliver you, and bring you through the storm (stand on His promises).

My Brothers and Sisters, God and I want you to live abundantly within your blessings, for this is the intent of abundant life. He has shown me these things to help me in my life that I may bless you as He has blessed me. I have called these actions methods, but they are God's Truths that make up the road--the pathway into His Kingdom and His presence. They are part of following Jesus, The Truth, The Way, and The Life. Apply these things to whatever you are going through and remember that you are "going through," which means there is a DESTINATION and a PURPOSE, which can be and is INTENDED TO BE PRODUCTIVE and FRUITFUL! 

Father, we thank you for creating us in Your image, that we may live and abide in Your Love. We thank you for the opportunity to serve You and our Brothers and Sisters. We acknowledge Your manifold powers, that are displayed throughout the universe and Your indescribable goodness and mercy to Your creations. We Love you, Lord and we Praise You for who You are.
The magnificence of Your plans for our lives shows Your Love for each and every one of us. We thank you for sharing Your Knowledge and Wisdom. We thank You for allowing Your Holy Spirit to dwell within us, comfort us, teach us, and to remind us of Your Omnipresence and desire to share and be a part of our lives. You have given us Your Son to follow, whose greater Love and Sacrifice has never been known. 
Teach us, Father, so that we may be used by You to do Your Will. Teach us, Father, so that we may live ABUNDANTLY within Thy Kingdom. Teach us, Father, that we may bring Thy Will to Earth as it is in Heaven. Help us, through our relationship with You, to learn to love and live with our Brother as One, under the Mind of Christ; that we may help to carry the burdens of others who are weak and unable; that we may help to encourage and guide others; and that we may help to increase Your Kingdom. Help us to have grace and mercy upon others; forgiving as we would have You to forgive us. 
Father, we know that we are working on a building and a True Foundation in Your Kingdom. Throughout all of our trials and temptations, we know that You have a purpose and a reason. Your Hand is upon us molding us and shaping us. Have Your Way, dear, Lord. Have Your Way. You are our Heavenly Father and You know what is best for us. Your Will be done, not ours. We want to be wholly Thine. As we meet new challenges, search our hearts and extract what is not pleasing in Thy sight. Incline us to keep and to LIVE Thy Word, being ever mindful of Your Presence, so as not to be distracted and torn from Thee.  
May we pass on the knowledge and wisdom given to us by You, dear Lord, to strengthen and encourage others to SHINE THE LIGHT to the straight path and the narrow gate, lifting up the name of Jesus and drawing men to GLORIFY Your name. These things we pray, in the name of Your Only Begotten Son, Yeshua, Christ Jesus. Amen.

Your Servant, united with the One,



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