SELF REFLECTION: A Look in the Mirror *

Once again, when we look at Jesus' parables, He is challenging us to examine where our heart lies. Closely examining your heart, answer the following questions. 

*DISCUSS your answers with a mature Believer who can guide you in your spiritual relationship with Jesus and our Father, and/or have group discussions to learn from those who have different experiences and perspectives. 

QUESTIONS: Write down your questions and discuss them with a mature Believer or submit them to:, or


  1. If we come to God without acknowledging Jesus (Yeshuah), will God recognize us? What is the difference between recognize and acknowledge? 
  2. Will God acknowledge our worthiness if we don't acknowledge, or, know His Son? How will God know that we know His Son? 
  3. How can God say that He doesn't know us if we have continually gone to Him in prayer and worship? Who or what do God's children or sheep look like? Who's character do they portray? If God disowns us, then who do we belong to? Who is our true master?
  4. Is Jesus the center of your joy? Why? How do you know? 
  5. What are you doing different in your life? Do your actions show that you love Jesus and God? In what ways do they and/or don't they? 
  6. Are you surrendering all and abiding in God's Holy Spirit? What are you still holding on to?
  7. Are you allowing Jesus to increase your Faith, by not giving in to fear?
  8. Are you learning from Jesus how to listen to and obey our Father? 
  9. Do you find joy in being obedient to God's Word and Character?
  10. Does holiness and righteousness bring fulfillment to your soul and a feeling of wholeness?
  11. Are you learning how to carry and bear the cross of Jesus? 
  12. Can you find joy and praise God no matter what your circumstances are?
  13. Are you prepared to fight the good fight? What is the good fight?  How have you prepared? Can you prepare yourself without the help of others or God?
  14. Are you bearing good fruit? Write down each fruit and how you have used it to initiate change in your own and someone else' s life. 
  15. Which of the fruit do you have trouble in bearing, meaning, you are hesitant, reluctant, or, resistant to surrendering your will to God? Have you earnestly asked God for help in overcoming this part of the old man in yourself rising up within you? Is your old man preventing you from conquering the world and worldliness?
  16. What is your role in the Body of Christ?
  17.  Do you feel connected with the whole Body of Christ, or, just your church family, community, religious affiliation or denomination?
  18. Are you affecting change? If not, do you know why? If yes, how?
  19. Do you feel as if you  have a purpose or purposes determined by God? Are you content in your  purpose or mission?
  20. Do you have accountability? To whom? Will you humble yourself to be accountable to others?
  21. Have you ever purposely left Jesus out of prayer, or, a conversation, when speaking of God or religion, afraid that his name would offend others, cause friction, debate, hatred, or affect your credibility or success? If so, were you speaking on behalf of God and His Son or just yourself? What did you gain by leaving Jesus out of the conversation or prayer? Did you betray Jesus? What did the other/others gain from you omitting Jesus from the conversation or prayer?
  22. Are you afraid to discuss religion and faith? Are you afraid to stand by your beliefs?
  23. Is there love in your heart for those you share your faith with, even when they have differing beliefs? 
  24. Can you admonish, chastise, or rebuke the beliefs of others and still have love and hope in your heart for the person who holds the beliefs? Did Jesus do these things and still have love in His heart for God's people?
  25. Are you secure in that which you believe and your faith in God? If not, why? Have you studied and asked God's Holy Spirit for affirmation and confirmation of His Word?
  26. Do others see Jesus in me? Is the confirmation of God's Word?
  27. Do you thirst for holiness and righteousness? 
  28. Have you learned to wear The Armor of God to live, walk, and talk in VICTORY over self and this world, as opposed to defeat?
  29. Are you able to stand until the end for holiness and righteousness? 
  30. Have you been made perfect in love? If not, what are your fears or aversions? 
  31. If we truly believe Jesus conquered death, should we fear death when it is our appointed time, by God, to die?
  32. Are you misled by pride, prejudice, bitterness, jealousy, selfishness, lust, unhealed scars and pain? 
  33. What are you allowing to come between you and God? 

QUESTIONS 10/26/2020 SELF REFLECTION: A Look in the Mirror * Once again, when we look at Jesus' parables, He is challenging us to examine where our heart lies. Closely examining your heart, answer the following questions. *DISCUSS your answers with a mature Believer who can guide you in your spiritual relationship with Jesus and our Father, and/or have group discussions to learn from those who have different experiences and perspectives. QUESTIONS: Write down your questions and discuss them with a mature Believer or submit them to:, or (II) NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN 1.) When it comes to the character of man and the adversary, Satan, there is truly nothing new under the sun. Therefore, we should not be surprised by sin, but, we should never become comfortable with sin. Sin occurs where there is an absence of The Light, Christ Jesus, The Character of God, The Perfect Man. So who do we blame for the origin of sin? God? Satan? Man? Is sin a necessary evil or not? 2.) What does sin teach us?
3.) If sin is the absence of The Light, can sin teach us to be good? What and/or who teaches us to be good?
4.) There is no darkness in God. He exists without the need of darkness. He is the Source of The Light. Yet, He has dominion over darkness. When Adam and Eve were thrust from The Light in the Garden of Eden, into Darkness, evil became inevitable, but, not necessary, because, they were still given access to The Light, by the choices that they chose to make. If they chose to do the will of God, through the Grace and Mercy of God, evil would not befall them. If God created everything, do you think that God allowed evil to form because it is necessary or was this a type of natural opposites occurrence (ying yang) as a result of His love for us and His gift to us of freewill and choices? Do you think that God was pleased with this part of His creation? Why or Why not? Does this mean that evil is necessary? If so, for what, whom, and when? 5.) Man has always been obsessed over gaining power to make laws to rule over others. Are man's laws in vain if they lack The Light of God or character of God? 6.) People are protesting and demanding reform for policing and the justice system. They are demanding more justice and equality, in other words, more of The Light. Will evil always overtake a legal system cloaked in darkness intent on harming instead of helping people? 7.) Can the justice system overcome darkness if it requires people to live under the law? What will people have to choose to conquer the darkness? 8.) Is everyone automatically worthy of God's Grace and Mercy? Why? Who made this possible and how? 9.) Will everyone receive God's Grace and Mercy? If not, why not? 10.) Can we ensure a blind justice system that rules with equality and fair justice? 11.) Who's unchanging hand must we always look to to balance our lives when faced with inequality and injustice? 12.) Perfect love provides us with the heart and character we need to overcome adversity and injustice. To fight for equality and justice, both physically and spiritually, remaining in perfect love as we are being hated, chastised, oppressed, or, condemned is one of life's greatest challenges and test. How have you handled this test in life? Do you stand on God's promises? Do you trust and obey, or, does the old man within you rise up to sever your relationship with God and have you walk by sight and not by faith? 13.) When God uses us to change the heart of another, do we know if that heart will turn to God's Will? Although, we cannot see the road ahead, it is important that we stay the course upon which God has set us to do His Will, even when it becomes uncomfortable for us or others. How have or haven't you stayed upon the pathway that God has chosen for you? Does straying off of the path make your life more comfortable and your way easier? Why or why not?







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