Forgive me my friend for my late response to your post. Yet, perhaps you weren't expecting one, but, as your friend I must offer this somewhat lengthy, but, heartfelt reply.

Often, when we point a finger at others, we don't realize that instead, we are diagnosing ourselves. I know that my spirit is chastised, encouraged, inspired, and enriched by everything God puts upon my heart to tell someone. 

I needed a long pause before writing to you because I was emotionally distraught after reading your post and could not reply. After a night's rest, God was able to speak to my heart without my emotions getting in the way. When I read your post, I thought of how many of my friends and people around the world feel as you do but don't really understand why. I was overwhelmed and conflicted until God showed me how much I was needed to help bring about change. If I ignore the situation, I am part of the problem. Not only do I let my friends down, but, I disappoint my Father.

Many people believe that they can make it in this world without God or believe they are in complete control of their own lives, thinking for themselves, and making their own decisions without the influence of any superior being or higher intelligence. They remove God as a factor in their lives and decisions, thereby, omitting spirituality, for they cannot see themselves as a Spiritual Being. Therefore, they see themselves as exempt from any principles that rule over such things. They cannot see themselves as making themselves a god, since, spirituality is not in their realm of thought processes. Still, often without even knowing or desiring it, they are victims of self-idolization, self-aggrandizement, and wanting to control everything in their lives. Perhaps, they never intended to do this, but, they were acting upon what they did or didn't know about living and surviving. It is the first sin of man, going back to the Garden of Eden and the forbidden Tree of Life. I call them victims because the adversary has placed a veil over their eyes to blind them and separate them from God.


Please allow me to make this analogy to bring better clarity by drawing from my own life experiences. Black children are taught more than just the reality of the world. Our parents have to teach us the reality of being Black in the world and in America. We are taught the heartbreak and peril of being a Black, or, African-American.  At a very early age, we are taught how to increase our chances of staying alive and surviving in White America. We are taught that our white childhood friends will no longer play with us or be our friends by the time they reach adolescence. When our white friends reach adolescence, it will be time for them to join the rest of white society, by choosing a side to establish their difference and self-proclaimed superiority. Some do so while still maintaining ties with Black people they call friends.

This Black educational practice goes way back in history when the master's white babies used to suckle our mother's breasts. The child would grow up along side us and we would play together. But, then, one day, they had to choose a side as part of their natural succession to their forefathers. That same white child who ate, played, and slept, along side us, would be expected to be master over us and the rest of the slaves who nurtured, fed, and even loved them. That same white child would enslave, beat, whip, mentally abuse, sell, and make fun of the Blacks who enabled him to survive. Although, they had been brought up in a so-called Christian Society with Christian morals and values, this child was indoctrinated into hypocrisy to live out their life in a lie, separating themselves from Godly principles in order to benefit themselves and the white race.

But, why has this curse fallen upon the White Man? Why do many see it as a curse? Why must I go here and bring up race and racism? Although, it may appear to be dramatic and seem like I'm playing the race card, I must be realistic in painting a stark and harsh picture of historical spiritual deprivation. Because, like slavery, this practice has not ended and there are a multitude of victims of every race and ethnicity, victims of people who chose to separate themselves from God believing they could make man and this world into their own image.

I tell you this because it is part of the White Man's sickness to this very day. Of course, I am not putting all white people in the same category, for there are many who have escaped the curse of their ancestors. However, for those who have chosen to follow in their forefathers footsteps, the curse of the White Man to idolize himself, White Supremacy, is very real, costly, caustic, cancerous, and deadly. When a White Man becomes a White Supremacist, he has made himself a god. 


Anything borne, not of God's Will can be seen as spawned from darkness and evil. It is not God's will that we persecute, judge, enslave, kill, oppress, or claim superiority over our brothers and sisters. God does not bless such acts because they are done in love and they are not fruitful, as bearing the fruit of God's Holy Spirit, producing Holiness and Righteousness. 

The curse of enslavement does not fall on the White Man alone. Other races have also been led into this practice and attempted to spread it across the globe. Yet, we find in the present and previous centuries, the White Man has prevailed in becoming the chief oppressor of other races and religious institutions, using colonization, war, terrorism, and discrimination to engage in genocide, slavery, torture, murder, disenfranchisement, oppression, and other crimes against humanity. 

In believing he is a god, the White Supremacist believes that he knows what is best for himself and everyone else. He leans upon his own understanding, not God's. He uses God as a tool to conquer and control others, as well as to cloak himself in an illusion of holiness and righteousness. And above all...HE DOES NOT WANT TO CHANGE. He makes his own decisions, either reinterpreting or omitting the Word of God. He sees the present system and his manmade ideology as working in his favor. God and all those religious labels are just a smokescreen he believes he can hide behind to fool others. The spiritual deprivation within you and the majority of the White race has been engrained within your race and culture as a means of dominance and survival. Every institution and career in America was and continues to be designed, established, and utilized to maintain the dominance and survival of the white race. It is why we think like we think and act like we act unless we've truly been FREED by The Truth, The Way, and The Life, Jesus, The Light of the World! Amen.

The sad thing is our Black parents were right. It's not that every white person wants to become a racists, but, they buy into a society and a way of thinking and living that works in their favor. The White race as a whole is at war with GOD and themselves, but, they cannot see it. 

We make a choice as to if we want to see, hear, and believe God. Why and how do we make a choice? Either we choose to love God as our all in all, or, we choose to love ourselves and the world more than God. We can't have it both ways. We can't serve two masters. If we say we love God, but, choose the ways of the world, we are liars forsaking the principles of God. We must  make a choice to surrender our will to God and trust Him to guide our lives, or, believe He doesn't exist, or, that He simply chooses to stay out of our lives due to not caring or disinterest, therefore, God must be content to allow us to make our own decisions and worship false gods without consequences.

White Supremacy is the same as when anyone tries to go against the will of God, idolizing themselves and making themselves into their own god. In this state of mind, we crucify Christ and condemn our brothers. So, my Brothers and Sisters, let us not lean to our own understanding, believing we are self-made men and women.

God is not a man that He should, would, or, ever could LIE! He promised never to leave us alone! He is HERE AND EVERYWHERE! He even sent His Son and Spirit to live inside of us and guide us. Yet, man says, "Where is God? Is God dead? I cannot see or hear him. He doesn't speak to me." GOD HAS SPOKEN! He has told us how to access Him. HUMBLE yourself! There is only ONE true god! Acknowledge Him in everything you think, say, and do. You can do NOTHING without God. You cannot walk, talk, think, live, or exist without God. HUMBLE yourself! Those good ideas you thought were yours came from God. All GOOD comes from God for God IS good. He created the knowledge you have and gives you the ability to retain and use it. He created our teachers, schools, jobs, houses, cars, and possessions. The love we crave was created by God.


When we can't see or hear God, it's because we are too busy being our own god. We don't want to acknowledge God because we think we will have to give up the CONTROL and GLORY we have claimed for ourselves! Humble yourself, REPENT, PRAY, and seek Gods face and not his hands. Surrender your will and accept the will of God to be made into HIS image, not the image of the White Man's world, this world, or, any other world. Lean not to your own understanding, but, anchor yourself in the Word of God, The Truth, The Way, and The Life. Realize that you are NOTHING without God. Let The Potter make you over again. Begin acknowledging who is really in control, then, trust and obey Him, for there is no other way to be happy IN Jesus, not happy for Jesus, or happy about Jesus, but, happy in Jesus; meaning, He dwells within you and is the center of your joy in life. You have joy which is brought about by imitating Jesus and pleasing God. Each and every day, you live to give God the praise and glory He deserves, then, you will begin to see and hear Him. God passes over the proud because they really don't want to hear Him or believe. They want to do things their way.

Why do you need to do so much NOW to ACCESS God? Because, although, God made it so easy when He created FAITH, we like to learn things the hard way! We could just be like Abraham and BELIEVE God, then, God would count it as righteousness and make us His friend.

Yet, we believe we have to accept things as they are, and stay the same, because, WE DON'T REALLY WANT TO CHANGE! During that time we are fragile and in critical condition and we don't even know it! Some of us are even bleeding out and in danger of death! Many of us have internal injuries and in need of immediate surgery, but, we won't let the surgeon operate because we cling to the world and we are afraid of losing our worldly life! Yes, we love ourselves and the world more than God! We have all been guilty of this, but, we don't have to accept this.

Unlike many of my friends, I cannot just write people off, accept the loss of life, and the loss of souls. I am my brother's keeper. I cannot live in hypocrisy and contradiction. I cannot condemn those around me, then, say that I am a Child of God. Although, I appreciate the loyalty of my friends, it pains me to see them say mean-spirited things to try to defend me or take advantage of the opportunity to degrade a friend. They miss the entire point of a relationship and conversation. They undermine the purpose of being a friend and erase the progress and the goal of correcting and encouraging one another , along with God's command for us to DO ALL THINGS IN LOVE! They lack the proper perspective because there is condemnation, malice, and hatred in their hearts. They lack caring about the feelings of others, even they disagree with them. This is why I cannot settle for American Idealism, or, the White Man's idea of paradise, success, love, or trusting one's own judgement, when, our own judgement misses or conflicts with Godly principles, hence, we have omitted God from the process and our lives. But, STILL, STILL, many think it is the best way to live, because it spares them from having to care about others. This is why I am compelled to speak to you my friends about relying on your own (believed to be best) judgement.

When we make decisions based upon our own understanding, knowingly omitting God, we are making the same decision not to care about others, because, God knows not only what is best for us, but, what is best for others. Well, how do you know you're doing God's Will? You become like Him and take on His character. You invite God into your heart to live. You will know when He gives you a new mind--The Mind of Christ. You begin to have a relationship with God instead of just knowledge of God.

EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO EFFECTS THOSE AROUND US AND THROUGHOUT THE BODY OF CHRIST. It is arrogant to think that I can, or, have the right to make decisions based upon my personal judgement, when so many others are affected by my decisions. This is why we must be connected to God and the Body of Christ. We must live and love accordingly, acknowledging this principle of effecting others, even when it doesn't benefit us; for it is better to give than to receive. This is how a rich man gets through the eye of a needle. With God, ALL things are possible!

by the grace and mercy of God Our Father, and the Blood of His Son, Christ Jesus

your servant,



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