The methods and behaviors we choose to use daily prove our measure of faith and our love for our Heavenly Father. If we love God, we will choose to obey Him. Our obedience reflects His character, which depicts, portrays, and radiates the face of love. Whether or not we have chosen to trust or obey is evident in our thoughts, words, and deeds. When we choose to lean to our own understanding and to the immorality of the world, we are to blame for the consequences of our actions. Yet, all too often we directly or indirectly blame God. Our actions that are contrary to the will of God, inadvertently, point a finger at God, accusing Him of inadequacy, ineptness, and the inability to sufficiently act on our behalf, as we would have Him act, and/or in the timely manner we expect or demand. Our defiance proclaims our independence, our separation from God and His Character, and our belief that we don't always need Him. Our rebellious actions designate the amount of importance we put on our faith and how quickly we are to throw away our beliefs in order to attain that which we see as making us feel comfortable in the world. 

The world is quick to blame God for what it doesn't understand and label it as an unnecessary boundary or limitation. Sin and the nature of sin are ambiguous in a world that cannot understand God. Holy and Divinely inspired scripture is seen as debatable and unclear in a world centered around loving itself and despising God's unconditional (agape) love and changeless character. Without God's love, holiness, righteousness, and wisdom, the world is in darkness, blinded to truth. 

We cannot look to the world to explain God and His Word, or, to define sin. Understanding sin comes from knowing and becoming one with God. Should we blame God for our weaknesses and sin, if we have no desire to truly know Him? Can we blame God for how he made us if we have no desire to let Him show us who we truly are?  We may ask why He didn't just change our DNA and give us the natural ability to understand and love one another? Why must God allow us to experience trials and temptations, which sometimes require us to go through tribulations filled with pain, grief, and suffering? Why? God doesn't make mistakes. He got it right the first time. In creating man, God was intentional and deliberate in His thinking, without ifs, buts, or, maybes. God knew that He could provide everything we needed to live an abundant life and to conquer this world. However, it is His intention that we desire His life-changing gifts and trust Him. As Believers, there must be a change that comes over us, especially when faced with adversity. This is where the understanding of true and unconditional love is important, as they are necessary for holiness and righteousness. God wants us to give and receive unconditional love under our own free will. If we are to receive God's promises of abundant and eternal life, we must learn to endure with a steadfast and loving heart. 

Choosing to blame someone or something for our weaknesses shows that we have given up on trusting and believing God. In choosing to blame God, we show that we are not willing to surrender our will and sacrifice ourselves daily for the sake of holiness and righteousness. We often see holiness and righteousness as expendable, that is, if it interferes with our love of the world and the flesh, we have no desire for it at that time.  If there is something profane and evil we want to say when we are upset, then, holiness and righteousness are in the way. If there is someone we want to hurt or talk about, then, holiness and righteousness are in the way. If there is some group we want to be a part of that is focused upon the things of the world, then, holiness and righteousness are in the way. If the body craves or lusts for something, then, holiness and righteousness are in the way. If there is some change we want to make to our body, the temple of God, and the change is against the Will of God, then, holiness and righteousness are in the way.

Having separated the characteristics of God from God, we don't see our rejection of holiness and righteousness as rejection of God, criticism of His principles, doctrine, and laws. We don't see our unwillingness to please Him, for lack of loving Him as He loves us. Convinced that we can't possibly meet God's standards, daily, it becomes much easier for us to sin and cling to self and the world. If we separate love from God, then, we can love how we want to love--conditionally and selfishly. If we separate peace from God, then, we can decide what peace in our lives and peace in the world should be, along with, who should have peace. If we separate trusting and obeying from God, then, yes, we create our own measure of trust and obedience. So, what is lacking in us during our times of rebellion isn't reason or reasoning, but, the will to truly know and love God, our Father, and to have Him rule over every aspect of our lives. We simply don't want to surrender our will because there is too much of self and self-will to make room for God in our lives. 

Some people may think that going to church or worship service, reading scripture, and praying are sufficient ways for making room for God. Often, we spend time in the presence of God, learning about God, and worshipping God, without allowing His presence to be manifested in and through us, because, we are still too full of ourselves. We haven't surrendered our will to God or died to the flesh to live in Christ. Making room for God requires our total sacrifice, which is why we needed Jesus. Jesus was the perfect example of the fusion of God and man. Jesus lived to please His Heavenly Father.

Jesus gave us the perfect example of true sacrifice and undying love. Eternal life cannot exist and continue to survive without it, for it comes from the essence of God.  Anything less is destructive, corrosive, corruptive, and eventually dead and lifeless. God is asking us to die to our flesh, daily, so that we can live within the fullness and abundance of His holiness and righteousness, bearing good fruit, to the glory of God. Again, we bear good fruit, not to please ourselves or the world, but, for the glory of God.

Just as Satan rebelled in Heaven because he blamed God for his discontent, our choosing to sin places blame on God for our discontent and struggles in life. By choosing sin and to love the world more than God, we choose to walk among the dead who are fruitless. Still, to gain the world, we refuse to be different from the dead, who are living without Christ. We want to share in their madness and their chaos. We don't want to miss out on feeling, experiencing, or having something we see in the world. We feel entitled to have what everyone else has, even if it comes at a high price. Many of us believe that we only live once, therefore, we must grab the gusto to experience the pleasures of life. However, if we had never known about the temptations and things of the world, would we be any less, being that God is the only one who can make us whole and give us joy?

There is no doubt, when we choose to love the world and sin, we are choosing to serve two masters. Our actions indicate that God can order our steps, but, we will choose when and which steps we want Him to order, and how He may do so. Many Believers want to choose a specific brand of religion. They want God's Word delivered to them in a specific style and fashion. In their eyes, the messenger must look and speak a certain way or have certain credentials to be credible and qualified to tell them about God. In addition, the message must provide some immediate answer or solution to their problems, or, a means of becoming prosperous.

Recently, I heard a Believer say that people no longer want to hear preaching just about what's going on in the preacher's life, they want to hear preaching that can do something for them in their life. Obviously, this statement echoed within my head, resting uneasily upon the holiness and righteousness I have come to love and respect. Did our Father not tell us to witness to one another for a reason? Must there be some hidden or specialized agenda tailored for individuals? Is there a problem with the people who witness or a problem with the hearer of the testimonial who cannot connect that the testimony is expressing and revealing that what God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have done in one life can happen in another life? 

However, if there is a problem with the preaching and testimony, we must examine the hearts of those in which God has entrusted the care of His sheep. Whose character is being projected? Is the testimony for the sake of boasting and performance, instead of to save the souls of the lost, hungry and thirsty? Is God requiring too much of us, in asking us to encourage and inspire others without making it all about ourselves? Witness is at the very heart of Discipleship. Jesus's ministry was not a ministry of self or selfishness. We don't look to praise and fellowship to glorify us as individuals. We don't worship in Spirit and in Truth to glorify ourselves. Discipleship is about God and His Kingdom, not about us. Certainly, this is why the adversary has worked so hard to eradicate discipleship within ministries. Certainly, this is why we find so many ministries centered around individuals and not around God. People have become more focused upon themselves as religious performers, than servants of God.

Once again, in looking for our belief in God to produce and perform for us, we have separated God from His characteristics. We fail to see that we are to absorb and manifest His characteristics so that we become fruitful by producing the Fruit of God's Holy Spirit. We fail to see that we can only remain fruitful by being attached to The Vine, Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. When we look for the elements of faith to offer to God as a sacrifice, instead of offering ourselves, our reasoning is topsy-turvy, that is to say, upside down. Our works alone cannot justify us. We must present ourselves covered and washed in the blood of Jesus.

The words that I write are meant to do something in your life, right now, but, will everyone see them as doing so? Will everyone's life be changed for the better, just by reading these words? The words are an appetizer for those who are thirsty and hungry for holiness and righteousness. We offer Jesus's, Living Water, so that they thirst no more. We offer Jesus, The Bread of Life, so that they hunger no more. Can I offer myself, alone, as someone to change your life for the better? No! I am nothing without God! If your eyes are upon me to change your life, then, you will remain thirsty and hungry. However, if in me you see The Father and The Son, and long for their presence in your life, then, God can use me to bring you closer to Him. Many are often fooled by charismatic leaders and enticing places of worship, which after having misled them and fleeced them of money and dignity, only leave them the same as they were before, dry and hungry, in pain and in pride, unable to find the true path to God.

Be not fooled by those who package, what they call God and religion, and sell it to you in fancy packages, while they are surrounded by mirages of wealth, and offer entertainment for purpose of distraction. God and faith are not a commodity. If you are not bearing good fruit, then what of your praise and worship? Aren't they also fruitless and in vain? Believers have allowed themselves to become confused by the ways and means of the world. The world is filled with Believers who base their faith upon man's feelings, leading people down one extreme path to another. Some can only worship God by killing and spilling another man's blood in order to feel holy and righteous. Some can only worship God by being enthralled in feel good praise and worship ceremonies. Some can only worship God by adhering to repetitive prayers. Some can only worship God by adhering to tradition and manmade doctrine. Others, claiming to worship God, seek to control governments, in order to feel powerful, holy and righteous. We are lost without true Discipleship which follows in the footsteps of Christ. We are lost without the Body of Christ working together under the Mind of Christ. We are lost without loving one another as He loved us, doing everything in love, and doing everything to please the Father. 

As Disciples, we are not hirelings expected to perform for the pleasure and profit of individuals. Neither are we slaves to the world to be bought and sold at the best price. We have one master, who is,  Jehovah God. 

If we as Believers are only concerned with what clergy, fellow Believers, God, Jesus, and the Body of Christ can do for us to make our lives better, we are withering or dead branches ready for the fire. Even at our lowest, if we have no money or material items to give in return for service or kindness, we must remember that we remain fruitful if we maintain and exhibit the character of God. Therefore, even destitute, we are never worthless, for we continue to bear the Fruit of God's Holy Spirit. We still have our life which is precious and matters to God. So, we offer ourselves to God to be used to serve Him and one another. This is the priceless gift Jesus's sacrifice gave us in order that we may have abundant and eternal life.


Anytime that we as a people have a grievance to bear, we don't mind carrying a sign expressing our feelings and allegiance towards that cause. We want the world to know that our opinion matters and that we as individuals matter. Yet, within all of our grievances and causes the most important opinion is that of God. Why? Because, God Matters. If we are to carry a sign, it should be the cross that we bear for the sake of His Kingdom. All else is covered and defined by the cross our Savior died upon and the blood that He shed for us. If we put God before us in everything we do, then, the lives of every man, woman, and child always matter.

The Earth is surrounded by dead planets, some having no hope of sustaining any viable lifeform that is known to man. Sustaining life on Earth depends on man being a wise and diligent caretaker of the wondrous and marvelous environment God has created for him. Just as the status of the Earth depends on man, man's survival depends upon the ability of the Earth to supply his needs. The Earth has an affect upon Heaven and the Universe. Therefore, man has an affect upon Heaven and the Universe. You and I are counted among men. What we do effects everyone around us. Seeing that God allows this to happen, we matter to God, and even so should our lives matter to one another. 

One moment in time has an affect upon the next moment in time. One single particle affects another particle. As the affect of time and matter ripple through space, we will have an everlasting affect upon the Universe. The way we live and treat one another, as well as the Earth matters. How we live matters. Who we are living for matters just as much as why we are living. Everything is affected by our existence, this is why God must cut off that which is corrupted or fruitless. This is why God allowed those who are corrupt and fruitless to be separated, driven out, and even killed. God knows that these things matter because one thing affects another. 

The election of the 45th president of the United States and the insurrection of 2021 prove how corruption spreads like uncontrollable wildfires.  One person perpetuating a lie is soon joined by a group of people spreading the lie, which will eventually become the founding doctrine of a disruptive  organization or movement.

Truth matters. God destroyed the world by flood, because, truth no longer mattered to the people He had created. God wants us to see and understand why truth matters in our lives, today. God is TRUTH. Therefore, if we forsake TRUTH, we forsake GOD! We can only heal those blinded to truth by lifting up The Truth, The Way, and The Life, Yeshua, Christ Jesus. God's gift of free will means that we must work together to rise above the standards of the world. We must do our part, doing everything in love to show our neighbor the Character of God and that God matters. We must show those looking for answers in the world that there is a better way, and a better life, whereby, being founded upon The Truth, The Way and The Life, it will bring abundant and eternal life.

John 14:6

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

What I am trying to say is that blame is a distraction to make us believe that God doesn't matter. We are being distracted by a world determined to separate us from God. We marvel and take pleasure in the distractions giving us the desire to continue to cling to the world, believing it can supply all of our needs. The things that you see, hear, touch, smell, taste, along with those ideas and material things that make you cling to the world are distracting you from who you are and why you are here. 

The world can and will make you feel small in order to keep you from thinking big and becoming who God created you to be. The world can and will tell you that you are insignificant to keep you from living out your God given purpose. The world can and will tell you what is right and wrong, according to its standards and not the standards of God.

People lie to feel powerful, important, and to get what they want. People kill for much the same reasons, but, at the core of their adverse behaviors is pain, fear, greed, lust, selfishness, and pride. When we sin, in that instant, we see no other way to get what we desire, even when we know we have options. That we have arrived at sin's door, shows that we would rather blame God, than accept the fact that we have once again given in to our weaknesses. Like Eve in the Garden of Eden, we see God as withholding from us that which we feel entitled to.

Yet, we have a Heavenly Father who says that all we have to do is ask and it shall be given to us if it is within His Will for us to have it. If it is not within His will, then, we don't need it, because, it would not be good for us. As our Father, God only wants good things for us. 

To avoid facing the reality of God's Will being against what we desire, we attempt to alter reality. This is what people do when they know they have no truth to stand upon as a foundation. They create an alternative reality that fits their needs and their lies. Having chosen the prince of darkness for a master, they too, become blinded to truth and blinded to there being another way to live which is within the Will of God. Who is really to blame for our sins, God for setting standards, or, man for failing to meet God's standards because he chooses to act upon self-will that is fruitless and unproductive? To answer this question we must look at why we choose to sin. 

When we sin in the world, in order to acquire worldly love, lusts, wealth, material things, or status, we fail to see that there is another way. In reality, the world doesn't love us and has no desire to provide for our every need. Our sinning is in vain, as well as our love of a world which is without the power and authority of Jehovah God. Choosing the ways of the world is a short trip to nowhere. We may gain immediate and temporary satisfaction, at the expense of losing our soul and becoming unholy and unrighteous. 

These words can change your life daily, if you adhere to them and heed their warnings. These words can change your life daily, if you truly desire change within your life and are willing to humble yourself and die to your flesh, daily. No, it is not my responsibility to physically change every life upon the path God has chosen for me to travel. Every Disciple and every Believer, must realize and understand that change begins inside of us with repentance and turning away from our fruitless and sinful ways.

There is a grander scheme of things in which you and I are a part of God's plan. We can selfishly live for ourselves, thereby, living our lives in vain, ending in our being cut off and thrown into the fire, or, we can live for God's Kingdom, which is eternal, and be a part of eternity. When I look at my life, I can see it as being small, short, and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, which tempts me to live my life as I please, or, I can see how much God loves and cares for me to make me a part of something so grand and magnificent, that it will forever bring me joy and give glory to God. 

Why would anyone see their life as being small, short, and insignificant? Because, they are trying to live by the world's standards. They have chosen standards which don't fit them, standards that they cannot live up to, because, they were not made by He who is good and only wants good things for us. Our expectations for our lives become unrealistic as they pertain to our purpose and life. As a result, we will needlessly suffer emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

If we are only concerned with how we see ourselves and how others see us, then, our living is in vain. If we are only concerned with how we can fit into the world and the social structure and hierarchy of society, then, our living is in vain. We may say that we are unique individuals, uninfluenced by others. Yet, our uniqueness derives from cultural aspects in a worldly conglomerate at war with God. Sadly, we are in denial of separating ourselves from God's character to live as we please; to look like we want to look, to go where we want to go; to say what we want to say; or, to be with whom we want to be with, etc. In other words, our rebellion is not unique to us alone and neither are the things we have chosen to use to define our uniqueness. That which really makes us unique was given to us at birth by God and God alone.

Yes, you and I can go ahead and do what we want to do. God may or may not stop us. Although, He loves us and it will sadden Him, He will allow us to destroy ourselves. If we are only concerned with immediate gratification, or, doing something for the sake of saying we did it, then, yes, we have our reward, but, how small, short, and insignificant it is, within a life that is worth so much more than that which we have given it. How petty and selfish the act of pleasing ourselves and not pleasing the God who continues to create, bless, and prepare a future of good things for us and mankind.

If we lean to our own misguided understanding and entitlement, feeling that we must make choices, have opinions, and decisions, based upon the relevancy of the time and day, the opinions of influencers, the celebrity of movers and shakers, along with who we are set on believing we are or want to be, then, we are  living the lie of self-determination, when in reality, GOD IS IN CONTROL. GOD MATTERS. 

Without vision, without authority, we can try to claim time and space that has only been loaned to us with the provision that we use it wisely and for the good in which it was intended, when God created us and this world. As God approvingly looked down upon His Creation, He knew that it was good. God cared enough to give us what is good, because, He loves us. That matters to me and tells me that I must give God the best of me.

Day-to-day, as you see sin in your life and the lives of others, I want you to ask who is being blamed for the sin, as the world sees the sin. Then, ask yourself how you view the sin and who you blame for the sin. Finally, find out how God views the sin and who He holds accountable for the sin. Below are some questions you might ask in each category to determine the outcomes.

  1. How is the sin viewed by (the world, yourself, God)?  
  2. Is the sin condoned or approved of by (the world, yourself, God)?
  3. Is there punishment for the sin? If so, is there a law concerning the sin?
  4. Does the world encourage, influence, and promote the sin? 
  5. Is the world indifferent to the sin and why? 
  6. Is there confusion and division in the world because of the sin?  
  7. Are the opinions and doctrine of clergy, religions, and places of worship around the world divided regarding the nature and severity of the sin?


You may ask, why you should ask these questions and do this exercise. What is most important is your reaction to the answers. What is your response to the answers? How do you feel about the answers? If the world doesn't recognize a behavior as sin and condones the behavior, are you angry, disgusted, afraid? Do you feel you must somehow do something to stop the behavior? Do you feel hatred or anger toward the people who condone the sin and/or take part in the sin? Are you angry because God considers that particular behavior sin? Does it make you question God's intentions or if there really is a God? Where does the blame for the sin really lie? Should God make allowances and approve of a sin that has become popular, unrestrained, excessive, and in some cases lawful in many places throughout the world?

I have presented this exercise because these are often the questions and steps people take to determine what is sin. When choosing what is right or wrong, according to our point-of-view, we can consider all of these questions and answers. Yet, once again, we are leaning on our own understanding and choosing to separate ourselves from God and His Character. We fail to walk by faith. We are showing that God is asking too much of us to trust and obey Him, only. We are hoping to find some kind of loophole that will allow us to do as we please with a clear conscience. Nevertheless, our changing heart fails to acknowledge that despite the direction of the wind, despite the changing times and the fashionable trends, God never changes. Most assuredly, the heart and mind of man and the desires of the world are capable of changing with the wind. We often find Believers doing just that, changing with the wind, because, they feel that the world matters more than, or, just as much as God. As we plunge into the deep and murky pools of carnal desire, at the risk of drowning, it is evident that concerning some things, we would rather not have God rule over our lives. We feel that we must let the world weigh-in on are decision-making to ensure our place in the world.

Not until we try to live each and every moment for the glorification of God, unwilling to compromise, turn around, or, waiver, do we find ourselves bearing the Cross of Jesus. It is then the world no longer understands us, for we have the Mind of Christ. Not until we've faced the scorn and ridicule of the populace, standing firm, do we know we've truly been changed, washed in the Blood of Jesus. Perhaps, this is why fear grips Believers and non-believers, alike. People are afraid of change, especially when it comes to changing themselves. The thought of having to part with the familiar and even the familiarity of a world where you have been battered, scorned, and mistreated in numerous ways, is frightening to many.

Moses found his people unwilling to follow him out of bondage. The Israelites feared the unknown roads ahead of them and the unknown life they would lead no longer enslaved and oppressed by pharaoh. At least they knew what to expect from there oppressor. At least they had a home and food, however meager and inadequate it was. Fear of the unknown is often more frightening to man than the pain that lies before him. Knowing man's fears and insecurities that cause him to fall into sin, God's love for us led Him to promise never to leave us, to dwell within us, and guide us. God is no stranger to us. He is our Heavenly Father. That which we see as the unknown is part of us, within us, and around us everyday. That which we fear as the unknown loves us unconditionally. That unconditional love, His unconditional love, can and will drive away our fears if we rest in Him, humbling ourselves and surrendering our will. 

As Believers, Disciples, and Ambassadors of Christ, we are on a mission to make Disciples. We cannot foresee the road ahead of us, yet, we must not fear. We must not tire. We must remember that we have a God, a loving Father, who when the road causes us to fall, He will pick us up. When there are no signs to show us the way, He will guide us. When we fear the unknown, His love will drive away our fears and tears. When we are forsaken, ridiculed, and rejected, His Spirit will comfort us. Alas, the changes that He has prepared for us are not to be feared, but, embraced, as they will strengthen us and keep us in holiness and righteous, that we may walk with the Lord, and talk with the Lord, on our journey to eternity. Yes, it is important to know what matters, but, it is even more important to know who matters most in our life, in order to have a guiding compass and an anchor to weather the storms of life. 

By the Grace and Mercy of God, through the Life Changing Blood of Christ Jesus,
Your servant and soldier,



SELF REFLECTION: A Look in the Mirror *

Once again, when we look at Jesus' parables, He is challenging us to examine where our heart lies. Closely examining your heart, answer the following questions. 

*DISCUSS your answers with a mature Believer who can guide you in your spiritual relationship with Jesus and our Father, and/or have group discussions to learn from those who have different experiences and perspectives. 

QUESTIONS: Write down your questions and discuss them with a mature Believer or submit them to:, or
  1. Have you ever questioned God's love for you, especially when things went wrong in your life? Why or why not?
  2. Should God question your love for Him when you disobey Him? Why or why not?
  3. Have you ever questioned God's commandments, principles, morals, or laws? Why or why not?
  4. Have you ever gone ahead and done what you wanted to do knowing that it was against the will of God? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever been bitter, angry, confused, or frustrated because God's laws kept you from doing something you wanted to do?
  6. Has keeping God's Ways and Will ever separated you from friends, family, parents, or, events you wanted to attend?
  7. Have you purposefully rebelled against God's Ways and Will?
  8. Did you feel that God was requiring too much from you for some reason (i.e., age, maturity, gender, race, etc.)?
  9. When wanting to go against God's Will, have you taken the time to think about how much He loves you? 
  10. Do you feel that you love God too much to hurt Him?
  11. Do you believe that you can hurt God by disobeying Him? Do you care?
  12. Why is change hard for man?
  13. When we continue to sin, it is clear that we don't want to change. Do you fear change? Why or why not?

Day-to-day, as you see sin in your life and the lives of others, I want you to ask who is being blamed for the sin, as the world sees the sin. Then, ask yourself how you view the sin and who you blame for the sin. Finally, find out how God views the sin and who He holds accountable for the sin. Below are some questions you might ask in each category to determine the outcomes.

  1. How is the sin viewed by (the world, yourself, God)?  
  2. Is the sin condoned or approved of by (the world, yourself, God)?
  3. Is there punishment for the sin? If so, is there a law concerning the sin?
  4. Does the world encourage, influence, and advertise the sin? 
  5. Is the world indifferent to the sin and why? 
  6. Is there confusion and division in the world because of the sin?  
  7. Are the opinions and doctrine of clergy, religions, and places of worship around the world divided regarding the nature and severity of the sin?
  8. Why should you ask these questions and do this exercise? What is most important is your reaction to the answers. What is your response to the answers? How do you feel about the answers? 
  9. If the world doesn't recognize a behavior as sin and condones the behavior, are you angry, disgusted, afraid? 
  10. Do you feel you must somehow do something to stop the behavior? 
  11. Do you feel hatred or anger toward the people who condone the sin and/or take part in the sin?
  12.  Are you angry because God considers that particular behavior sin? Does it make you question God's intentions or if there really is a God? 
  13. Where does the blame for the sin really lie? 
  14. Should God make allowances and approve of a sin that has become popular, unrestrained, excessive, and in some cases lawful in many places throughout the world?


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