(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



Frustration is an emotion produced when we are fighting for control, but, is it fruitful? Does it produce good fruit? While we are engaged in a fight for control, what are we driving out and what are we letting in? Are we pushing away our faith in God in exchange for selfish emotions that cannot satisfy and have no power to solve our problems? Are we pushing God away in our belief that we need to be in control, believing we are the mechanism by which everything is created, resolved, and finished? Are we abiding in God's Holy Spirit in our moments of frustration?

We must be aware of our feelings and emotions that lead us away from God and into the hands of the enemy. It is easy to become frustrated when things are not going our way. However, if we learn to walk with God and walk in the spirit, we can resist the feelings and emotions of the flesh and cast them away when they come to tempt us and tear us away from our Father.

Emotions are our traffic lights and caution signals. They tell us how we are feeling and determine how we react to our environment, situations, and to other people. If we think of how important that is to our well-being and spiritual life, then, we can decide how to proceed with our emotions. Is the emotion that we're experiencing healthy for us mentally, physically, and spiritually? Often, our concentration is only on the mental and physical aspect of our emotions, allowing the Adversary and darkness to sneak in and have their way. The flesh may seem to benefit from our emotions, while the spirit, or, soul becomes ill or perishes.


Kept alive by means of life support, plugged into tubes and machines, yet, still, still, struggling to breathe and able to feel pain, Derek managed to hear the words coming out of Rachel's mouth. His mind was somewhat subdued by the highly potent drugs within his system, but, pausing to think for a moment, he could comprehend and understand what she was saying. The impact of what the words meant sent his mind reeling, beyond the effect of  the strong medications.

The sight of Rachel made him angry, but, the secret that she divulged made him furious, so furious that the anger boiled within him and began to erupt within his mind. Frustration fueled the fire within him as he was unable to act upon his feelings, as he usually did. He felt helpless and weak for not being able to lash out and say the things that could harm others and give him satisfaction. It was agonizing having to listen to her. It was agonizing having to let her touch him. It was agonizing that she was even in his presence. If he was going to die, he felt that he should have some control, some say so over how and when, or, at least, be able to deny his enemies the pleasure of watching. He felt humiliated and unjustly treated. 

"Wait...what was she saying? I've been fighting against my own blood? Wait...what's that...Hal is my...my...COUSIN! NO! That...Nig...no...what? Rape?! President Graves raped his maid?! He was a nigger lover or just a crazy pervert who didn't care who he...f...that son-of-a...he cursed our whole family a long time ago! He's responsible for this...for me...me being in this...this condition...and...and...DYING! All of our lives, he's brought nothing but misery to all of us!"

Derek wanted to scream, rant, and express his outrage. He felt deprived of the satisfaction he would get from degrading Rachel and that bastard cousin she was in love with. Belittling others made him feel powerful, just like it made his great grandfather feel powerful. -And like President Graves, he too, wanted people to know that he was rich and his money made him powerful. Following in his great grandfather's footsteps, he, too, used wealth and power to make up for his lack of intelligence, wisdom, compassion, and love. For the Graves Family, money, power, and control became a useful means to cover up their many vices, insecurities, inadequacies, and sins. This is what people do who love themselves so much, that they see no need to change their ways, or, improve upon their character. They see no need to believe or have faith in God.

Derek could feel his face become hot, as the rage continued to rise up within him. Then...as he felt Rachel touch him again, as she began to pray, he began his struggle to fight back, unaware of the harm he was doing to himself, unaware that he was speeding up the timing of his already determined and imminent death. Yet, pride and vengeance was more precious to him than life, even a minute or a second of life. Life, as he knew it, was about to end, anyway. Any remnant of him as a man began to fade away as pride and hatred took over to have its way.

Jerking his hand away from Rachel, he could feel his heartbeat racing inside. As the pain intensified, he could no longer control his breathing. As panic took hold of him, he noticed that there was loud talking in the room, while the machines rapidly beeped. He felt something cold upon his chest. Someone shouted, "CLEAR!" 

Images flashed before him, then, all went dark...until...Judgement Day.


To the Atheist who says there is no life after death, you are right. God has revealed this to you and now He has revealed it to me to further explain and enlighten others. Life as you and I have come to know it upon Earth will no longer exist when we die. You see, life now can only be defined by what we have experienced and by knowledge which we have obtained. Life after death transcends anything that we can imagine, create, or procreate. The life that you cling to because of the flesh and pride of self will no longer exist after death. 

Mankind arrogantly defines life through his own eyes. One's understanding of life determines their expectations and contributes to how we live our lives. Not everyone has the same concept of what their life should be like and what life is. We are constantly in the courtrooms debating the issue of abortion and the right to take life and give life, but, first, we must reach a consensus as to what life is. Should we take into account what life is for the beasts and foul of the Earth? Can it be seen as being much different, than life for mankind? How have we defined life in the past and how will it be defined in the future? Can we change the definition of life to fit our needs? 

When we live life according to our own heart and desires, life becomes tainted and corrupted with the darkness, vanity, and selfishness within the world. -Corruption that we cannot carry with us into God's Kingdom and into our next life.

The Agnostic believes in options, choices, and that time is on their side. Therefore, there is no need to claim belief in anything. They believe in the ability to remain neutral and live life accordingly. Their claim of entitlement to sustain indefinitely is in itself hypocrisy and the religious practice of idolization. They become their own god making their own laws, principles, and doctrine. By claiming time to sustain or hold back their belief or lack thereof, they defy death and that tomorrow is not promised to us. They join the world as an opponent who is at enmity with God. They join the Adversary in claiming that we don't need God. What is life to them that they should even take the time to contemplate death or that it should be worthwhile to do so? The disillusionment of life has dealt them a hard blow, thus, they flinch and hesitation is a natural defense mechanism, they believe will keep them safe. Pride and insecurity keeps them from placing their faith and trust in anything they feel is not concrete, infallible, or, beneficial to them. Indecision is a right, as they see it, an entitlement attached to their idolization of self. Their options, choices, and entitlement have made them the captain of their own ship and set them adrift upon an endless sea, having no home to find rest. They mirror those who believe they have found religion, but, are steeped in tradition that tends to the flesh and not the soul.

For those who BELIEVE on the Father and the Son, we will be transformed and we will become like Him. We cannot imagine what that life will be like because we are void of that knowledge. However, this is the kicker, as some might put it, the kick in the pants for those who know that hindsight is 20/20 vision. God has all power in His hands. He created us. Who says that He cannot recreate us? -And if that person says that God cannot recreate us, where do they get that information and knowledge from? Are they God? Are they more powerful than God? Were they here before God?

In Revelation, God tells us of a New Jerusalem, a new city, that will come down to Earth and He will dwell amongst us. Us being those who BELIEVE, and have stood until the end. Again, there will be no life as you and I know it and see it. There will be no life as you have come to treasure it because God allows you to take another breath each day. That form of life will have passed away. That form, corruptible by pain, fear, iniquity, and death, will have passed away. That form, corruptible by idolization, greed, jealousy, coveting, lying, stealing and murdering will no longer exist. In other words, because of your blindness and love of self, God has revealed Truth to you and I cannot dispute His Word. The wicked shall be cast into a lake of fire and shall exist no more. Their unbelief has already sealed their fate. Indeed, the unbeliever is already dead and living their life in vain.

So why does God allow them to continue to exist, if they are only, seemingly taking up needed space? Should someone more worthy of life be alive now? -Someone more productive and fruitful? -Someone who is actually going to believe and have everlasting life? Does that type of thinking sound like the Character of God to you? If so, then, you might as well be an atheist, because, you do not truly believe in who God is. If so, you are void of conscience, compassion, and unconditional love for your brother. If so, you know nothing of FORGIVENESS, GRACE, and MERCY. If that is your attitude towards your fellow man and your brother, then, you know nothing of salvation and the power of God which can use even His enemies for the good of His Kingdom. Perhaps, this is why the dispute, violence, and hatred continues in places like the Middle East, where the Israeli and Palestinian claim for land rights has no permanent solution. We often see our own lives being more valuable than another's life. We often see our quality of life as being more important than another's. We must ask ourselves if  God would choose to continue this type of life and world? Most assuredly the answer is no. Then, the efforts to disqualify our Brothers and Sisters are in vain.

Life, this life, as we have come to know it, has a purpose and a season. It determines if we will have a higher degree of life. What we do in this life, matters! For those who claim to believe and serve God, this should be the key issue and deciding factor at the diplomacy table when determining peace, boundaries, and ownership.

What do those who know so little about life know about death? If they have not lived in this life, how can they understand life in the next? If they have not come to know and live in The Truth, The Way, and The Life, how could they understand abundant and everlasting life? 

Is it that the One and only God would have us die and come back again and again, reincarnated as an animal? Is that His reward to us, that we die and die again, never again to live and enjoy life as a human being? Or, is that eternal damnation of His creation? Shall we be born again into a new body, starting out once again as an infant, only to sin again and perhaps repeat our previous mistakes? Would God have us change our identity to seek Him over and over again, sinning over and over again, with the chance of failing to come into His Kingdom? Is God so imperfect that He failed in making us right the first time? Are we nothing more than an experiment to God, or, objects to be given different forms and identities? Does that prove how valuable or how expendable we are to God? Does it prove how much God loves us for who we are? Or, did God, in His infinite wisdom, create one way for us to seek and find Him that is perfect and assured, having no need for us to die a mortal death again, but, instead to be reborn through His Holy Spirit?

Would God have us die only to bring our sin and corruption to Heaven/Paradise? Are there eternal orgies in Heaven where God continuously produces a line of virgins to reward other sins, such as lusts, greed, selfishness, murder, and suicide? Such is an imperfect god, who could not possibly be Holy, Righteous, or extend Unconditional Love to all. 

We need only to look at one's definition of Paradise to understand what is in their heart. Would God tell us not to sin and then offer us a place where lust, debauchery, and all manner of sin is conducted and rewarded eternally? Has it all been a lie or a trick? If Heaven is filled with sin, what kind of person would want to go there? If one believes in such a place, what do they treasure in their heart? What darkness is harbored within them and lingers after death? Who is their true master? Why must they prey upon others, oppress, deceive and coerce others to join them? Do they follow after Truth? Do they know The Way? What can they teach others about life? What do these believers in an imperfect God know of true Life and what could they possibly know about death to lead others into death and dying? What could they know about Truth, if they hungrily devour the lies of the enemy and spew them out to others, as if they were truth?

To embrace and know Life, one must first die to the flesh and surrender their will to the One and only Jehovah God, who has been given many names. Then, can one come to learn of life and death being the same, for to live in this life on Earth is to die daily. To live in this life and the next is to walk in the Spirit. Yet, if one is unwilling to shed the body, clinging to the world, then they will return to the soil from which they came, as their soul is released to the fire and brimstone of hell.

Is it any wonder that the warm blood within us responds to pressure, stress, temperature, disease, and nutrition? We know that without blood, we cannot live, for it is life giving. -And should we lose too much blood, if the salt within us has lost its savor, then, we need a blood transfusion to keep us alive, but, not just any kind of blood. The blood donor's blood must be compatible with our own blood or it could kill us instead of making us well. The same blood types are found within all races, increasing our chances of survival. God knew that we would need one another, regardless of the color of our skin. 

Yet, when it came to curing the disease of sin, God had to create one blood donor compatible with the blood of all men, or, surely we would all die from the disease that plagued us. The blood transfusion had to be everlasting. The blood transfusion had to be pure and Holy. In this specification, God knew that He had to give of Himself to save mankind. Hence, He created His only begotten Son, Christ Jesus. Yet, to distribute and infuse the blood, there had to be a sacrifice, a shedding of blood to cover all of mankind. One man would suffer and die for all. One man could provide a cure for the disease of sin in the world. Nonetheless, as always, God is a god of free will. He would not impose this transfusion, or, inoculation upon His creation. Yet, He would allow mankind to live on because His Son had given them salvation and forgiveness. Those who chose to believe in His Son, would come to know Him as The Word of God and their King. Those who chose to believe in His Son, would receive the cure to keep them from sin and conquer the world. Those who refused and rejected The Truth, The Way, and The Life, rejecting God's vaccine and inoculation to keep them from sin and thereby giving them eternal Life, would be cast away to become kindle for fire.

Truth. Rejecting Truth is rejecting God. Rejecting Truth, is accepting sin. Rejecting Truth is refusing to be inoculated and remain in fear and ignorance. It is all connected. There is nothing new happening in the world today, that hasn't happened before, or, that won't happen again. What the blind cannot see is that God has many ways to weed out the wolves from the sheep. There are many reasons God allows disease and plagues to come to mankind that Truth may be revealed; that Truth may be spread to those in need of healing; and that Truth may guide us out of darkness into The Light. There are times when the way must not be easy in order to get to higher ground and closer to God. -And, there are times when one must drop their anchor and weather the storm, riding the waves, and clinging to God, who alone can keep them from sinking.

Life after death? Should we need proof that there is such a thing? Should our faith and love for God cleanse us of doubt, worry, and concern? Yes, many of us worry about death and if we will live on after our flesh has rotted away. Can one ever be certain or comfortable with the question of life after death? If so, how do you arrive at such a state of being? -Through Truth and through Freedom.

This life and our attachment to it keeps us in doubt, because, we want to cling to the images and meanings that are imprinted within our brains. We want to cling to our five senses of taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. The adversary convinces us that these things are important and valuable to us and that if we lose them, we lose a part of ourselves. However, God has so graciously given us the example of the blind, the lame, those who are unable to talk, smell, and hear. He has shown us how we can overcome disabilities and challenges to our physical selves through the help He has provided within our mental and spiritual being. He has shown us that the body is only a small part of who we are and even science cannot pinpoint the origin and mechanism that creates and drives the cycle of life. If it is not here before our eyes, then, where is it? Who is it?

This revealing picture of life is also a revelation from God to give us a glimpse of death, for the part of our body that is unexplained has a home, an origin unknown to man. What happens to it after death? Does it just disappear? Does it move on to another or just loom around hovering and unseen in the darkness, at times, a ghostly apparition, or, part of a black hole, that becomes an impasse with no escape?  

It seems that more people believe in evil and the power of evil, than in believing in God, who is the source of life and all good. More people fear the evil of the Adversary, than the consequences of disobeying God, who has all power, even over evil. This is proven in the way we interpret and reject God's Word. Fear spreads quickly and runs rampid throughout the world. Yet, man is slow to obey the Word of God. Fear can easily be used to control the minds of people. Although, we talk about God and His Love, we fail to live it with the purpose of loving our Brother as ourselves. Therefore, fear cannot be cast out from amongst us, but, rather flourishes for lack of our unconditional love for one another.

More people are embracing fear due to finding what they feel is comfort in fear, while choosing to reject love. I have trouble understanding the comfort in that, however, comfort is not what people are really seeking in their beliefs, for true comfort comes from abiding in Jesus. Are you seeking true comfort if you are not living to please God? -Or, are you really seeking worldly comfort in the things of the world?

It is easier to believe in evil to justify sin and sinning. It is easier to believe in evil to have something or someone to blame, instead of being accountable and accepting responsibility for our own actions. -But, when it comes to God and being good, we begin to doubt, for reasons of rationalization, selfishness, and wanting to escape. Therefore, for some, it is best to reason that life after death is debatable or doubtful. They must have some leeway, justification, or, absence of principles, consequences, penalties, and punishment, that allows them to continue living life as they please and indulging in sinful behaviors, without a feeling of guilt and shame.

Know that the wisdom of God always gives us certainty and clarity. God deals with us directly and assures us of His plan for us, that we need not have doubt or speculation. When we become One with God, God sees us as being whole and complete. There is no need to form us into another incomplete or lesser being. There is no need for us to perform an act, sacrifice, murder, or, suicide to prove our love for Him. Nothing we could or would possibly do can be compared to the sacrifice Jesus made for our Salvation. Nothing we could do could compare to the sacrifice God made in sending His Son to us to teach us and redeem us by being crucified upon a cross. Nothing we could do could compare to the love God had for us to watch the suffering of His Only Begotten Son. 

However, the arrogance of man tells him that he can sanctify himself. He can place himself into the throngs of those who have suffered martyrdom for the sake of holiness and righteousness. Yet, this is where the definition of holiness and righteousness has been corrupted by the hardened and blackened hearts of prideful men who are without grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love. One must live Holy and Righteous to be received into the Holiness and Righteousness of God's Kingdom, or, Paradise, the name that many use to describe Heaven.

Jesus told us of His Home and His father's House, which He described as having many mansions. He said that He was going to prepare a place for us within His Kingdom, which will become our home, also. Jesus's promise was for those who conquer the world and stand until the end. Now, to determine if one has conquered the world, we must look into the heart of a man or woman and see what kind of love is held therein. If one has conquered the world, it is free from hatred, malice, and the desire for lusts, greed, revenge, entitlement, pride, fame, riches, and everything that is against the Word of God. One does not seek The Kingdom, or Paradise, for such things, if one has conquered the world. If one first seeks the Kingdom of Heaven, they are seeking to please God with unconditional love for Him and their Brother and all else within the Will of God will be added. If one is seeking to please God and gain the reward of eternal life within His Kingdom, then, they must look at the Word of God which says that, if you love Me, then, you will obey Me. To obey God, is to obey His Word. Acceptance of His Word is acceptance of Jesus. To obey Jesus is to love one another as He loved us, as His Father loves Him. This is The Truth, The Way, and The Life which places us upon the right path to give us new birth through God's Holy Spirit, that will open the Gates of The Kingdom.

 If we say that we believe in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), then, we must also believe on His Word, our Resurrection, and our Eternal Life with God, within His Kingdom. This answers the question of life after death. God keeps His promises to the Holy and the Righteous, in that they shall have eternal life, and even to the wicked, lovers of themselves, sin, and the world, God's promises can be assured in that they shall perish and be no more.


David was hungry and Rachel was having a difficult time trying to nurse him. It wasn't just the presence of strangers in the room with her, but, the stress she was under and the dark atmosphere that surrounded her. To make matters even worse, David began to cry frantically. Seeing that Rachel and David were in distress, the nurse, equipped with ready-made infant formula, offered the bottle to Rachel. Feeling defeated, inadequate, and somewhat ashamed, Rachel accepted the bottle. David, frustrated and overheated, had to quiet himself down before he could suck on the bottle's nipple. Just as he began to finally relax and feed his hunger, Dr. Matthews walked into the room.

"Mrs. Graves, we did all that we could, but, we weren't able to save your husband. He expired a short time ago. You may go in to see him after the nurses are finished in the room. If...if there is...if there is anything that...that we can do for you...or...anything that you need, please let us know. Our condolences, ma'am."

Still, somewhat in shock by the news of Derek's death, Rachel tuned out the rest of the doctor's words. Her mind zoomed away from the present into the safety of the past, where there was no Derek in her life, and she was a little girl, listening to her mother sing to her. It had been so long since her parent's death that she had forgotten what they looked like, but, at that moment, their faces were clear to her. She remembered her mother's voice, sounding so sweet and soft. It was what she needed to hear to keep her legs from crumbling beneath her and toppling her over. 

The words to the hymn her mother sang moved her away from the fear that was pulsating through her veins. Her mother's voice steadied her and reminded her of how God can still the raging storm around you and within, if you anchor yourself upon His Promises. She began to sing along, in her head. Then, feeling ready to see Derek, one last time, Rachel held David tightly, spreading her feet apart and planting them upon the floor, she stood firmly, solidly, and tall, not only in posture and stature, but, in faith.

"In times like these you need a Savior,
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One,
This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!" *


Scripture References

*In Times Like These Lyrics, Chords, and Sheet Music (by Ruth Caye Jones)

Hebrews 6:19 - We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
2 Timothy 3:1 - But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
John 6:68 - Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life

In Times Like These Lyrics

In times like these you need a Savior,
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One,
This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

In times like these you need the Bible,
In times like these, O be not idle;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One,
This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

In times like these I have a Savior,
In times like these I have an anchor;
I'm very sure, I'm very sure
My anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

This Rock is Jesus, Yes He's the One,
This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!


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