(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



For Hal, it could have all ended there and then, but it didn't. Too many people had been burned and too many feathers had been ruffled. There were still too many questions that remained unanswered. Money had been lost and money had been found. Now it was time to trace and track the seekers to see who the players were and to put them on a short or long list of friends or enemies.

There would be numerous investigations into the murder of Derek Graves and Hal knew that his being present at the scene of the crime had its consequences. He knew that his association with the Russians involved put him at the top of the list of suspects and his involvement with Rachel no doubt made him appear to have more than enough motive to want Derek dead. He'd try to lay low like the Russians had advised him, but he still needed to check on Zenobia and their child, while he made sure that Rachel and David were kept safe.  He didn't expect much retaliation because of Derek's death. His donors and supporters were ready to write him off anyway, but there had been a lot of people killed in the last few days and anyone who was close to them may seek out revenge. He knew that he and his family were not by any means in the clear and that meant maintaining vigilance and taking all precautions when at home and while out in the world. 

Hal thought about his father and wished he were half the man his father was right now. He now had two families to take care of and a multitude of businesses and employees to keep going. There was no time to sit around and worry about the past. Auntie Yonny, his father, and grandfather had prepared him for today and the future. Grandpa Siegfried used to say that there is only one man you need to follow and be like, and that man is Jesus, the perfect man. Hal knew that he didn't know enough about Jesus to be like him, but he was willing to find out more and give it a try. 

Only a day or so ago, he was contemplating suicide. Seeing no future for himself, after he killed Derek Graves, he saw suicide as his only option. Even if he didn't pull the trigger himself, you might as well call it suicide, because he knew that the security guards would shoot him immediately. He and Wendell had been saved that day by only a matter of minutes. Perhaps, some would say it was luck, but Grandpa Siegfried had always said, "Hal, my boy, there is no such thing as luck. God is always in control." 

Thinking about Grandpa Siegfried and remembering all of his old sayings, he was beginning to sound like a broken record, he thought. Yes, Grandpa said a lot of things that came to remembrance now during his time of turmoil and trouble. Hal guessed that those sayings were meant for such times as these. He smiled and remembered how Grandpa would break out in song at the least mention of the times at hand, singing (In Times Like These - Ruth Caye Jones , Mother Jones)...

    In times like these you need a Savior
    In times like these you need an anchor;
    Be very sure, be very sure
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

    This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One;
    This Rock is Jesus, the only One!
    Be very sure, be very sure
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

    In times like these you need the Bible,
    In times like these O be not idle;
    Be very sure, be very sure
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

    This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He's the One;
    This Rock is Jesus, the only One!
    Be very sure, be very sure
    Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!

Hal abruptly stopped singing the song in his head, as reality hit him, once again. Yes, Derek was indeed dead and no longer a threat, but there were other Graves who would welcome the chance to end Hal and take back what they believed to be theirs. And yes, it would have been ideal if Derek's death meant the end to the Graves Family Feud, but hatred has a way of burning in the hearts of evil men and women with and endless source of pride to fuel its fire.

The police and other legal authorities would have a hard time trying to get information out of the Russians, let alone expect the Russian government to extradite any of their citizens for a trial in the United States of America. But, like the Russians, Hal knew that Uncle Sam had other ways to deal with foreign criminals. No, it wasn't over for Priest and his gang of vigilantes either. Their day would come, and meanwhile, no one would be able to rest easy. Deals could be made not only behind closed doors, but behind national and international borders. One had only to have the right currency to make the deal. Sometimes, the currency was monetary, but most often, it was a trade off or business deal. You just had to know what the person or government was in need of most, then, make them an offer that they couldn't refuse. With the right offer, lives became expendable, which often only required the government turning their head and looking the other way, as if it never happened. There may be a few squawks here and there with a public statement condemning the actions of the other just for the sake of appearances. But old news is soon forgotten news and any incendiary remarks or threats will die down and fade away until brought up again one day by a government official to defend their position on the matter. Priest and his family were safe, that is, for now.

Still, it could have ended there, if it was time for it to do so. However, that is not the world as we know it and never will be. You see the world feeds on pride, fear, along with all other vanities and not the virtues of man. Often, when we are trying to find our way out of darkness, using our own means to do so, we inadvertently thrust ourselves into a new realm of dark catacombs finding ourselves lost again within an endless maze, unable to find our way out.


Having lost his brother, Priest came to see not only his own life, but the lives of those he loved in a new light. He wanted a better life for all of them--a life free of murder--a life not built upon violence and death. Was it possible like his brother had always told him it was?  Dmitrii believed so strongly that he had even struck him down for daring to act as if the idea was ludicrous. He had simply said that it was too late for him to start over and change his ways. Dmitrii insisted that it was never too late.

Priest was still not convinced that it wasn't too late for him to start a clean life. Yet, he hoped for Borgya's sake that it would be true for him. He wanted his nephew to make a better life for himself and to have peace within. 

Looking around the old and majestic estate he and his brother had called home while they were growing up, Priest was reminded of the old Russia their father used to talk about. It had become the old Russia that others were ashamed of but their father had still found pride in that era. He often talked about the legacy of Vladimir Putin, Russia's self-proclaimed czar and dictator who hoped to forcefully reunite the Russian Federation with its former provinces that formed the USSR. 

As a boy, Priest could not understand the mind and motives of Putin, but now, as he saw no viable way out of the life he had built through bloodshed, he understood why Putin was so obstinate and cold. He understood why he saw no other course for Russia. It was because he saw no other course for himself. He had built a life which could only have a tragic ending because it was built upon lies, greed, and death. In the end, Putin could only do the bidding of the master he had agreed to serve to get what he wanted. Therefore, he set upon a course to kill, steal, and destroy. He knew that this was the legacy that he would leave for others to remember him. However, to him, the important thing was that he would be remembered. In that respect, he was no different than a serial killer seeking attention and lashing out when others don't give him the respect, he believes he deserves. 

Bad things happen when a child is not taught the difference between mice and men. He becomes a mouse pretending to be a man. However, be it, as a mouse, he is capable of causing great destruction and able to build a comfortable nest, he can never stand as tall as a man, think as a man, or become great in a man's world. This was Putin's dream, to claim greatness and his place in world history.



Hebrews 6:19 - We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

2 Timothy 3:1 - But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

John 6:68 - Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.


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