Did it ever occur to you that, if we are to be like Jesus, the world will fear us? It never occurred to me. No, not at all.  I guess I’ve never imagined myself as having that much power over anyone. Nevertheless, the world will fear us, but for the wrong reasons, and we will be judged.  Yes, you will be judged and it is then that you really come to understand that you are no longer of this world.  

As your faith takes you deeper into the Kingdom of God, so much more will be revealed to you and there is so much more you must learn about yourself, your faith, the world, people, and God. The more I am required to Stand under the methods of the world, the more I understand that the world cannot understand God and what the world doesn't understand, it fears.

How do you find out how much stress a person can take?  Do you put them under rigorous testing for mental and physical stress? Do you put them under pressure with timed testing and a deadline to meet?  Do you assign them a task designed to require the utmost conditioning, stamina and strength?  How will you know that you have maximized a person's stress limit?  Are there exact measurements for each individual?  This is another area where the world has the wrong information and idea of stress, strength, and stamina.

Small people under extreme stress have been known to lift heavy objects to save others.  Soldiers on the battlefield form close bonds and brotherhoods that help them to endure tremendous stress and perform miraculously in times of crisis.  Why? -Because stress, strength, and weakness cannot be measured simply by physical and ideological means. 

To overcome stress, to overcome our feelings that place us in bondage and create limitations, we must come to experience unconditional love.  Unconditional love can conquer all because it is the love of God.  It is God being manifested through power and might, grace and mercy, hope and faith.

As we show unconditional love to others and they in turn show unconditional love to us, stress, fear, pain, pride, hatred, etc., have no place within or around a love which is unconditional. As a result, We are able to develop trust within our relationships as we strive to be obedient to God.


As the Pharisee and Sadducee feared Jesus they sought to test Him and prove Him to be a false prophet.  They questioned Jesus often, not realizing that He is the Word of God.  Still, they wanted to prove they were smarter than Jesus and therefore tried to trick Him into saying the wrong things.  However, fear and pride were not in Jesus and thus could not confuse His mind. Jesus was always honest with them and tried to show them who He was, although, He knew they would not believe Him.  Their minds were set on discrediting, slandering, and destroying Him. They persisted in harassing Him until they found something they could use against Him. In saying that God was within Him, they found Jesus to be blasphemous, which was an unforgivable crime.

Like most religious clerics of the time, they wanted to maintain the status quo and remain favorable in the eyes of the people.  Jesus's new teachings, methods, and ability to expose their weaknesses and iniquity simply made them look bad and appear to be corrupt and ignorant.  Their pride led them into fear of losing what they had gained in the world, although, they had lost their souls in trying to serve two masters. In trying to serve two masters, we can only come to hate one and love the other. The Pharisee and Sadducee had come to love sin and being corrupt, hence, their true master was Satan, the Adversary. In taunting and harassing Jesus, they were serving the Adversary. Therefore, we find Jesus's stress level being tested time and time again.  In the desert he not only had to endure the harsh environment, He had to overcome the taunting and tempting of Satan.  Although, physically tasked and wearied, Jesus's unconditional love for His father helped Him endure and conquer the stressors that sought to oppress, corrupt, and destroy Him.

When faced with crucifixion on the Cross, we can come to understand that, just like in the desert when Jesus refused to accept Satan's deals to worship him, it was that same unconditional love that He shared with His Father which enabled Him to endure and sacrifice His life for mankind.


As we are being judged by the world, we too have a choice to make in whom we will serve and how we will endure. Satan desires us to focus on the survival of our flesh. If we fear for our lives and the pain that can be inflicted upon our flesh, we will easily succumb to the desires of the enemy and the world. If we cling to riches and the things of the material world, our lives will have been in vain. We will have accepted the terms the world laid down before us and conformed to the ways of the world.  In becoming OF the world, we believe we spare ourselves physical pain and the pain of being misunderstood, yet we lose our identity and our souls.  

Perhaps, it seems that the easy way out is to spare ourselves the stress and pain that the world believes will make us succumb to darkness.  We would be free to love as we choose to love, and no one should say that we are wrong.  Already, it seems that everyone around us is taking the easy way out and it's easier to go along with the crowd, isn’t it?

However, when you refuse to accept the ways of the world, you begin to stick out like a sore thumb.  Most people want attention but not that kind of attention. It can be very uncomfortable. Moreover, by taking on the Character of God, you can become unrecognizable to those around you.  This may be the opposite of what you intended. The more you become like Jesus, the more dangerous you become to those who cling to the world because you are NEVER alone.  God is with you and MANIFESTS Himself through you.  Your actions cannot be explained and understood by the world; therefore, you are feared and dangerous.  You must be dealt with in an extreme, cautious, and clandestine manner. You must be discredited and become an outcast.

My friends, my brothers and sisters, playtime is over! Jesus has told us to STAND in the face of adversity—standing in holiness and righteousness until the end! If there is a righteous cause you are willing to stand for it must glorify God and His Kingdom, not man! We must stand until the end! However, what marks the end? When will we know the end has come? Are you prepared to stand until the end? Then, you must be ready to lay down your life as Jesus did, for the forces of darkness are upon us. Is this not what Jesus told His Disciples? Now is the time. You must truly carry the cross and endure the pain, suffering, and torture the world places upon you. 

The world that once allowed you to be a bystander no longer exists. The enemy is within our camp and intends to kill, steal, and destroy! If you try to stand on the sidelines you will be consumed and perish. Your life is of no value to those clinging to the world, wishing to make it into their own image of selfishness and greed. Killing and murder is of no consequence to them. They seek to destroy your mind, your reputation and credibility. They have attained power and have been given untraceable and lethal weapons to torture and destroy your body. They will manipulate, bribe, blackmail and coerce you to do their bidding. They have organized and have resources, ways, and means to do massive and extensive damage to individuals, groups, communities, states, and countries.

Am I trying to frighten you? No. However,  it is imperative that I try to awaken you to the real world that you live in today. Like the Pharisee and Sadducee, the status quo seeks to control the narrative in order to stay in control. Those who speak out against them are being targeted, censored, watched, detained, imprisoned, harassed, stalked, labeled as mentally ill, committed to mental institutions, tortured, ruined, and erased. 

To know this is happening in your own country is to be truly AWOKE. To endure the suffering inflicted upon you is to be truly committed to STANDING until the END. You come to know without doubt that God exists and He is with you helping you to survive each day. 

My brothers and sisters, if the end times are approaching, there are no clearer signs then those we see today. The world is weighed down by the sin that covers it and mankind has truly lost its way by succumbing to the darkness. Our leaders are saturated with corruption and have resorted to turning on their own people, feeding them to the lions for money and power. 

No doubt I will endure suffering for spreading this message, but, I must serve He who holds me up. He is my help and my salvation. 


Prepare thyself with the Armor of the Lord and carry His Word upon your lips from day to day, imparting it to friend and enemy alike. Bear His Fruit and teach others to do the same that they may know the Truth, the Way, and the Light. We must be unified and strengthened, encouraging one another, united as One walking in the Light as He is in the Light. There is unity in knowing that there is only one God, one Faith, and one Baptism by His Holy Spirit. In knowing this, we see past the pitfalls and traps of manmade religion and doctrine to come into the Character of God, able to live and abide in His unconditional love. And with His love, we are able to see beyond our brothers’ faults to see their needs. Mankind must begin to meet those inherent needs. Mankind must begin to forgive if we are to be forgiven! All praise be unto God! Children, my love is forever with thee. 

Your servant and soldier, united with the One



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