What are you bringing to Thanksgiving? I’m bringing Peace. Can we bring peace to Thanksgiving? Can we get past the aftermath of continuous injustice in America and the barrage of hatred, finger-pointing , blaming and criticism that continues to divide our country? Is Thanksgiving just a celebration of hypocrisy and a politically manufactured portrait to create an illusion of unity and brotherhood? If so, can we see past man’s intentions to see God’s intentions?

How will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year? Will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year? If not, why have you decided not to celebrate Thanksgiving? If you are an American, what is your ethnicity? Do you believe your ethnicity takes precedence over your American citizenship? If you are an immigrant, do you adhere to your native country’s traditions, and believe that Thanksgiving does not pertain to you? If you are not accustomed to celebrating American traditions, do you see yourself as an American? Or, as a patriotic American? If not, why not? 


Is Thanksgiving just for those who consider themselves to be patriotic Americans? Is Thanksgiving just for those of the Caucasian race who believe they have truly benefited from the opportunities in America? Do you feel somehow left out of American tradition due to being unrepresented, misrepresented, or underrepresented? Do you feel that Native Americans have been so mistreated In America that by celebrating Thanksgiving, you somehow betray them and what is truly just?

I want you to honestly ask yourself if Thanksgiving is for all Americans? Can we rightly and justly say that the Thanksgiving holiday honors all Americans, in the past, present, and future? Has history become so twisted and skewed, that it appears to be written from one point of view, lacking an overall description and factual information verifying what actually transpired? Is it too late to add the heroes and heroines who have been excluded for the purpose of burying the truth and shining a false light upon falsehoods of propaganda created for the purpose of claiming supremacy of one race over another?


If you believe that God is in control and if you believe that God can turn that which was meant for evil into good,  then, through Him, we can bring more to Thanksgiving than just turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. If we try to see through God’s eyes, in His bringing Native Americans and Pilgrims together, we can distinguish that His intentions were to motivate an act of peace. God was there. For He said that in…


Matthew 18:19-20 KJV

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Where there is good, there is God, for God is Good. When we gather for the sake of good, God is ever present.


If we dwell upon the evils that followed throughout history, continuing to open the festering, gaping wounds and if we linger within the open and welcoming doors of hatred, we can never return to that peace that was humbly offered to show goodwill, acceptance of differences, a willingness and effort to help those in need, and the need to gather in fellowship for the common good (our God) of mankind.


It is easy to follow in the footsteps of hatred and indifference. It is easy to separate oneself from that which one feels disconnected, unrepresented or excluded. Yet, if we are to bind the ties of brotherhood with unconditional love, we must join hands in celebration of what was meant by that first feast between men and women from different continents, different races, different cultures, and different ideologies. We must join hands in peace. Without unconditional love, we are left in uncertainty, destined to repeat our mistakes.

We cannot give America over to hatred and negativity. We cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater. Perhaps, it is useless to try to scrub America clean from its dirty past. Perhaps, some believe that much of that same dirt remains today, corrupting our government and institutions. Perhaps the stains of lies, genocide, thievery, murder, racism, hatred and war will always stain the land. 

However, America cannot exist without the peoplePeoplemake America what it is and people in America can be cleaned of hatred and prejudice, if they make it their choice to do so. 


Today, the people of America represent Thanksgiving, all of the different races and nationalities that make up our great nation, symbolizing God’s intention for that first Thanksgiving. Our actions and our motives this Thanksgiving can symbolize more than just indulgence in a feast of turkey and dressing. We are the product of that gathering, whatever the circumstances may be for our being here in America. We must move forward and beyond indifference, bitter feelings about the past, and the inability to see a better future for all Americans united together in thanksgiving for our great nation. 


The people of America give it its flavor. The people of America must remember that they are to be the salt of the Earth. We must steer a straight path for America lest we become shipwrecked, washed up on the shores of regret, becoming salt that has lost its savour. Will you choose to be good for nothing but to be trampled beneath the feet of men or will you choose to see yourself as the salt which flavors this nation, giving it a new face, with new hope, purpose and promise?




The people of America are more than just an idea of peace and freedom. We must not let the darkness of the past cast a shadow upon the present and the future. We must become more than just people gathering together once a year to be thankful for this land and its bountiful blessings. We are more than just separate races and ethnicities seeking out separate identities and lives, choosing to remain divided and intolerant of one another. We are part of God’s creation and His amazing plan to elevate mankind, not to the standards of the world but to the standards of His Kingdom. Henceforth, we are to be instruments of peace. We are to bring peace to our brothers, peace to our nation, and peace to the world. Let us begin this Thanksgiving by first bringing peace to ourselves. We must first know who we are as individuals. Before we can attach ourselves to anything, we must first attach ourselves and become one with God and Christ, understanding that we are nothing without God and Christ in our lives. 




Peace never left the first Thanksgiving. He has been here all along. He had plans for this land. He had plans for the people who would come to this land and for the people who were native to this land.  His were not the plans that cold and hardhearted men carried out to stain this land with evil, darkness and blood. 


Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


Yes, God had and has an expected end for his people as well as for America. As we contemplate whether or not all Americans should celebrate Thanksgiving we should ask ourselves. What do we expect from America and what should America expect from us? 


What do we expect from God? What do we expect from ourselves? Are our thoughts of peace and not of evil? What is the expected end of our thoughts?  If we hold animosity in our hearts; if we harbor hatred, anger, fear, frustration; and if we hold grudges in our heart, what is our expected end? What is our perception of a good outcome? Do we perceive a good outcome?  We cannot expect a good outcome without becoming a willingpart of that outcome or without contributing to produce good fruit for that good outcome. Standing on the sidelines, or just opting out, will not produce that which we desire, instead of that in which we find fault. 


What does God expect from us? We must become that which we seek to find in the world. If it is peace we truly seek, then, we must become that peace. If it is acceptance which we seek, then, we must become that acceptance for ourselves and others. If it is inclusion which we seek, then we must learn to include and forge a path for others to follow. If it is tolerance which we seek,  then, we must learn to tolerate others.


No one benefits from division. A divided house cannot stand. If you believe that you can build an island, isolating yourself and separating yourself from other Americans who are not like you, separating yourself from those who do not believe as you believe, worship as you worship,  dress as you dress, or love as you love. If you believe that you can stand alone, needing no one else, and that you don’t want to be part of American tradition, then, you have every right to do so. No one has the right to force you to celebrate. Our father said let no man tell you what holiday you should celebrate. However, you may believe that you have everything you need on your island, taking for granted that the reason you have everything you need on your island is because other Americans have paved the way; other Americansof all races and backgrounds have bled and died for your safety; for your rights, other Americans continue to put their lives on the line everyday that you may sleep safely in your home on your island. …But, we must remember that no man is an island. No man stands alone. Remember that no man stands alone. This is what makes every nation great in that mankind can come together in peace to help one another.


We can say that Thanksgiving has been dressed as  faces of differences uniting. When we think of Thanksgiving we think of Pilgrims and Native Americans, instead of just thinking about people. It is important to remember differences. It is important to remember our heritage but it is even more important to remember that we were all made in the image of God


God had a plan for America, having all races and nations gathered together upon one continent under one flag living together in peace, living together in harmony, recognizing one another’s differences, but respecting the same. We honor God in doing so. We honor His kingdom in doing so. 


Daily, we must remember that we must forgive if we expect to be forgiven. God continues to forgive our sin in order to bless this country and sustain us as a great nation. We have survived because of the grace of God not because we have leaned to our own understanding; for we have continually made a mess of things and wreaked havoc up on the land.


Still, there is an underlying message in the celebration of Thanksgiving. Yes, we pray, and thank God for what he has given us, and for having brought us thus far. It is a message that we still have not accepted, as we continue to take this great land and country for granted. It is a message that God continually shows us in the plight of others seeking refuge and seeking peace. It is a message that many don’t understand because of their own hardened hearts. The message is and has always been…God is enough.


We thank him for making a way out of no way, but then,  we deny that there are ways to solve problems or that a problem can only be solved one way—our way. Our hearts may be filled with darkness, pride and fear manifested in various ways. Be it  prejudice, be it greed,  be it lust, or another sin, we refuse to see that God is enough. Meanwhile, we reap the bounty of the land, gather wealth, disseminate, distribute, and allot as we see fit, according to the limitations of our heart.


Yet, we don’t understand why we have ongoing problems or why people keep trying to come to America. Why can’t we stop them? God is enough. Isn’t He? Is it poor government or is it a message from God that God is enough? 


Nonetheless, come Thanksgiving, we will thank God for bringing us this far and we will truly be thankful. -But, do we trust him to take us the rest of the way? 


God said that He knows His plan for us. His plan for us is to bring us to an expected end. What does God expect from us? Where is he trying to take us? Are we willing to go or are we fighting him every step of the way? 


God said he wants to bring us peace. His thoughts for us are good and not evil.  What will be our thoughts on Thanksgiving day? What thoughts will we have towards one another? -Towards our family, friends, our neighbors, or of those in other countries, those of other races. cultures and ethnicities? What will be our thoughts toward our brothers and sisters of mankind? What is our expected end for other people? Do we see others as equal to us despite their differences, challenges and circumstances? No doubt, we have thought of a good ending for ourselves but what end do we want for others?


Many will pray for peace, peace at home peace within their neighborhoods, cities, states, peace within America and peace within the world. Yet, peace begins within our hearts. Peace has always been here. Peace never went away. Peace is everlasting. God gave us Jesus, so that we would always have His peace. Jesus is our peace. He is the Word of God. The word was there in the beginning, and the Word was God.


John 3:16 KJV

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


I too once thought I should write off Thanksgiving in honor of my Native American heritage. -But, now I recognize it as another way for the Adversary to divide us and keep us divided. 


That first Thanksgiving happened and I cannot erase it. I cannot cancel it. It is there for a reason, just as I stand here today for a reason. If God allowed it to happen, it was for a reason.  I must look beyond my own understanding, my own emotions and my own feelings to find peace. I must overcome that which causes my heart to be filled with darkness and that which causes me to condemn; for I must have no condemnation in my heart. I must forgive if I am to be forgiven. I must love unconditionally. If I love God then I am to obey God, letting nothing stand in my way. If I do not obey God, how can I say that I love him?


So, my brothers and sisters, if God is first in your heart, and by the first commandment, you love him with all your heart, all your soul and mind, and if you truly believe the second commandment that he gave us:


Matthew 22:36-40 KJV

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


If you truly consider yourself to be a Believer, and a child of God, then you understand that time was meant for man. God‘s laws are everlasting. There is no beginning, and there is no end for them. Therefore, we must love people in the past and we must love those in the present and future, without exception—even our enemy. Am I asking you to love those who placed the stains upon this land? I am not asking you to forget that the stains are there. We need to remember and understand that the stains are there in order to improve upon ourselves and in order to not repeat the past. 


We must overcome our stumbling blocks. We have a habit in this country of placing blame instead of being accountable. Instead of moving ahead, with purpose to improve, we get stuck blaming and just start the cycle over and over again. There is another page to turn. There is a new chapter to start. There is a new journey to begin, if we work toward God’s plan for us and His expected end. That end can be found in the first two commandments. For if we place our eyes upon heavenly things as stated in…


Matthew 6:33 KJV

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


Let nothing separate you from God; not the deeds or thoughts of any man or woman. We are spiritual beings who must walk in the spirit. Using God’s spiritual eyes, we are able to separate behavior from people. People are able to change their behavior for the mind follows the heart. Therefore, we seek to change hearts through the Word of God and our behavior.


Many people seek restitution without forgiveness. Many people seek retribution, having no forgiveness. Can we forgive the first settlers in America for their crimes against humanity? -For their crimes were not only against certain groups of people, but against all mankind?  Is there a certain time that we should forgive and how long should it last? If the behavior continues should we keep forgiving? What does the Word of God say? If we forgive their past behaviors and their hearts have not changed should we continue to forgive them? Should we only forgive when we feel that restitution has been made or should we forgive now if we expect to be forgiven by others and God?




Man often usurps the power of God, believing that it is up to man to be judge, jury and executioner. When we play the blame game, we feel that it is up to us to make people accountable. We want to decide the punishment and when and how to punish. Forgiveness does not excuse us from accountabilityWe must reap what we sow. Accountability should not be seen as punishment, but instead as an opportunity for us to grow and mature.


Many people hesitate to forgive, because they feel that it is excusing someone from responsibility or accountability. Hence, they believe they should hold on to their feelings of hatred or condemnation. They only punish themselves.  When we take matters into our own hands and try to play God, we are only burdening our own lives and condemning our own souls. Vengeance is mine says the Lord. We don’t have the right to judge or condemn anyone. In punishing people, we judge their behaviors and sins, knowing that these things can be changed, understanding that only God can complete the work that he began, and understanding that God has the last word. So, you see, forgiveness is not just beneficial for the other person, it benefits you, also.


When Jesus died for our sins, he died for our sins then, now, and for future mankind. He knew that we would continue to sin but his last words were father forgive them, for they know not what they do. We continue to be hardhearted, believing that when people sin, they are completely aware of what they are doing. If they are lovers of sin, they will continue to sin. Yet, Jesus said father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. 


When we are in bondage to sin, we are under a veil.  Unable to see, we are blinded to truth.  We may be aware of our actions, but we are not aware, fully aware of what drives us to do them. We do not acknowledge our true enemy, the enemy of God who is the Adversary. Instead, we fight flesh (man) in vain. We must know who and what we are fighting or we become part of the problem. 


Erasing history, or rather trying to erase history or canceling a holiday by choosing not to observe it may seem like a good way to protest or cast a shadow upon it. Yet, there will always be those who disagree with you and adhere to established traditions. 


How can you make people aware of a problem and spur needed change and empathy? What can one who is One with God do? If you choose not to do as the Romans, when in Rome, is it that you want to make a statement or do you just want to be left alone to brood and complain? You need to have a planned expected end.


How can you explain your behavior? What is in your heart? How will this affect your relationship with God and how will it affect your character? Are you walking by faith and in the spirit? Is there peace in your heart? Is it well with your soul? Is there no condemnation in your soul? Then, perhaps you can take a day for truly giving thanks;  not just for the Pilgrims and Native Americans first feast, but in hope that it will symbolize the expected end of God; and always giving thanks for the precious gift of peace that is always with us through His son, Christ Jesus;  knowing that through him nothing is impossible; and knowing that this is the will of God. 




Whatever you decide, please check the understanding you used to make your decision. Therefore, lean not to your own understanding of why things happened in the past; for God thoughts are not like our thoughts; and His ways are not like our ways. His plans are not like our plans. God creates nations and long ago, only He knew what it would take to create and build a nation called the United States of America. He wasn’t seeking our approval. 


My brothers and sisters, it is not imperative that we keep anyholiday, but more so that we keep the faith, having all hope and trust in God. Amen. 


God was there amongst the Native Americans and Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving. His presence was needed to bridge the gaps of differences. We as Believers, united as One with Him are needed this day and everyday to represent His presence and His peace. 


Yes, my fellow Americans, if you love God, you are part of Thanksgiving’s past, present, and future. You are part of America and no one can count you out except yourself. Still, God has not abandoned His plan. He has not abandoned you or America. You have always been part of His plan here in America. Let us not abandon God, losing faith in His ability to turn what was meant for evil into good. You are a necessary and integral part of His plan by having unconditional love within your heart and the ability to conquer the evils and sin of this world through the power God has instilled in His Word, Christ Jesus. 


If you are looking for America to change for the better, it doesn’t begin with a political party. It doesn’t begin with hatred, bitterness, or violence. It begins with your not leaning to your own understanding. It begins with leaning towards the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the Word of God. Amen. Let this be your prayer and your hope for all Americans on this Thanksgiving Day and everyday. Amen.


Walk in the Spirit. Walk by Faith. Walk with God, always giving thanks and glory to our Father.


Your servant, by the grace and mercy of God,



P.S.: Remember…when you gather with others in God’s name, no matter what the circumstances, He will be in the midst. I can think of no other place I’d rather be than in the presence of God. Amen.



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