YCCM CH 2 THE ROAD TO TRANSFORMATION: Follow the Heart and Turn to Change

THE ROAD TO TRANSFORMATION: Follow the Heart and Turn to Change


Romans 12:2

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

The world will tell you to follow your heart, meaning, your feelings and desires, but the heart we must follow is not based on feelings alone. No, it is our spirit--our inner man, turned toward God and aware of His presence and guidance; a heart fixed on Jesus, ready to follow; and a heart focused first on things above, knowing the rest will follow.

One cannot expect the spirit to operate in the same manner as the mind, for it is of a different nature and capacity, taking on the characteristics of the Father. Therefore, scientific assessment and evaluation of the spirit is not given to man to perform.

The Creator knows how His creation functions and how to transform us. Believe it or not, God has a plan to make this happen, tailored just for you and me.  This plan begins with His Son, Yeshua--Jesus--The Christ.

Jesus tried to explain the concept of the spirit and rebirth to Nicodemus, of the Pharisee.  However, Nicodemus could not move beyond concrete and critical thinking.

John 3: 1-21

1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 

2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come  from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 

3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he  cannot see the kingdom of God. 

4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 

5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 

8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it  cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 

9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? 

10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? 

11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye  receive not our witness. 

12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? 

13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. 

14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 

15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 

18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 

19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than  light, because their deeds were evil. 

20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 

21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.



Finding the way to the Truth and Transformation can be very confusing and one could get lost along the way due to confusing information and directions. People are still looking for signs of divine inspiration and trying to map out a route to self-improvement and success to change their lives. Churches are divided by doctrine and interpretations of the Bible. Worldly doctrine and ideology most often leave out the Power and Will of God. As Jesus said, "a house divided cannot stand." Certainly, the evil one will not work against himself.

So, naturally, some who observe and evaluate behavior are confident in postulating laws and indoctrinating ideology and supporting medical and scientific research, along with principles and theories on the process of thought, behavior, behavior modification and rehabilitation. While others know that these things are just the beginning of reconstruction that may or may not lead to transformation.

God is not against science and medical practices, for He created them. Through the account given in the Bible of the woman with an issue of blood, God gives us a clear and poignant example of putting ALL our faith and money in man to heal us. This woman heard about Jesus and the Truth changed her heart giving her great faith; so great, that Jesus felt the power drain from His body, as she touched the hem of His garment.

Years of suffering and misplaced faith prepared the woman for a great spiritual awakening and she filled her suffering heart with Jesus, putting all her faith in Him. Her spirit thirsted for the Truth and was led to The Fountain of Living Water--Jesus.

This does not mean that the woman should not have sought medical help and that it did not help sustain her life. What we do know is that it did not alleviate her suffering or cure her condition. And just as the blind man through no fault of his own was blind from birth, perhaps the significance of this woman's ailment and miraculous healing also demonstrate how God uses us to bring glory to His name, so that others may be saved.

NOTHING is too hard for God, but, because of His love and compassion for us and desire to strengthen and mature us, He has to get our attention. Once God has our attention, He begins to work on the root of our problems and to address our spiritual starvation and illnesses that are effecting our mind and body.

If we truly want recovery, restoration, and transformation, it is of the utmost importance that we examine our hearts. Do we truly believe in Him and place Him at the head of our lives, or, have we placed our faith in the things of the world?

God wants to know where our faith lies. So, once again, He is looking at our heart to see if we truly believe, trust, and have faith in Him. The more faith we have, the greater power is given unto us.

The most astounding and significant revelation of this healing is that, unlike the others that were healed, Jesus did not initiate the act. The woman did not have to ask Jesus to heal her, yet, she had access to the healing power of God's Holy Spirit! Her faith gave her access to the power of God! Think about this as it pertains to your faith. Jesus said that the woman's faith had made her whole. What faith she must have had! Do you have this kind of faith?

God wants us to be WHOLE and has given us access to His power just by having faith; faith in Christ Jesus., whom we know as God's Word. Truly having faith in God's Word brings about change.

There are those who will still question transformation and say it is the individual who brings about change to himself--not God. This is because, like Nicodemus, their eyes cannot see beyond the flesh. They do not look upon man as a spiritual being. The world will not accept without doubt that God IS our Creator and we are the spiritual beings He created in the flesh. Just as the Jews did not understand when Jesus told them that He was not alone and that His Father was with Him. He was in the Father and the Father was in Him and they were One. People still don't believe this! They desire to only see flesh when they look at someone. Why? -Because of pride. 

Religion has been organized to make leaders solely privy to divine contact, inspiration, power, and authority. Being a Believer has become less about living in the Word and acting by the Word. Today's version of Believers rely on using the Word as a weapon or tool to get what they want, believing that this is the Will of God and how He rewards them. With the emphasis being on leadership and not discipleship, a demagoguery exists where the appeal is to the worldly and fleshly desires and ambitions of the populace, instead of the Will of God. This false religion appeases the dulled minds of the populace, feeding them false doctrine by way of omission of God's Truth and Will for His people.

Places of worship have become political realms and arenas, catering to the blind and ill-hearted.  Within their authority there is an omission of accountability that extends down to their flock, congregation, parishioners, members, or followers.  Many clergy see themselves as the sole authority on the Word of God, which is why we have so many conflicting interpretations of scripture,  for without the character of God, one cannot understand the Principles of God, therefore, many lead His people astray. They lack humility and perfect love to open their heart to Truth. Whereas, Jesus commissioned us to help build the Kingdom of God by increasing disciples who live to please God, man has chosen to write his own commission that attaches him to the world. There are those ready and willing to die to build the world in their own image, but, will not give their life to uphold the holy and righteous teachings of Jesus, The Word of God.

The Truth will set you free and set you upon the road to transformation. The mind (soul) is led by the heart, our inner man or spirit. God awakens our inner man to Truth to reprogram our mind. This is why God continues to pursue our hearts and chooses according to His Will. He feeds our spirit; for it must be fed by the Word of God to be healthy and bring about positive, righteous, holy, and complete transformation. Contrary to belief, man cannot change his own mind to live holy and righteously as God would have us to do. Change must begin in the heart. You may choose to like or not like something, but, this is much different than choosing transformation. God transforms, not man. Man surrenders His will to allow God to change him within.

From the beginning, man was meant to coexist with God, as did Adam. However, the sin of Adam and Eve separated us from our Father setting us on the path of redemption.

Jesus's parables lead us to examine the treasures of our heart, for example: The Prodigal Son, who squanders his inheritance; and The Rich Young Ruler, who will not sell all of his riches to follow Jesus. Jesus showed us that we can have status, wealth, discipline, and integrity in the eyes of men, but, still lack one thing--perfect love, which encompasses and conquers all things.

Jesus--The Truth, The Way, and The Life--sent to be the Gateway--the door to restore our relationship with our Father; to lead us into His marvelous light so that we will become whole--One with God in perfect love, born again through His Holy Spirit. Once we are united in spirit, with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, we do what we see the Father doing and obey because of our love for Him. God speaks to our spirit man (inner man), which He created to hear and know His voice, that we may submit to His will.

There have been times in my youth, when seeking to become more holy and righteous, that I have prayed and prayed for change to take place within me. I have heard others say this very same thing, wondering if change didn't happen because God did not hear them, or, denied their request. However, praying and surrendering are not the same, of course. Complete surrender is required from us to allow God to change us. God will not go against His promises, laws, and principles. God gave us free will. We must invite Him into our lives and surrender our bodies as His temple. 

The Road to Transformation becomes much simpler and assured, if you just keep your eyes on Jesus.
Then, you will not sink below the dark waters of the abyss for you are operating under His power. Your faith gives you access to His power. If you cannot surrender to God's Will, you must look at your faith in God. Within your faith, do you acknowledge His Will for not only your life, but, the lives of others? Do you know who you are living for? Who is more important for you to please, you or God? Are you living for God and His Kingdom, or, is your desire to change connected to fear, shame, guilt, pride, or your love of the world and your inability to die to your flesh?

It is God's desire that no one should perish. Nevertheless, He has set the standard. A hardened heart cannot enter the Kingdom. God resists the proud and rewards the humble. Lovers of the world are enemies of God. -And, you must be born of The Water and The Spirit.

Once again, God has made it very simple to choose life. If we will only accept Jesus into our heart as our Lord and Savior, He will lead us down the true path. God's Holy Spirit will come and abide in us, making us whole through rebirth, and giving us a changed heart and mind to obey our Heavenly Father. With God within us, we have access to His Power and His Word.

We are blessed to still have many written scriptures with us. Yet, not everyone has access to written scriptures. Are these people less holy or righteous in God's eyes because they haven't studied the Word of God?  To believe this is to make Jesus's dying in vain. There is a purpose and season for everything. Jesus sent us the Helper for this very reason, for, in this season of man, we have been given access to  the Living Word of God who will abide within us. God still speaks to man

As Believers, will others recognize Jesus in us and reach out for us? Can we change the hearts of others, thereby changing their mind? When we have first come under obedience, then, we can draw others to follow Christ, not because of our own power, but, because, we are operating under the power and authority of God.


As Jesus's ambassadors, clothed in humility, God requires us to have real, open, and truthful relationships with one another. We are to be bold in Truth and strong in Faith and the Love of God.

In this manner was Moses sent out to change the Egyptian Pharaoh's mind, with God knowing that the state of Pharaoh's heart would not allow him to do so. Yet, He also knew that Moses's presence and persistence, along with the onslaught of plagues, would harden Pharaoh’s heart, driving him deeper into darkness and self-destruction.

This was not simply manipulation. It was spiritual warfare to prove that He was the One and only God, who did not need chariots, horses, and weapons to wage war with the flesh.

As Pharaoh's Creator, the maker and breaker of kings, God knew exactly what it would take to break him, because, He knew what treasures and idols laid within Pharaoh's heart. God attacked Pharaoh's authority; his gods; his wealth; his vanity; his sovereignty and finally, the only love he knew--his flesh and immortality as a god--his son.

God used Moses to bring about change. He built up Moses as He tore down Pharaoh. Moses and Aaron were sent to speak Truth to Pharaoh, telling him of the Almighty God of the Jewish people--the Only God. The Living Words they spoke, given to them by God, created change within Heaven and Earth and within the hearts of men.

The enemy will tell you, well, it wasn’t Moses who changed Pharaoh, but Truth stands that as God’s ambassador, Moses had the same authority, as if God Himself were standing before Pharaoh.

God said He would make our enemies our footstool. As He demonstrated to us through the Israelites, He has many ways of doing this to meet any situation. He chose Moses to be His ambassador to harden a heart and free His people. To Esther, He gave the power to soften a heart and save a nation.

God had a plan to save and preserve the Jewish people and Esther (Hadassah) was to play an important role. God had a plan for Esther’s life. It had to be Esther, not only because of her beauty, but because of who she was.

Mordecai was a Jew working within the courtyard of King Ahasuerus. Esther was a Jew and Mordecai's cousin, his uncle’s daughter, who upon becoming an orphaned child, he took in and raised as his daughter.  It had to be Mordecai’s cousin because there was an age-old feud between the tribes of Mordecai, a Benjamite, and Haman, an anti-Semitic Agagite; a feud that left them embittered and at odds with one another.

The Agagites were descendants of the city of Agag, named for King Agag of the Amalekites, the same Amalekites, who had waged war with the Israelites in the wilderness.  Thus, God used these circumstances to make Haman and the Amalekites a footstool to the Jewish people.

Esther, because she had the king's heart, was able to entreat King Ahasuerus to save her people and maintained his favor, avoiding the death penalty for those who were not summoned to his court. His heart changed his mind about killing the Jewish people. At the same time, by destroying Haman and his seed, God settled an old account with the Amalekites, who had killed many Jews.

David, whose heart was filled with lust for Bathsheba, decided to have her husband killed, in order to have her, and this was against the will of God.

David was forced to have a change of heart for his wrong doing, when God sent His prophet Nathan to confront and chastise David. Nathan walked with God's power and authority, thus, was able to convict David's heart and lead him to repentance.

David's punishment was severe, because, his sin was great. He was the leader of God’s people, appointed by God.  David’s sin would allow God’s enemies to blaspheme the name of the Lord, seeing him as a weak or false god.  God, because of His Grace and Mercy, did not kill David.  He did not have to let David live, but, He loved David, despite his sin. Well, if God is so good, why would God kill? Isn't killing bad? 

Again, we must look at the bigger picture and see what is at stake here.  This is not an angry, evil, unforgiving god.  This is The one and only loving God who must do what is necessary to preserve the remnant of Abraham and fulfill His promise unto him, in order to bring about the salvation of mankind  through his seed. 

God's plan is to bring His people into holiness and righteousness. Unholiness and unrighteousness cannot abide with holiness and righteousness. We know that some things in nature are complete opposites and cannot occupy the same space. David claimed to love God who is Holy and Righteous, but, his actions showed otherwise. He chose himself over God. God allowed him to make his own choices because of His gift of free will. However, there are consequences to our choices if they take us out of holiness, righteousness, and the Light of God. 


Our negative actions show that we have either given up on God, lack faith, or, have chosen to ignore Him and cast Him aside. However, God does not give up on us. God wanted His child back, but, not the same David covered in sin and unrepentant. So, He sent Nathan to bring about change. David's heart and mind were set on having Bathsheba. He took what he wanted, not caring if it was within the will of God. God knew what was in David's heart and allowed him to act upon it anyway. David did not consult God or invite God into the situation, because he knew he was wrong. Like many of us, He believed God's hands were tied and couldn't stop him; or, God didn't care; or, because God had made him king, he could do anything he wanted to do; and perhaps his power, wealth, and youth, made him feel invincible, convincing him that he could do no wrong, or, that he could do wrong and take whatever punishment he had coming to him.


It is important, when speaking of changing hearts, not to miss the opportunity to expose relevant lies related to the subject. These lies effect us individually and collectively.

Today, we are faced with religions living under the old covenant with Abraham, whose descendants feel they must do whatever is necessary to preserve the remnant; claim their birthright; and bring about the salvation of mankind, through his seed. Many, with hardened hearts have resorted to unspeakable terrorist acts. Peace is not an option for them. How do we combat warfare and terrorism based upon these principles?

We must move warfare to the highest level--not with hi-tech bombs, guns, drones, tanks, aircraft, ships or political and economic espionage and sabotage, but with SPIRITUAL WARFARE, as God did with Pharaoh.

Spiritual Warfare goes to the very heart of men. It will either tear down the walls of hate, pride, and idolatry, or, harden their hearts and drive them further into darkness and self-destruction. It is important to remember that God will not move through you if it is not His will.

2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; thewill I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land

This is as relevant to us today as it was long ago. We must examine our own heart as individuals and as nations. What lies in our hearts? Pride? Sin? Anger? Frustration? Vindictiveness? Revenge? 

Is the heart of our nation stricken with these diseases: Prejudice; Hatred; Greed; Immorality? Has God set others against us because we have turned our back on Him? Have we gone against the will of God and must now take our punishment? 

ONE MAN CAN CHANGE THE HEART OF A NATION, hardening it and driving it into destruction! We could make a list of leaders who came to power, like Pharaoh and Hitler, who led their people into destruction. The list continues to lengthen, because history repeats itself. Each time the people are so blinded by their hardened hearts, they don't even realize they've changed and helped to destroy themselves.

Luke 6:42 (King James 2000 Bible)
Either how can you say to your brother, Brother, let me pull out the speck that is in your eye, when you yourself behold not the beam that is in your own eye? you hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of your own eye, and then shall you see clearly to pull out the speck that is in your brother's eye.

When Jesus stood before the man possessed by many demons, who called themselves Legion, the demons knew Jesus had the power to cast them out. Upon sending His disciples out to spread the Good News of the Kingdom, Jesus gave this same power to them. After driving out the demon from the boy who had a seizure, Jesus said that they would have the power to do even more. We know from scripture that there were many people that Jesus refused to heal, angering many. Today, Believers are often criticized for believing in miracles and are often challenged to prove that they can heal or change others. Jesus showed us that there is a time, purpose, and season for everything and one must be led by not only the will of God, but, the faith within others.

Jesus described the magnitude of power that can be given to us even if we only had faith the size of a mustard seed, which is minuscule in size. It is our faith that allows us to overcome the world and that faith is increased through Jesus--the Author and Finisher of our faith, whereby, the power of the Kingdom is given according to our faith.

Jesus made us His ambassadors. God uses us as ambassadors, disciples sent forth by His Son, to change the hearts and lives of others.  When we stand before men, we go forth in Jesus's name. We represent Him and possess the power of the Kingdom to bring forth change. We must have faith in the power of God. We must live in holiness, covered by the blood of Jesus, so that the power of God can run through our veins, as we stand steadfast with faith in an Almighty God.

We must approach others with the love of God in our hearts to bring forth Truth. We can witness its transforming power, which can often transpire so subtly that it catches others unaware, not knowing what's come over them or from which direction it has come. At other times, it can be like a fiery arrow shot through the heart or as a jolt from lightning that awakens them from the darkness.

As we help to build the Kingdom, we must love even our enemies and rejoice for their deliverance and transformation. A changed heart will free a sinner from bondage and lead them to repentance, feeling as convicted as David.

The path of those who reject Truth can only lead to one thing. They will be cut off from the Light and propelled deeper into destruction, feeling as insanely outraged as Pharaoh. Both hearts, have no choice, but to surrender to the will of God.


2nd Samuel 12:10-15 
10  Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 
11 Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. 
12  For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun. 
13 And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.
14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.  
15 And Nathan departed unto his house. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David, and it was very sick. 

SELF REFLECTION: A Look in the Mirror

Once again, when we look at Jesus' parables, He is challenging us to examine where our heart lies. Closely examining your heart, answer the following  questions.

DISCUSS your answers with a mature Believer who can guide you in your spiritual relationship with Jesus and our Father, and/or have group discussions to learn from those who have different experiences and perspectives.

QUESTIONS: Write down your questions and discuss them with a mature Believer or submit them to:


  1. Has anyone told you that you need to change? Why?
  2. Are you being pressured to change? Why?
  3. Do you feel that someone is trying to change you? Why?
  4. Do you want to change? Why? 
  5. If you don't want to change, then, why?
  6. Do you feel that you have to be ready to change?
  7. How do you get ready to change? What do you feel must be in place?
  8. If you don't have these things after you change, will you go back to being like you were before? Will you really have changed?
  9. What are the things that others want you to change?
  10. What do you want to change about yourself?
  11. Have you tried to change before? How?
  12. If you succeeded in changing, how?
  13. If you failed in changing, do you know why?
  14. Did you try to change all by yourself?
  15. Did your pride stop you from getting help from others?
  16. Were you patient about achieving success?
  17. Were others patient with you while you tried to change?
  18. What were your expectations regarding change? Did you expect to change overnight?
  19. Were your expectations realistic? Do you feel that the expectations of others were realistic?
  20. Did others expect you to change overnight?
  21. What did you expect to happen as a result of your changing?
  22. What did others expect to happen as a result of your changing?
  23. Did you make excuses about changing? What were they?
  24. What would you do differently?
  25. Make a list of things that you feel are keeping you from changing. Talk to God about them everyday. Pray. Ask for forgiveness and strength.
  26. Take the focus off of your changing yourself and put your focus and eyes on your Heavenly Father and His Son, Christ Jesus.
  27. Invite the Father, Son (The Living Water), and the baptism by fire of the Holy Spirit into your heart. 
  28. Focus on increasing Christ, in that in your heart there will be more of Christ and less of you.
  29. Humble yourself. Surrender your will and pride. 
  30. Give yourself credit for the small steps you make towards change, but, give GOD the GLORY, ALWAYS!
  31. Acknowledge that you can do NOTHING and you are NOTHING without GOD!
  32. REMEMBER, it's not about YOU, it's about GOD and pleasing God!
  33. Learn the difference between loving God, loving yourself, and loving the world.
  34. Lean and depend on Jesus. Walk and talk with Him. Read and learn His Words. Let Him be your example and intercede to the Father for you.
  35. Praise God throughout your circumstances, trials, and temptations.
  36. Give God praise and glory even when you feel weak, afraid, hurt, lonely, etc. Call upon His name! Call upon the name of Jesus! There is power in His name!
  37. Listen and learn to hear and recognize God's voice calling you to holiness and righteousness, comforting you, instructing you, empowering you, and chastising you.
  38. Be fruitful and bear the Fruit of God's Holy Spirit.Image result for fruit of the spirit

  39. Equip yourself with God's Armour. 

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