June 6, 2017


Your RIGHTEOUSNESS prevails!

We praise and glorify Your name!

Your HOLINESS prevails!

We praise and glorify Your name!

Your GRACE and MERCY prevail!

We praise and glorify Your name!

Your LOVE and TRUTH prevail!

We praise and glorify Your name!

Father, I have come to realize that Your Joy for us often floats atop a mountain of trials and tribulations. If we fail to keep looking up, we will fail to see it and reach to claim it eternally, because we only look down to see our troubles.

So, You have placed Jesus in front of us to lift our eyes towards Heaven and teach us to rise above our problems to receive our Joy.

But, had we no problems, would we even recognize the joy that rains down from above us? Would we learn to treasure it inside of us? Would we appreciate Your Heavenly blessings and gifts to us? Our problems come and go, but, Your gift of Joy is eternal.

Let us remember this show of Thy MERCY and GRACE to us as evidence of Thy promises and unchanging TRUTH.

Father, we ask that Your TRUTH fall upon our land. Have mercy upon Thy People, for the enemy mocks Thy TRUTH everyday, believing his lies to be more powerful.

Let the FAITH and TRUST of Your Saints not waiver. May we be stalwarts of Truth braced for resistance upon the battlefield. Let our ears be not susceptible to the lies of the enemy. Imprint Your voice upon our hearts.

May we always keep our eyes upon the prize of righteousness and glory for the sake of Thy Kingdom.

It is well, Jehovah-Jireh, for we have Thy promise that You, the Lord will PROVIDE! Thy Spirit dwells within us and we have the assurance of Thy wisdom, strength, comfort, love and peace within.

It is well, Jehovah-Nissi, for You, the Lord, are our Banner. You will fight for us, for the battle is not ours, but, the Lord's. It is You they defy and thus they shall not go unpunished!

In the courtrooms, in the gathering rooms and halls of Congress, The White House and our government, root out evil and expose those who transgress against Thee. In the hidden, darkened corners, between the beams, rafters and hanging eaves, shine Thy LIGHT so that darkness has no hiding place!

On the streets and byways, in homes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons,  places of worship, in America and abroad, wherever sickness, discontent, evil lurks, my Lord, let Thy Hand and Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Jehovah-Rapha, Our Blessed Holy Father, Our Lord Who Heals, it is well! We beseech Thee to HEAL our Land! Forgive us from our transgressions against Thee. Keep us from the jaws of lasciviousness; vicious, unfettered lies; salacious greed and all manner of evil and iniquity.

Lift up our eyes from the darkness, which they have followed, lowering us deeper into sin and place them upon Jesus and the path to holiness and righteousness.

We give You HONOR, through our obedience to Thy Will and Way. We GLORIFY You in the life that we lead, redeemed by the sacrifice of Your precious Son. We humbly praise You for Your Glory and Majesty. For Thy Divine Will, Love and Mercy, we humbly bow and cry Holy, Holy, Holy! There is none like Thee.

Yet, let our praise and worship not be in vain. Let us not be seen as hypocrites praying in the streets with no knowledge of our words or the God we serve. Fill us, Lord, with Thy Divine Spirit that we may come to know You as You desire and have a loving, fruitful relationship to become like You.

Keep us humble, prayerful, loving, vigilant and mindful of Thy presence. We thank you, Lord, for the eyes to see You in others. We thank You, Lord, that within Your fold, no weapon formed against us can harm us. We walk in the beauty of Your Holiness, for, Jehovah-Rohi, You, the Lord, are our Shepherd. 

It is well, Jehovah-Tsidkenu! We give You ALL power over our lives and our nation, for You, the LORD are our RIGHTEOUSNESS! You are our bulwark! You provide the ballast which keeps us afloat so that we do not capsize and sink. Yet, the weight of Your Word is not heavy upon the heart of the righteous. 

We pray that Your power and righteousness shall roar loudly across the land and shatter the dark glass that hides the face of the enemy, putting fear into their hearts and destroying the false image they cast upon Your people to lead them astray.

The hour of reckoning draws nigh. Use us, Lord! Let Thy Spirit be manifested through Your Servants to bring forth Your Truth!

We call the enemy out! We shall leave no stone uncovered. That stone which we cannot overturn, the Lord will break apart, in His due time. There is no hiding place for man or demon. Let the Angels of the Lord be upon us as we break the backs of the enemies of God (liars, deceivers, traitors, terrorists, murderers, rapists and thieves), humbling them to bow down to the Power of The Almighty God!


your servant and soldier, united with the One




March 27, 2017

Father, today, we ask that you send a wind of freedom to cross from continent to continent. There is light in the eyes of those marching in the streets. It reaches down deep within their heart giving them hope. They refuse to be silent any longer as Darkness and evil robs them of righteousness and justice! They refuse to be silent while they watch those who oppose corruption murdered in the streets.

We thank you, Lord, for your AWAKENING them and the COURAGE you have given them to STAND! Protect your peacemakers, Father! Help them to rally others to their cause and break the bondage that has clamped their society in irons, while robbing and stealing bread from their children's mouths.

Father, You know that our governments are filled with corrupt and evil men, trying to hide their collusions and traitorous acts against the people! They pretend to work for the people when they are working for themselves and helping enemies of the people to work towards destroying our country politically and financially.

Help Your people to act and cast out this evil. Help us to overthrow those plotting and scheming, trying to block investigations and trying to buy more time to do the bidding of our enemies; passing unjust laws; passing laws to harm and destroy the Earth You have created; and laws to make their pockets fatter.

In the name of JESUS, we BIND These evil forces and RECLAIM our territory, handing them an eviction notice as of NOW! Prepare to MOVE OUT! The People of God have SPOKEN, by HIS AUTHORITY! You no longer have authority over our land and our people! ANOTHER will take your place!

Father, we thank you for Your POWER, Your GLORY and Your HONOR! We praise You! We LOVE You! Thy Kingdom come! Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!


your servant and soldier, united with the One





The clouds are gathering and Your purifying rain will fall. We pray that nothing and no one within this corrupted and treacherous plot against Thy people will escape Thy cleansing hand. Close and chain the doors of escape. Let their lies be displayed before them for all to see. Cut off the wicked and those who spew lies as fast as the wind without a thought or a care to Thy righteousness.

Father, the innocent have suffered because of the hatred within their hearts. Cowardly they hide behind lies they've spun to cover wicked deeds. Fear has surrounded those seeking refuge. The young, old, weak and frightened have risked their lives fleeing in the cold of winter, while the wicked celebrated the misery they poured and heaped upon their heads and then slept peacefully in their warm beds.

Terrified mothers and children are huddle inside behind locked doors, afraid of being dragged from their homes. But, the faces of the wicked remain unchanged. They are void of substance. Their hearts are of stone. Yet, should we look for compassion where it has never been? Where it is not welcome?

We entreat thee to act on our behalf. Save us from this plague of darkness that has captured the land. Father. We humble ourselves before Thy Divine Majesty, repenting, seeking Your face. We seek Thy forgiveness and Mercy. Rain upon the land and save Thy children. Heal our plagued land.

We have been blind and foolish. Trusting in wicked and corrupt men to save us. We thought we saw strength where there is only cowardice and weakness.Forgive us Lord. We acknowledge Thy Divine and Sovereign Power over Thy creation. We pray Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Forgive us Lord, for we have not obeyed Thy commandments or heeded Thy warnings. We did not seek the Kingdom first, nor Thy Face. Please do not forsake us in these hours of need.

Expose the wicked! Cast them out of their stations of authority. Prevent them from poisoning the minds of the people and feeding them lies. Give their seats to others more worthy who will watch over your people and provide for their needs. Forbid them to turn away the stranger and the needy. Father, do not leave your children hungry, while the rich grow fat on meat and drunk on wine.

Help us to learn from our mistakes and not to stray from Your teachings. Unite us and give us purpose led by Christ Jesus. May we be a united front against the Darkness, carrying our cross, representing Holiness and Righteousness. Hold us up.

We thank you for what You are about to do and pray that You will continue to use us for the glorification of Your Kingdom. Help us not to tire, but to persist in righteousness and resist all that comes against Thee and Thy Kingdom. In the name of Your precious Son, we pray. 


your servant and soldier, united with the One



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