(AYEP2) I HAVE AN ETERNITY AHEAD OF ME Auntie Yonny Episode 2 The Offer



(Intermittent Waves Recorded From the Transformed Heart of a Woman)   

Auntie Yonny Episode 2 The Offer

The niece, Miriam Barrett had fallen asleep, also, but awoke when Hal, noisily scraping the floor, scooted his chair to stand and retrieve his recorder. Startled and worried about her aunt, Miriam blurted out, "Auntie Yonny?!”

"She's asleep. I'm going to go now and get started on compiling and writing all of this information. May I come back tomorrow at the same time? And, if so, would you please let the receptionist downstairs know?"

Still startled and recovering, holding her hand upon her heart, to examine and confirm that it continued beating, Miriam stood to see Hal out of the door. Hal regretted making such a racket and unhinging such an old woman who almost looked as frail as her dying aunt.

"Of, course, Hal. We'll see you tomorrow at the same time and if I can help you in any way, please let me know. I helped Auntie write her memoirs and I can fill in the blanks."

"Oh, I wasn't aware of any memoirs, existing."

"That's because she's been working on them for decades and was afraid to release them."

"May I ask you a question, please, Mrs. Barrett, I mean Miriam? Did you request me and why?"

Miriam returned to her seat and motioned for Hal to be seated.

"Hal, my grandfather did a lot of bad things in his life, but I think the worst was what he did to this country. My father and uncle helped him commit his crimes and my uncle also brought disgrace upon his family.

Auntie Yonny turned to his family for support during the upheaval. In many ways she was closer to them than her own family during that time.

I was very young; but I heard the arguing and complaining going on behind closed doors. My mother was so afraid. She didn’t like what they were doing.

I heard them planning and saying things about the dishonest media and how all journalist were liars. It was very disheartening to me. You see…I loved to write and I wanted to become a journalist! You know, do all the research and detective work. Write the best stories. Travel around the world. Meet all types of interesting people. I loved to write and what they were saying made me feel like my dreams were wrong and there was something wrong with me.

I guess I had my own selfish reasons for asking for you. I want to show the world that the Graves Family believes in the importance of the media to inform the people of what they have a right to know and that we believe that the vast majority are honest, hard-working people with integrity, diligently working with the public’s best interests in mind. That’s why I picked you. Your writing is pure and honest. I told Auntie Yonny that if there’s anybody who can tell her story honestly and fairly, it’s you.

Yes, I asked for you, Hal. I had been thinking about this endeavor for a long, long time. Should you decide to stay on and accept our offer, we will be working together for as long as my health allows.”

Hal looked stunned as the word “offer” bounced around within his mind, hitting loud clanging bells. Seeing his surprised and then perplexed expression, Miriam explained.

“Yes, Hal, we have an offer to make to you, Auntie and I. This interview is just the beginning of my somewhat selfish reasons. We want you to head a new foundation focused on the media, but, with a much greater purpose that will benefit millions and hopefully billions of people in the world.

This foundation will be comprised of various media: newspapers, magazines, documentaries, films, books and television and all that goes into planning, developing, mechanizing, distributing and connecting people to people. We, mainly I, want this foundation to become the information mover of the future; information that not only moves, but sets people into action to respond and make a difference for the benefit of other people and the world. How we remain unbiased is where your character is most needed and why you will be the sole heir of the entire project.”

Hal didn’t know whether to jump up and scream or faint on the spot. He thought about pinching himself to see if he was dreaming or awake, as cliché as it might sound, right then, it was the closest he could come to humor. Taking a deep breath, gulping down a lump in his throat, and blinking his eyes to hold back tears and anything that might threaten his manly stance,  he clasped his hands together tightly and with elbows upon his knees, lowered his head in disbelief.

Miriam continued as if she hadn’t just dropped a bomb and sent his mind into complete chaos and explosive overload.

"I’ve bought a building for us to get started and you can begin working there immediately to compile your work. Well, of course, I know you have to make up your mind and I’m not giving you orders or forcing you. Then, you’d have to give proper notice at your newspaper or make an arrangement to continue writing for them, perhaps as an independent journalist. We can help you with this process and provide counsel for negotiations and…"

Miriam Barrett was starting to go a little too fast, even for Hal.

“Whoa, whoa…wait a minute.”

“Oh, please forgive me, Hal, I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s just that I’m so excited about this project. You see, it’s a gift to me and the world from Auntie Yonny. She knows how I feel about writing and about what happened. And, in turn, it is my gift to you, should you decide to accept it. And, if there’s something you don’t agree with, we can negotiate or make arrangements.

You see, I’m too old to do this alone and take the chance of not seeing it through to the finish. I have writing experience, but, I’m not a leader and I don’t have a lot of experience in business. I’ve read your resume and I know your work. I’ve had others advise me. We all agree that you’re qualified for the job and can offer you the necessary support and staff to see that you succeed. We believe that you’d be much farther than you are now, if you only had a break. Well, here it is, should you decide to take it. We hate to see you waiting for a senior journalist to move out of the way, while wasting your talent and potential.

Of course you could keep writing and even choose your own assignments. You can even choose your own staff and delegate as you please. Auntie wants you to oversee the release of her memoirs and doesn’t want it to be in competition with anything that you will write, so use your own discretion as to timing its release. She’d like a documentary to follow. You will need a press agent for interview follow up and staff to arrange book signing. I have publishers waiting who can handle a lot of arrangements. It is best that we get you fully staffed before everything takes off.”

“Excuse me, Mrs. Barrett.”

“Miriam, please.”

“Yes, I’m sorry, Miriam, you are moving a little too fast, but not for the reasons you might think. I can’t help but wonder why you’re not passing this down to someone within your own family. Would I be working with anyone in your family?”

Miriam seemed quite taken aback and almost horrified at the idea Hal had just proposed.


Hal retracted with raised eyebrows, as if pushed back by her words. He hoped he hadn’t offended her. Miriam, extremely embarrassed by her reaction, and hoping she didn’t wake her aunt, sheepishly looked at Hal.

“I apologize for my reaction, but it has to do with one of the main stipulations of our agreement.”

Here it comes, thought Hal. There’s always a catch. He knew it was too good to be true.

“Well, if I am to pass this down to you and you are the deciding authority, other than necessary board members, and save you take on shareholders in any business enterprises, you must keep one thing in mind and act with all strength and power to adhere to the governance, enactment and importance of this stipulation.”

Miriam paused and took a deep breath.

“ My family and anyone related in anyway to the Graves family must never have an active part within any facet of this foundation or businesses stemming from its creation. Hal, we are being forthright with you and we would appreciate your confidentiality and being discreet with what we have just requested of you.

Now, after my death, in the beginning, my family may try to fight you and my decision, but I’ve already made provisions for that. My team of attorneys has all my wishes and my will is to be changed immediately upon your decision. They have my instructions to go to court if necessary and fight on your behalf. I have a signed statement from doctors and psychiatrists as to my soundness of mind, ability to make my own decisions and conduct my own business. Every ‘I’ will be dotted and every ‘T’ will be crossed. There will be no way for them to try to sabotage or steal anything that I have bequeathed to you. If they wish to make you their enemy and try to smear your name, I have enough on all of them to shut them up for good!”

“But, but, why, Mrs. Barrett, Miriam? That’s your family! Never hire or deal with any of your family members? How am I to assure you that that will never happen within the longevity of the foundation? Won’t it become blatantly evident at some point and time? Then, what? --Lawsuit after lawsuit? And, with such an immense foundation, branching out into corporations, investments, and who knows what, how do I prevent and insure that none of your family members will ever be employed, contracted, volunteer, become shareholders, lobbyists, activists, supportive politicians or influential contributors and benefactors?”

Hal sucked in air after rattling off all the possibilities, provoking a hearty laugh from Miriam.

“Now, Hal, we don’t expect you to keep your promise from the grave, just within your lifetime and perhaps, you can pass the request down to your successors within some silent agreement. We simply ask that you do the best that you can to see that none of our kinfolk have the opportunity to rise up to an influential position within our businesses and organizations.”

“Mrs. Barrett, I’m always up for a challenge, but, you’re asking me to be dishonest while being honest. How is that even possible?”


Miriam couldn’t think of an adequate answer to Hal’s rational question. It was something she hadn’t really considered, having been so focused upon her fears and wrapped up in vindictiveness. Hal kept staring at her, which made her even more nervous and uncomfortable. Realizing his effect, he removed his penetrating and convicting gaze, back down to the floor.

“Why are you so against your family being involved? What are you and your aunt afraid of? Don’t you love and trust some of them?”

“Auntie Yonny and I believe in “bad blood” and “family curses and you never know when and where it’s going to pop up.” We don’t know how far back it goes, but, we definitely know that my grandfather’s father was a cruel, prejudice, bigoted and cursed man.”

“Miriam…please… forgive my skepticism, denial, ignorance, naivety, plain flat out calculated opinion, or whatever you want to call it. I don’t mean to be argumentative or disrespectful, but, at the risk of sounding pragmatic, I have to say this. Although, they are not good traits to have, cruelty, prejudice and bigotry are definitely not evidence to define being cursed or prove that your family is cursed.”

Miriam looked at Hal and almost seemed indignant. Hal was almost sorry he couldn’t keep his big mouth shut and stop giving everyone his honest opinion.

“Well, fine! Maybe it’s not a curse, but a flaw in our genetic make up. Maybe, we pass down a recessive and flawed gene that affects the way our brain works. Perhaps, we’re incapable of feeling and loving people as we should. There are many cases of people being incapable of expressing their feelings and have feelings for others, such as in autism. Can you believe that? Wouldn’t you say that’s something like a curse if it’s passed down from generation to generation?”

Hal shook his head back and forth, shrugging his shoulders, with a crooked smile. At this point, he really didn’t know what to think. This is one conversation he never expected to have today, especially with this family and he definitely didn’t want it to blow up into an argument and persuade Miriam Barrett to change her mind about him or her offer to him. He calculated his words and response carefully.

“Miriam, anything is possible and if you feel that this is a distinct problem within your family, I can understand your concern and wanting to prevent it affecting your dreams and lifelong work; and in such a case, it would prevent perhaps billions of people from benefiting from what you have to offer them.”

Never in his wildest dreams did Hal imagine himself working for the defamed Graves Family, let alone running and eventually owning part of their fortune and empire. It was really beyond reason to believe that their family name could be cleared or their image improved. He didn’t even know if he wanted to be the one to try and do that amid wide criticism and painful memories from those who had been severely affected by their corruption and widespread devastation. Still, he was never one to run or walk away from a challenge. Considering the size of this challenge, maybe he better save face and back away, slowly.

Hal knew it was in his best interest not to seem too eager about heading his own mass media organization and a foundation that could perhaps change the world for billions of people. A salary and benefits hadn’t been put on the table. A contract hadn’t been drawn up and reviewed by lawyers. However, in light of what she was offering, all of that seemed meaningless. He wasn’t too proud to give Miriam Barrett an answer to her offer right this very minute. He knew it was an offer of a lifetime and anyone who didn’t jump at the offer was…well…he knew he better stop there. He had always been level-headed and realistic and this continued to lead him to become reticent in making a decision too hastily, now.

Things were looking too simple and too easy. Deep down, he knew that there were plenty of reasons that he shouldn’t take the offer, beginning with what he had just experienced. There was something deeper lurking within this offer and within this bazaar family who seemed to have their own distinct type of dynamics going on.

“I will take your offer and your wishes into full consideration, Miriam. Might I add that I am extremely flattered and encouraged by your confidence in me and I can assure you that, if I choose to accept your offer, I will do everything within my power to uphold that confidence with the utmost respect and regard.”

Miriam gave a wide smile and slowly released a purring sigh, as if she’d just tasted a delightful and delectable dessert; perhaps, the best chocolate cake anyone could ever imagine tasting, which tantalized her taste buds and satisfied a passionate, indulgent craving. This is what she wanted to hear and Hal had said it with such finesse.

After entering the elevator, the mental note Hal had made came to the forefront of his mind. With a foot in the door, he pressed the button to reopen the elevator door and called out to Miriam.

"Wait! Miriam, I have one more question to ask you."

"Yes, Hal."

"Did someone request for Mrs. Yanovich to be in the West Wing or is it just a coincidence?"

Miriam laughed thinking that she had definitely chosen the right man for this project.

"The hospital has reserved the West Wing and this floor for my aunt for the last forty years. I believe that in the beginning, someone believed it was an appropriate honor to give her, being that she, like Eleanor Roosevelt were two of the first women acting unofficially as the president of the United States. It naturally became a tradition to place her in the same location whenever she was admitted. Thank you for asking, Hal. You've proven to me that I've chosen the right man for the job. I look forward to seeing you again and hearing your decision. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Miriam. See you tomorrow."

After walking Hal to the elevator and exchanging goodbyes, Miriam returned to her aunt’s bedside with an air of lightheartedness and joy, which was abruptly deflated upon seeing the tears streaming from the sides of her aunt’s eyelids. Had she heard everythingWhat had upset her so?


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