(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



Satan, not trusting the ways and commandments of God, rebelled against God in Heaven. Was there no way to teach God's Children in Heaven and on Earth to trust and obey Him?

Dear Saints,

Many times when God gives us a task to do, He allows us free will and free reign in order to complete it. Having equipped us and given us everything we need to be successful, He trust us to lean upon Him and not to lean to our own understanding. Can you believe that? God actually trust us to complete something that He wants done. Just like Jesus, who told us to go out and make Disciples. He trust us to go out into the world and do what needs to be done. This is the exact opposite of pagan gods, who want their believers to rely completely upon them and believe that only they have the power to change things around them.

Our Father in Heaven knows what He created. He knows what we are capable of and He knows when we need His help. Even though, He trusts us to complete our mission, He is still always there with us. He is always there because He promised never to leave us alone. The problem arises, when we forget that we are never alone and feel that no one is watching us.

While working on our tasks, we may begin to feel in control. We may forget exactly what we are supposed to be doing, because, the flesh begins to take over and there we are, leaning to our own understanding--doing things our way. Oh, at the time, we are completely ignorant of the fact that this is not exactly what God had in mind when He gave us the assignment. However, we allowed our feelings to get in the way and in the process, we forgot to do everything in unconditional love. 

Now, this may sound like failing to you, but, it isn't. Not, even close to failing, because, you see, God was always there. He knew what you were doing. Why didn't He stop you? Why didn't He give you a hint that you were on the wrong track? Did He want to see you fail? Was He shaking His head in disgust thinking that He had assigned the wrong person to the job? Was He ashamed of you?

We must not forget that God SPECIALIZES. God knows exactly, who and what is needed to get something done. What looks like a disaster in your eyes or in the eyes of the world is actually an opportunity for God to step in and teach you something new that will elevate you--raise you up to a higher level to meet the Standards of God.

Now, you may feel ashamed and embarrassed when God steps in and you finally see that you have sort of run away with things on your own, putting your own spin on things. -But, God doesn't want you to be ashamed or feel guilty. He knows that you haven't failed and you haven't disappointed Him. Instead, you needed Him. That was lesson or revelation one. Two, the enemy doesn't need to know what is going on all the time. He just needs to think he knows, while God has something completely different in mind and in store. The enemy may think that he had you--that he caused you grief and suffering. The enemy may think that your mistake will haunt you for the rest of your life and bring you down to his level. -But, while the enemy is gloating and celebrating, God steps in to rescue you and teach you how to Stand a little taller.

So, it was when I began writing Auntie Yonny. God just said, write. Well, He wouldn't have said that unless He knew that I could write. I didn't quite know exactly what I was supposed to write, but, the ideas and words kept coming, somehow. At times, I would ask God to help me, but, at other times I got wrapped up in myself. God knew what was happening and He knew how to get me back on track. All was not lost. There was a message within the message. While I was doing His work, He was working on me.

God knew that the world needed two messages. The world needed to see that it was teetering on the edge of a cliff and about to fall hard. God always gives His people a warning and tells them to turn back to Him. The other message was how to come back to God. For this, He used me as an example. 

Like me, and all of us, the characters within the story of Auntie Yonny had their ups and downs and certainly they experienced tragedies. When they got off track, God was watching. He was always there. There are times when God shows us the future in the story and there are times when God shows us the past. One is dependent upon the other. One can change the other. How so? God is the Beginning and the End--The Alpha and The Omega. God is The End. What we do now affects our future. GOD holds the future!

So, Saints, when we err, it is never final unless God says so. We cannot live our lives based upon our mistakes. How foolish it would be to worry about the mistakes of the past when we have a God who controls the future? All we need to do is go to Him, humble ourselves, pray, repent, and seek His Face.

Our old man, or, self, has a habit of popping up when we least expect it. I enjoy writing about Auntie Yonny, however, there are parts of the story that make me uncomfortable. Yet, God allowed me to write them anyway. Why did I feel uncomfortable? I didn't know if I was going too far. I didn't know if I was being accurate. I didn't know if I was allowing self to interfere with what was supposed to be inspirational, encouraging, and directional to lead people to God. However, when I was feeling uncomfortable, that was just what God wanted. God tests us in many ways and freewill is a perfect vehicle to help Him show us how to arrive at a destination or place of understanding and wisdom. 

God is always watching us. That is sometimes an uncomfortable feeling, because, we don't want to mess up, or, we don't want anyone to know what we are doing. Good and bad news, my friends, God already knew about it, but, He let it happen anyway. Why? He had a plan all along. 

Auntie Yonny is like a creeping vine that grows sort of wild, yet, it has roots. It is rooted in the chaos and corruption in our present world and it is rooted in the hope of the Kingdom that grows from our faith in God. In many ways it is a living prayer to right the wrongs of a disturbing presence that continues to plague God's people. There is truth that pertains to now and there is truth that pertains to the future. Why? -Because God is The Alpha and The Omega. We can speak truth to life through He who is the Past and the Future. 

The words of the prophets were just this kind of seed planted within the Earth. They were speaking truth to life. They spoke truth over the darkness, lies, and corruption within their present times. God told them to write it down, because, it would come to pass. This is not an easy task, which is why it grew uncomfortable for me. I wanted to understand everything. That was the problem. I wanted to understand everything when everything is not for us to understand. 

It is in our believing that we must understand everything that we fall into the temptation of the enemy and self, or, the old man can arise. Adam and Eve knew that they were not supposed to eat of The Tree of Knowledge, yet, Satan was able to tempt them. Our natural curiosity, our feeling of entitlement to knowledge that we are not ready for, traps us into believing the enemy, forgetting what God has already spoken. The root of this rebellion is always pride. Adam and Eve wanted to be like God, but, not for the right reasons.  So, it is this entanglement of man and pride that God continues to focus upon to perfect His creation through His Son Yeshua, Christ Jesus, the Perfect Man.

God wants us to be like Him. However, to become like Him, we must first become holy and righteous. We must first become His friend. We don't do any of this by trying to circumvent His Standards and try to move ahead on our own terms. There are consequences to this kind of behavior, as Adam and Eve soon discovered. 

Moses was given a staff to stretch out, a staff representing the Hand of God. Through Moses's staff, God worked miracles. God would tell Moses exactly how to use the staff. Moses obeyed until his anger got a hold of him and made him use the staff in his own way. Moses wanted to understand everything God told Him to do. He even questioned God's commands. It was only when he was obedient that he was able to successfully lead his people.

The Prophet Jonah, was sent by God to Nineveh, a populace, but, wicked city. He was instructed to speak the Word of God, in order to turn the hearts of the people to God, so that the city would be spared from God's wrath. Jonah feared going to Nineveh and didn't understand why he had to go. He believed the wicked city and the people within should be destroyed. Jonah decided to go elsewhere and disobeyed God. He then, ended up in the belly of a whale, until rescued by God.

There are many instances within the revelations of the scripture where we see people instructed by God to perform a task, yet, because of their lack of understanding, they hesitate, or, choose to do things their way, or, not at all. These incidents are usually followed by the consequences of their behavior.

Early on in the scriptures, in the Book of Genesis, we are given the example of perfect obedience to God through Abraham. Abraham who often questioned God, learned that he didn't have to understand everything God told him to do. When God told him to offer his only son, Isaac as a blood sacrifice, Abraham obeyed. God said...

Genesis 22: 15-18

15 The Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven 
16 and said, “I have sworn by myself, declares the Lord, because you have done this thing and have not withheld your son, your only son, 
17 I will bless you greatly, and I will multiply your descendants greatly, like the stars of the sky and like the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the city gates of their enemies. 
18 In your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.”

Believing that I had failed in understanding everything God wanted me to do, I was like Elijah crying in the wilderness, afraid of Jezebel who wanted to kill him. The enemy had fooled me into thinking that I was wrong. I began to believe that I was wrong. Like Elijah, I became depressed. Often, I would stop writing, as if running away would help and alleviate the frustration. Why did God ask this of me? Why did God give me this assignment? Like, Elijah, I knew that the eyes of the world were upon me, waiting, waiting for me to fall, waiting for me to succumb to death and darkness. Yet, God had a different plan for Elijah, although, he strayed from the course of God's plan. Elijah forgot that God was always with Him. Elijah forgot that God knows everything that's going on. God knew about Jezebel, but, He also, had a plan to save a remnant of prophets in a cave so that Jezebel could not kill all of them. God had a plan for the demise and ironic end of Jezebel. Elijah, spoke God's prophetic proclamation to life. We know of the fate of Jezebel now because someone wrote down how God spoke to Elijah and used Him to bring about change.

Fear, is the mind-killer and the enemy uses it very skillfully and frequently.  If we are to avoid the traps of the enemy, we must trust God. To trust God, we must WALK BY FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT. Our limited sight is always going to lead us to questions. Adam and Eve unaware that they had limited sight, thought that more knowledge could make them like God. Yet, even when they received more knowledge, it only made them more fearful and unknowing.  

Satan, unaware that he had limited sight, thought that by controlling others and Heaven, he could be like God. However, his limited sight kept him from seeing God's true ALMIGHTY POWER AND AUTHORITY. Today, man continues to thirst and search for more knowledge, yet, he always forgets or is totally unaware of having limited sight. Much of what he searches for is already right before his eyes, but, his limited sight prevents him from seeing it. God reveals things in His own time. When we try to run ahead of God, our limited sight only brings us to more questions and more problems that we don't know what to do with.

Our limited sight will make us question God, ourselves, our purpose, God's commandments, who we are, and who God is. Our limited sight will make us question God's unconditional love for us and it will keep us from having unconditional love for God. If we truly trust God and love Him unconditionally, we know that He would not ask us to do something wrong, or, something that we are not capable of doing. God wants us to be like Abraham and David, seeking His Face, for it is there, within His face,  His character, that we begin to mirror His reflection and become like Him.

My brothers and sisters, Saints, God is always with you, even when you have strayed off course. Take a moment and think about why He allowed you to do that--because, He was there with you. He is All-in-All. 

The wonderful thing is that He knows that we will come around sooner or later. Why? -Because, our Faith is anchored in the Lord. That's why I become uncomfortable when self arises. I know that I have lost or forgotten something. When I finally acknowledge His presence, who He is and who I am, I feel at peace. I feel comfort and secure. I know I can go on. Even in the midst of the storms in my life. 

The excerpts in this book are an example of returning to God and acknowledging His presence within us and within the world. They show how our lives can change when we acknowledge that we need God and surrender our will to Him. Things will happen to us, those around us, and people around the world. Yet, God is an ever present help. We may make mistakes, but, God is an ever present help. Never be ashamed or feel guilty about past mistakes. Guilt and shame, like fear, are not of God. God has the power to turn what was meant for evil into good, so, why would we want those feelings to be a part of us, if we are made in His image? With Him, we have the power to turn things around. 

There is a resounding message with each story that God wants everyone to hear. The message is, WE CAN TURN THINGS AROUND IF WE RETURN TO GOD. This is the message to our leaders, our clergy, our parents, friends, the rich and the poor, the employer and the employee, the young and the old. We must look around us and see that our world is changing for a reason. We are constantly looking for solutions, when the answer is right before us--The Creator of Heaven and Earth. We must acknowledge His presence, His power, His authority, and His will for mankind. God will direct our path and assure our footing for today, tomorrow, and the future of mankind.

When I look back on older stories within Auntie Yonny, it's almost as if I didn't write them, or, don't remember writing them. Perhaps, it's because God has changed me with each story I have written. Perhaps, many would say that some or most were written under the power of God. Yet, I have come to realize that I can do NOTHING without God. He was there with every thought, every purpose, and intent. 

As He tells me now that He entrusted me with this mission because He trusted me, I am humbled. My Faith looks up to Him and I am thankful. When I think about all the doubts and fears I had, I know that they were in vain. I am at peace knowing that He is always here with me and when the enemy tries to fill me with doubt and fear, His love, and my love for Him, will drive it out. -And, I must tell you this very important thing. How could I and how can we feel unworthy to do God's work, if God is within us and beside us all the way? Are we forgetting who He is? Are we forgetting that He is in control? Would God allow us to destroy His plan? God uses us to fulfill His promises and bring His plans into fruition. That He created us is proof of our worthiness, usefulness, potential, and purpose.

I hope you will continue to read Auntie Yonny, for whatever reason that you feel it warrants your attention. Can it help you now? Yes. Can it help mankind in the future? Yes. Can it give you a glimpse of the future? Yes. -But, what will you do with that information? You must remember that God is The Beginning and The End.  He has ALL POWER in His hands. You must remember that you were created with limited sight for a reason--a protective reason, because of God's love for you. If God is to change the future, it depends upon the hearts of the people. This is what mankind must work on--turning the hearts of the people to God. This is the weapon of all weapons and it is not secret. As with any tool, weapon, armor, or, gift from God, it must be in the hands of the right person who will do the Will of God and not the will of man and the world. Will you be like a thief and steal God's Word to devise plans, believing that they can save you or give you an advantage over the enemy? Will you risk the wrath of God and be another wolf trying to steal God's sheep?

I hope and pray that what you take away from these books is the overall feeling of awe that I have come to feel in being close to God, knowing He continues to work in our lives on our behalf. There is no experience that can compare to watching Him work miracles in the lives of His people, continuing to always make a way out of no way.

your servant and soldier, united with the One,



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