Why does God allow sin? -Because one man's faults, or, sin is another man's saving grace. When we reject God by sinning, failing to trust and obey Him, or, failing to believe in Him and His Son, God doesn't give up on us, for He wishes for no one to perish. Everyday, as we are faced with trials, tribulations, temptations, or, adverse situations and circumstances, God is pleading for us to come to Him. Each and everyday, God is pursuing us.
Why does God allow disease, sickness, disability, overindulgence, greed, corruption, loss of identity, loss of hope, loss of faith, loss of purpose, or, hardship and poverty? Each and everyday, God is pursuing us to guide us and commune with us to help us live in holiness and righteous, to show us unconditional love, and to perfect us, not the flesh, but, the spirit through His Son and Savior, Christ Jesus. Adversity reminds us of God's promises to man. Adversity is a sign of God's promise to us that there is more to life than just the flesh. Adversity is the refiner's fire to prepare us for the next life. Therefore, we can look at each and everyday not as a turn of the page, not as another notch on a calendar, not as another sunrise, not as just a constant physical occurrence in nature, not as only a sign of God's Grace and Mercy, but, as a manifestation of God's Grace and Mercy. Each day given to us to live is a manifestation of God's Grace and Mercy. Thank you, Lord. Praise God!
As God made time to mark the days and seasons for man, He was manifesting unconditional love for His creation by giving us His Grace and Mercy in increments of days and nights. Why? -To remind us, to remind us with each rising and setting of the Sun that He is there, within the light and within the darkness, showing us Grace and Mercy that it may bring us closer to Him.
We are given each day to come closer to God, to learn of His Love, to grow in His Character, to bask within His Light, that we too may come to shine within and unto His Glory bathed in Holiness and Righteousness.
As we look back into the Garden of Eden, we may ask why God allowed Adam and Eve to fall. Where was His Grace and Mercy? Why didn't He save them and keep them from sin? Taking a look through God's eyes we are given some perspective into His reasoning. God knew that the only way to draw man willfully to Him was through His allowing man to fall and to see others fall, falter, struggle, grieve, and know the hardships of life. We may see it as a cruel act if we don't look through God's eyes and see it as an act of Grace and Mercy. Why? -Because, God and God alone knows what is best for us. God knows what is instore for us, what He has purposed us for, and how we must be prepared to receive the gifts of His Kingdom. Therefore, God did not leave us to suffer without compassion and love. He did not finalize our tragedy and leave us in despair. He knew that in allowing man to fall, we would need His Grace and His Mercy. Only His Unconditional Love, His Agape Love could design such a thing, such a forgiving and lifesaving act to drive us to seek His Face and not His Hands--a relationship with Him, The One and Only God and not simply idol worshipping to a manmade false god.
Through conflict and crises, adversity comes into our lives, sometimes invited and sometimes uninvited. We don't always realize when we are inviting conflict and crises into our lives. We may invite adversity because of our expectations and desires, or, it may come to us through someone else, or, our circumstances. Yet, what we don't always realize is that God is holding up a mirror to our eyes in order for us to take a look at ourselves. He wants us to check ourselves all over inside and outside that our image may take on the form of holiness, love, righteousness, and the Fruit of His Holy Spirit. Through conflict and crises, God is making us into His image and character so that we may look like Children of God.
So often and too often, we allow people into our lives who help us to create conflict, chaos, crises, and adverse circumstances within our lives. Why would we allow such people into our lives? Do we know or think about what could happen? Can we see the future? Do we even care?
For whatever reason we allow people to help us disrupt our lives, what we must focus upon is that it takes two. We cannot just blame other people, even when we have fallen victim. There is life with God after victimization. God does not blame us when evil befalls us, but, He has given us the ability to rise above our circumstances, lean upon Him, and allow Him to cleanse and make us whole. We do not have to remain a victim, even if our physical body is afflicted or impaired, our mind and spirit can OVERCOME through Christ Jesus. Through God's Grace and Mercy, we can be healed and renewed.
Let us focus upon the people that come into our lives and we might allow them access to either our mind, body, spirit, and emotions, without realizing that they function as a whole and whatever that person effects, will ultimately affect our whole person. Due to our expectations of this person, we don't expect them to effect us in other areas in which we have not allowed them to have access, or, to have an adverse effect. We cannot predict their actions and see the outcome, but, God can. God allows this person to adversely effect us because He has a plan to use them to bring us closer to Him. While we are going through conflict and crises, the mirror reflecting our image is always before our eyes, but, we must look into it. God is drawing us there to check ourselves all over to draw us to and keep us in holiness and righteousness, and to give us what is needed, which is His Character to OVERCOME. This wisdom is part of The Face of Love, God's unconditional love.
We are quick to recognize when someone affects us adversely. They may have injured us physically, mentally, spiritually, or, emotionally. They may have opened old wounds that have left what we believe to be permanent scars. There is no mirror image needed here, because, our memory serves us well and our heart remembers old feelings. Yet, what our heart does with those memories and feelings, depends upon what and who lives there and is treasured there. Those feelings and things that we harbor within us may override what we know we should do causing us to have conflict, chaos, and crises in our lives. However, should adversity find Christ treasured within our heart and His Character, the Character of God, reflected in our mirror, then, it will find that we can overcome whatever may come our way.
When we are in conflict and crises, we can see the faults and sins of others very clearly, because, they are directly effecting us. Without the Character of God, our first response may be to point out these faults and sins to the other person and lash out at them, or, to use them to criticize them, and defend ourselves. What is behind this human, or, more correctly carnal and fleshly response? Pride. Even as a victim, we still most often rely upon our pride to comfort and defend us in distress. As usual pride brings along its associates, blame, shame, guilt, and a host of other negative and ungodly feelings and behaviors. Yet, many, who do not wear the Armor of God, see pride as the reasonable, sensible, obvious, and most applicable first line of defense.
Has pride worked for us in the past? Well, that depends upon whose eyes you are looking through. If you feel pride has worked for you in the past, perhaps, just perhaps, you are in jail or prison, in the hospital, divorced, unwilfully unemployed, plagued by domestic violence, cursed by family disassociation, and in other circumstances involving conflict, chaos, or, crises. Pride just doesn't get the job done. It can only produce other problems to go along with it.
Within your conflict, it is clear that the other person has a problem, or, many problems and issues that they refuse to face and resolve. Why would God allow you to come into contact with such a person? You see yourself as being free from their problem or issues, or, free enough that you can form opinions and judgments to suggest that they correct their behavior in order for the conflict to be resolved. If not, then pride tells you that condemnation is in order and you must either remove yourself from their presence or take actions to correct things yourself either in retaliation, gossip, abuse, neglect, or, self harm, some other unhealthy, unholy, unrighteous act, which by being blinded by your pride, you cannot see as being wrong. So, we end up with two wrongs that cannot possibly equal what is right to do. Pride has increased the darkness in your life because you chose SELF and fighting FLESH as the answer to your problems.
You see, the adversary knows when Peace (Jesus) is absent within us, or, when we take our eyes off of Jesus and fail to abide in Him. The adversary knows that then, it can play with your emotions, those feelings that are capable of overriding the mind, because, the mind follows the heart. So, the adversary works on changing your heart.
Pride dictates what course of action you must take to regain what it has defined as peace in that moment or instant. -And from this cauldron of dark, murky, evil definitions comes forth sin in any and every form to steal, kill, and destroy mankind. If we allow pride to control us, it will keep us from trusting and obeying God, by creating a false narrative by which to see ourselves, others, and the world.
Person A and Person B cannot discuss a certain topic, issue, or, problem because of their pride. Instead of focusing upon the topic or issue at hand, the discussion turns into an unresolvable disagreement or argument. Instead of trying to solve the problem they focus upon themselves. Each person wants to be heard because of their pride and feelings of entitlement. Each person feels they have a right to an opinion. Each person feels that they are right. How can this be resolved? Can a group of people who disagree ever have a consensus on issues that effect all of them? Many people would say no, because, you can't please everyone. However, that is exactly the problem, that is, trying to please everyone. When and where there is no one who is willing to humble themselves, then, there can be no pleasing everyone. Someone has to want to please God.
Let us just consider that the person we are trying to please is God and everyone wants to please God. God has shown us and told us how to please Him through His Son, Yeshua, our Lord and Savior. He has given us His Word and His Holy Spirit to guide us and give us wisdom all of which we have access to. Another problem arises whereas we must consider that not everyone has accepted Christ and been Reborn to abide in God's Holy Spirit. So, what do we do? In a relationship, God tells us to be evenly yoked, whereas, each person has taken on the yoke of Christ, living to please God FIRST.
However, in today's society, we find that societal norms has changed the definition and responsibilities of relationships and marriage. People feel free to develop relationships that suit their specific needs and lifestyles, even if they don't align with the Word of God. This presents another problem. God is not placed first in their relationships and first in their lives and lifestyle. Without following Christ, they do not know The Truth, The Way, and The Life that will please God.
So, Person A bases their opinions upon their knowledge, understanding, life experience, and feelings. Person B does the same. As individuals, they have different knowledge, understanding, life experience and feelings. It becomes almost impossible for the two to agree if one does not submit, surrender, or, cooperate with the other. Cooperation requires someone willing to humble themselves in order to benefit the cause, but, Person B does not always want to be the one doing this because they feel controlled, defeated, used, abused, neglected, cast aside, unimportant and insignificant, even when they know they are the one in the right. Hard or ill-feelings develop which put a strain on the relationship, feelings that are dredged up anew, anytime the subject or any disagreement emerges. God has a solution to this in having us to attach ourselves to The Vine, Christ Jesus, and come under One Mind, the Mind of Christ.
- Well, how can two people of different minds come under ONE mind? How is this possible? Pride anchors us to literal interpretations to hinder us from seeing through God's Eyes. When we hear such phrases as, "Joy! The world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away," we love the sound of God giving us joy that can't be stolen. -But, do we understand how this transpires? How does God do this? Do we understand that this concept does not only pertain and apply to joy, but, to all of the Fruit of God's Holy Spirit? What God has given to you, no one can take away because of His Almighty Power that is EVERLASTING! Only you can give away what God has given you by allowing the enemy to deceive you. There are so many people who forsake others and miss out on their blessings because they believe that the enemy can steal their love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Therefore, they fill their hearts with hatred, sadness, conflict, anxiety and depression, impatience, unkindness, ill-feelings, unfaithfulness, harshness, and uncontrol. These illnesses or vices, unholy feelings and acts lead to mischief, conflict, violence, abuse, other illness, heartache, and pain.
How do you get back on track? Who and what can get you back on track? Were you ever really on the right path to solving conflict and crises? What will pride tell you to do in the event the conflict or crisis cannot be solved because it is the Will of God? Most often, pride tells you to harden your heart, to become cold-hearted, to harbor ill-feelings that linger inside of you and eat away, or, corrode love and goodness to replace it with resentment, bitterness, and hatred. Oh, you might not even realize that these feelings are there because they hide until just the right moment where they can once again cause conflict, chaos, and crises.
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