(Intermittent Waves Recorded From The Transformed Heart Of A Woman)



In the wee hours of the morning, when I find myself awake and in thought, I reach out to God, knowing He is there, always. I thank Him for keeping me, my loved ones, and the world. There are some whose minds are constantly turned to self. The have an inward type of thinking instead of an outward type of thinking that projects Light. They reach into themselves for direction and answers. Pride tells them that they must think for themselves and do what they want to do. They believe that you cannot learn from what others experience, or, that people tire of hearing about someone else's life. Yet, it is through the stream of life that has flowed behind us that we are pushed toward greater thinking and greater things.

Why learn about Jesus if it will not teach us how to live a better life? We must look at the lives of others to have a better understanding of ourselves. Books and stories help us to do this very thing. As we read, we reflect upon our own lives. We feel the moods and emotions of the characters and sometimes empathize and relate. It is a type of meditation or self-reflection that opens up our minds to new things and experiences adding to our knowledge and growth. Introspection, or, soul-searching is part of staying connected to God, making sure we are on the right path.

Jesus, always wanting to please His Heavenly Father,  prayed unceasingly, communing with Him to make sure that He was on the right path. As Equipped Saints, if we are to stay on the right path, we must do as Jesus did--pray unceasingly. Well, how do you do this when you have so much to do throughout the day? You may not have time, access to a place of worship, or permission to do so at your job, school, or, public area.

When we begin to pray, we must first remember that we are Spiritual Beings. Are you walking and functioning in the spirit with God's Holy Spirit? When you are Reborn, God's Holy Spirit is with you always. With the Holy Spirit is the Father and the Son. There is no need to ask permission or to go anyplace else but inside yourself to commune with God, your Father. Therefore, you can pray unceasingly like Jesus. 

Why pray unceasingly? There is an ever present war that wages against The Kingdom of God. As a Child of God, Co-Heir to the Kingdom, the enemy identifies you as a foe. Your life is not just about you, but, everyone around you. In other words, your life is about the plight and survival of mankind. 
How you live it affects everyone else. Jesus knew this and prayed unceasingly praying for mankind.

Yes, Jesus prayed for himself, too, but, it was not a selfish prayer. He prayed for strength and guidance in order to do the will of God, to help His Brothers and Sisters, the Children of God. He prayed for the lost sheep and that none should perish.

Must we have a long, intricate prayer? Must we stop what we're doing and give God our full attention to pray unceasingly? If we did, we would never get anything done. Jesus would not have gotten anything done. God knows what is in our heart. He knows our thoughts. There are times when we can go off alone, like Jesus did to meditate and pray, but, our lives, like His must become a living prayer. What is a living prayer?

A living prayer is when each breath of the air we breathe is a prayer to God to be a vessel. When our breathing becomes help and love for others, we are not only living for ourselves, we are living for others and living to please God. This becomes the sustaining factor on whether or not life is worth living. There is no need to question whether or not you should be alive. You know why each step and each breath you take is necessary and imperative, not only to sustain your life, but, to help someone else. The adversary cannot plant seeds of self-harm and self-destruction within your mind, because, you know that because your Savior Lives you can face tomorrow and life is worth the living just because He lives.

What does it matter that Jesus lives? He is within YOU--a powerful force that cannot be reckoned with. Jesus within you perfects you and increases your faith. Without Jesus within you, you cannot know The Truth, The Way, and The Life. Jesus is our Intercessor, so that when we pray unceasingly, our prayers can be heard before God, because, through Jesus, we are found worthy, justified, cleansed, righteous, and holy.

JESUS IS OUR UNCEASING PRAYER! Our prayers can be heard because of our heart which has accepted The Son of God, who intercedes for us to our Father. By embracing God's Son, we have opened the Gate to our Heavenly Father and we will find room for us before His Throne.

Jesus the ultimate Sacrifice, gives sweet aroma to the prayers we offer up to God and God is pleased. Yes, it matters that Jesus lives, for, when we pray unceasingly, He that lives within us keeps us from SIN. Jesus knew that if He prayed unceasingly, Satan could not tempt Him. Unceasing prayer helped Jesus to conquer sin and the world. Now, Jesus lives within us to help us do the same. Therefore, if we are to pray unceasingly, we must first determine within our being to know without doubt that JESUS LIVES!

There are instances and times where I must stop myself, When pride and fear try to take hold of my heart and my mind, I stop to check my footing. I stop to remember I'm anchored. I stop to place my eyes back on Jesus and remember that He lives within me. Knowing that Jesus lives, my heart keeps my mind stayed upon Him, so that the images before my eyes, whatever they may be, be they the scrutinizing eyes of others, danger, joy, sorrow, toil, or, slumber, my eyes...my eyes are stayed upon Heavenly things and the One who makes all things possible.

God told me, Hear me when I say that the eyes of the world are always going to be upon you. People are always going to be looking at you to evaluate and assess who and what you are; who and what you stand for or represent, or, can you be trusted. They will dissect you piece by piece and hold you under a microscope. The will scrutinize and criticize what you wear and what you eat. This, they did to my son. You cannot always walk away. You cannot always run away. If you do, where will you go where you do not experience the same? Pray unceasingly. Call upon Jesus. He is the Answer to that which you come against within the world. He is the means by which you CONQUER! Therefore, PRAY UNCEASINGLY! I WILL HOLD YOU UP! Fear cannot. It will tear you down.


Rachel was still praying when Darla returned to the room. She heard her come in and take a seat, but, she needed to stay connected to God. It was comforting having Darla, an older woman, near her during this trying time in her life. She often wondered what it would be like to have her mother with her when she was married and had children. Darla could not possibly know how much she appreciated her being there. "God works in mysterious ways," she thought.

Darla, noticed the sweet expression upon Rachel's face. She knew she wasn't asleep, but, perhaps, she was deep in thought. Then, she heard Rachel whisper, "Thank you, Father, for all of your blessings."  Darla wasn't use to praying. Feeling awkward in their presence, she had occasionally bowed her head when Zenobia and Tanya were praying together, but, it never occurred to her to pray with them. Outside the nursery, when she was with Hal, it pained her to see him in such distress. Her reaction had been just to hug him and comfort him. Could she have done more, she contemplated? Should she have done more? Seeing this young woman so earnestly in prayer, she felt ashamed and guilty, convicted for not knowing enough about God at her age and being able to connect with people. 

Darla looked at Little Tanya's tiny and fragile body in the incubator. The self-sustaining incubator looked like a small space capsule and the small creature within, with tubes and wires all over her body, was plugged into it, dependent upon its functions to stay alive. Darla knew that she had always depended upon herself to survive. She never really gave to much thought to God helping her.  Immediately, Darla's thoughts went to losing her mother at such a young age. She held back tears thinking of Little Tanya perhaps losing her mother, Zenobia. Mother and daughter were both in a battle to stay alive and Darla was hoping they both would come out victoriously. Not having a mother as a child had made her very independent and strong willed. She felt that she had to grow up very quickly to take care of her brother and father. She didn't want that kind of life for Little Tanya. Darla began to think that perhaps, God would help Little Tanya live a better life and become better a person than she believed she was. 

"These young people are going through so much," she told herself. "They need prayer." Darla bowed her head, closed her eyes, and said the only prayer that she knew from childhood. 

Father keep us day by day 
Father hear us as we pray
Little hands folded tight
Keep us ever in Thy Light
Watch over us as we play
And teach us how to obey

Darla opened her eyes and saw Rachel still in prayer. What was taking her so long she wondered? What was she praying about? Then, feeling that her short prayer was inadequate, she folded her hands again and tried to think of more things to say. She had heard other people pray before, but, never thought much about it. She saw them as having practiced and read scriptures until they knew exactly what to say. Unable to think of anything and not knowing any scriptures, she just began telling God about Little Tanya and her day. She told God how sorry she was for having misplaced the note from Derek Graves' attorney. She talked about her brother and her family and by the time she was finished she had covered just about everything that had happened since Tanya Yanovich had come into her life.

"Well, that felt good," she thought. "I ought to pray more often. I feel like a burden has been lifted from me."

"Darla...Darla...are you alright?" When Rachel opened her eyes, she noticed Darla with her head bowed down and sitting very still.

Startled, Darla opened her eyes.

"Yes...yes...I'm...uh...fine. I was...I was just...uh...praying." Feeling a little embarrassed Darla got up out of her seat. "I think I'll go get a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long night."

"You're staying the night, Darla?"

"Yes, someone has to look after you young people."

Seeing that David was sound asleep, Rachel went to put him back in his bassinet. 

"Wait, Darla, I'll go and keep you company, if you don't mind."

Darla smiled. She was used to eating alone and seldom had companionship, since she had a knack for being bossy, impatient, and critical of others, which always seemed to drive people away from her. She'd grown accustomed to being alone and didn't expect anyone to tolerate her or try to become friends. Rachel was different than most people, she thought. Being around her reminded her of being around Hal's father. They made you feel at ease and like family. There was something about them that drew you to them and made you feel comfortable and loved. She could see why Hal loved Rachel. Watching her with David, Darla knew that Rachel was full of love, patience, kindness, peace, and yes, forgiveness, things that were missing in her and her brother's life, when they were growing up. -But, now, her life was changing. Today, had been like no other. Perhaps, she was getting in touch with her feelings. She had even prayed. Perhaps, she was somehow getting in touch with the life that she was supposed to be living and in some strange way connecting to God.


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